Project V13 concept art #5: Character Sketches

one of that pictures reminds me to the "hardiman"

General Electrics Hardiman



One of the first attempts for a Powerarmor ?
I too like the Power Armor (#4). There really aren't enough details to make more than a rough judgment but I like the bulk and general outline of it.

The fifth one is also pretty good. It's got a cobbled together wasteland survival feeling to a certain extent. I have mixed feelings about the last too, I feel that with the mask and tanks on the back he has too much exposed flesh for either to be very useful in a wasteland but I like it artistically speaking.

Numbers one and three are just too spaceman looking to me with the second one looking alright (looks like a radiation suit) if the dire scythe is ignored.
UncannyGarlic said:
I too like the Power Armor (#4). There really aren't enough details to make more than a rough judgment but I like the bulk and general outline of it.

The fifth one is also pretty good. It's got a cobbled together wasteland survival feeling to a certain extent. I have mixed feelings about the last too, I feel that with the mask and tanks on the back he has too much exposed flesh for either to be very useful in a wasteland but I like it artistically speaking.

Numbers one and three are just too spaceman looking to me with the second one looking alright (looks like a radiation suit) if the dire scythe is ignored.

Dire Scythe! The magic word of the day! :shock:

Anyway, I also like the power armor in the 4th. It seems to speak very "Iron Giant", almost as if it's an AI controlled powered armor (Imagine how much that would SUCK.)
It kinda looks like the gradual realization of one particular character. Like from left to right the artist was told, "No, I don't like that one.. no, change something else.." etc.. etc..

Or maybe just concepts for various characters with environmental suits on? Especially since the bottom left character has some kind of detailed arm thingy that reminds me of the pipboy, making me think this was a player character concept, but the bottom right two remind me more of the bald raiders/leather types in Fallout 1/2.. but with gas masks on.