Project V13 concept art #5: Character Sketches


Serg Souleiman has released yet another piece of concept art for the mysterious Project V13 on the Interplay Forums:<blockquote>This one is from the bottom of the barrel, some of the very 1st sketches that I did on this project. We wanted to see what other directions we could push the characters and start pulling them back from there. None of these will be used, but I still wanted to show you guys what it all started with.</blockquote><center></center>

Link: Concept art thread on Interplay Forums
The top 4 are way too... I don't know (2 Spacemen (one with some sort of alien blaster), a Grim Reaper in a Biohazard Suit and something that looks like it came from Fallout: BoS). The other 3 at the bottom look Fallout Tacticsy (that's not a word, is it?). This is leaning soooooo far from Fallout 1 and 2. Thank god he said it was the really early work and none of them will be used.
They look too sci-fi and not post-apoc. But they're not using these concepts, so I wonder what designs they will be using.
The top 2nd from the left is mildly reminiscent of the police in Wasteland.
We wanted to see what other directions we could push the characters and start pulling them back from there

Wouldn't it be easier to start with a firm Fallouty base and work from there than to start with something different and sprinkle Fallout fluff on it? (I might be interpreting this wrong)

Edit: not easier, better.
Generally art-wise I like these better than the other concept art's released so far. Now just make them more post apocalyptic :)
Looks more like "look ma' what I can" to me, since it was clearly stated that those sketches will not be used for the game. They were experimenting, that's all.

I think Serg mastered concept presentation in general quite well and that's what should be evaluated here. From a 3D-guy perspective, it shouldn't be hard to make something out of it in 3D, as far as the concepts are detailed enough, like those three on the bottom half of the page.

I'm eager to see more of his work which actually will be in the game.
do you know why this concept is black & white?

- because project v13's artists are afraid now to show as something even a bit colourful...
dev said:
do you know why this concept is black & white?

- because project v13's artists are afraid now to show as something even a bit colourful...

All of the pieces of concept art we've shown so far were picked out _months_ ago, even down to the order we're showing them. We haven't changed the order or the art based on feedback so far.

Our plan is to release a new one every Friday for a while. We posted a few more at the beginning to get caught up with the schedule.

Maybe initially the game was going to take place closer to the day the bombs fell

These characters look like they came fairly fresh out of some government safe zone/vault. Although the last 2 give me the impression hes a bad guy, possibly a mercenary hired by the government.
Concerning #5: is that supposed to be scuba gear, or some type of makeshift environmental suit?
I like the exploration of concepts, neat ideas being thrown on paper with marker. (or tablet with Photoshop) This stage of the process is always nice to get ideas out quickly, both good and bad. However, I suppose there's a difference between the "exploration" and "concept" stage of design, as concept should be as close as a representation to the next step in the game design process as possible.

I guess another thing to keep in mind is that it's an MMO, so players will be mixing and matching different pieces of armor and clothing, mixing the old world ('50's style) and new world (the wasteland style). Eventually, a player could equipt enough stuff that has no hint of 1950's or enough stuff that screams 1950's.

I really love to see process, range and iterations, where the ideas come from and how you got there. Unfortunately, this is where the designer and audience differ. Although, at times, external feedback can be worth its weight in gold.
The first three, don't look really post apocalyptic. Unless we are talking about civilian personnel (and thus no need for protection of any sort for combat).

The fifth, if that's a Geiger meter on his hand, then his face should be fully covered. The last two, why the masks if they are meant for radiation? Unless they are meant for the tanks in their backs (aka to be protected by either the flamethrowers fumes or whatever their weapons are). Overall "ok" but very generic in my opinion.

I'll go a little opposite and say that i like the fourth picture. It might not be like the power armor we are used to, but if it isn't close to when the bombs fell or there is a valid story on how it came to be (an make it a good story, not bethesda like story) then it could fit. It is massive, looks like it provides solid protection plus it's on the right size if you compare it to the other guys to provide all the plus of power armor (strength enhancement etc). For an early concept art/early idea, it's good.

I'll wait for more solid stuff to pass judgment if it looks like fallout or not.
Joervol said:
I'll go a little opposite and say that i like the fourth picture. It might not be like the power armor we are used to, but if it isn't close to when the bombs fell or there is a valid story on how it came to be (an make it a good story, not bethesda like story) then it could fit. It is massive, looks like it provides solid protection plus it's on the right size if you compare it to the other guys to provide all the plus of power armor (strength enhancement etc). For an early concept art/early idea, it's good.

I have to agree, I kinda like it as well. The size compared to Bethesda's armor feels more like fallout. I remember in Fallout 2 and wearing the APA, people said I looked like a walking refrigerator. Which, damnit, I want to god damn look like one! So I thnk that's a tap in the right direction.