Project V13 concept art #2: Graveyard

Awesome, though I'm not a big fan of the sky colours... they don't look really Fallouty to me. Looks more like the skies of an alien planet than Fallout 1's sky.

Kinda... dusty blue or something.
Brother None said:
So no offense, but where's the Fallout in all this?

Boy this is generic so far.

I think we could argue they can't do it fully Fallout-y, due to the contract and/or court instance with Bethsoft??

On another note, I find of interest the OVERsized wrench...

Not liking the this one as much as the first, but it's still well done. I'm not a fan of over-sized equipment, makes things cartoonish.
Rufus Luccarelli said:
I'm not a fan of over-sized equipment, makes things cartoonish.

in last years in game industry (especially in MMO games which asians fans love for death) there is a stupid trend for changing everything on a manga style (which i hate btw). i can give u some examples:

- "world of warcraft" (see the elves: spiky ears, big eyes, thin and tall bodies [but remember that "warcraft" from 1994 was dark and brutal game and has nothing with manga])


- heroes of might and magic V (see elves too + some other characters that look like taken from the manga world [and HOMM series has noting with it too)

i hope Project V13 (which will be MMO like WOW...) doesnt going in that way (too big weapons, cartoonish bodies etc.)...
yeah the wrench or what ever it is seems silly. I do like the idea of turning an old airplane hulk into something practical.
Maphusio said:
yeah the wrench or what ever it is seems silly. I do like the idea of turning an old airplane hulk into something practical.

I wouldn't pay heed to that wrench, it's probably oversized for the lulz or whatever. As for the airplane...well, post apocalyptic setting is all about scavenging and recycling, isn't it?

I don't, however, like this particular piece of art.
dev said:
- "world of warcraft" (see the elves: spiky ears, big eyes, thin and tall bodies [but remember that "warcraft" from 1994 was dark and brutal game and has nothing with manga])
... Pointed ears, thin and tall bodies... those are the way elves are commonly portrayed period. Suggesting it has anything to do with going for a "manga"-style is absurd. Of course, Warcraft 3 did take the Warcraft series in a more cartoony direction, visually, which WoW furthered.

Not to mention, a cartoon-like style shouldn't automatically be associated with some kind of Japanese animation influence. American companies like Disney, Warner Bros., MGM, etc. were making cartoons long before Japan fell in love with Disney and started making their own animation.

The oversized wrench in the concept art is definitely a bit odd and out of place, and I would agree that the purple sky is a poor fit. I don't get a real Fallout-y vibe from this piece of art (nor the other one), but I do think it's well-done overall. I like the use of the airliner wreckage.
wow, some interesting comments. :D seems like good news to me as long as fallout lands in the right hands or isn't marred again.
Why must it always be purple and green? Where would you even get green lights in a postapoc setting? Why is the sky purple? Why do people consider this a good combinatioin? And why does it show up in every f*cking game released in the last 5 years?

And both pieces of concept art are quite meh.
In reality there are wrenches like that, in shipyards, industries, mines etc. where are big machines with big screws. RL-n00bs.




Also, the fact we wouldn't have seen anything yet if the lawsuit had not happened is... interesting.

I hope Bethesda sues Obsidian so we can see some concept art from New Vegas.
Heh, good point about the wrench.

Id imagine a plane could have 1 or 2 things that require an upgrade in tools.

Yeah that concept art made me think of "another world"
Briosafreak said:
Seems they are playing it safe with this, in case they won't be able to use the Fallout brand name
Yeah, that was my thought after seeing the first one. It does look RF-PA to me (the other shot more than this one), though.

And it's not really fair to compare it to Defonten's, because there was obviously less effort put into this (I hope).
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