Project V13 concept art

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This ghoul has seen it all
Interplay has opened a forum dedicated to posting Project V13 concept art, presumably mostly by their lead concept artist Serge.S. Chris Taylor notes:<blockquote>Some of the concept art for the game has been released due to the lawsuit. This forum will be a place where we can post high quality versions of the same art and you can give us some feedback on it at the same time.

Keep in mind that this is concept art. It's not finalized art, but it will give you a feel for what we are aiming for with V13.

(And I'll keep bugging the lawyers to release more art when we can... I'm pretty excited that we're finally able to show you some of the work that we've been doing up until now.)</blockquote>The first piece can be found here.

Thanks troybilt.
I notice the empty bill board - I wonder if they were made to strip the "Fallout" aspects from the concept art.
rehevkor said:
I notice the empty bill board - I wonder if they were made to strip the "Fallout" aspects from the concept art.

Looks like a "Nuka Cola" sign.

The concept has a more post-apo feel to it than those Beth showed before FailOut 3 release, IMFUO.
Going to take hell of a lot more than concept to make me think this will ever see the light of day.
Posted it already in the other thread, but here it might fit better. :>

"Trumbull" on the sign is a location on the american east coast. Of course, it doesn't mean anything but it still might be possible that V13 will take place there.
Let's wait and see what will be on the coming up concept arts.
I really wonder what's going on through these guys heads working a company that's so fucking unstable.

Either "Wow, that guy who majored in microeconomics is a big help". or "Thank god we aren't working commission".
Very nice, concept art is always fun.

Hm, that billboard does look like it's been edited, but yeah looks to be Nuka-Cola.

As for the "Trumbull" street sign, there's a town in Connecticut named Trumbull (as stated above), and quite a bit of roads with the same name, some in Connecticut, some in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania. East coast tri-state area (NY,NJ,CT). It's just concept art though, the artist could have just put that in there, but who's to say that the game will take place on the west coast. After all, V13 is just a project name, not it's location.

Can't wait for more to be released. :)
I really wonder what's going on through these guys heads working a company that's so fucking unstable.

Fuck it, at least they're paying them :P

Pink Viper said:
Hopefully, they're demanding their pay in cash.

Nobody is getting paid in cash these days. Even hookers have credit card readers installed between their tits.
Vandal delle 3V said:
there's a trumbull in fallen earth also XD
hope this doesn't mean any sueing after release o_O
It's a real-life location, I don't think they can sue them for that.
Ha, that's the second post apoc game to have a location in my home state of Connecticut. I live just outside New Haven and it's a major spot in Borderlands as well.

Pink Viper said:
Going to take hell of a lot more than concept to make me think this will ever see the light of day.
I have no fucking clue who you are.

Secondly, did you guys notice that there's at least four human silhouettes in the concept art? FOUR persons are alive... MMOs...
Morbus said:
Secondly, did you guys notice that there's at least four human silhouettes in the concept art? FOUR persons are alive... MMOs...

Er... so? It's an MMO, it's your party. And, if I am mistaken, there were people living in burnt out cities in previous Fallout games.
Rufus Luccarelli said:
Morbus said:
Secondly, did you guys notice that there's at least four human silhouettes in the concept art? FOUR persons are alive... MMOs...

Er... so? It's an MMO, it's your party. And, if I am mistaken, there were people living in burnt out cities in previous Fallout games.
Er... sarcasm, sorry. My bad on that one.
rehevkor said:
I notice the empty bill board - I wonder if they were made to strip the "Fallout" aspects from the concept art.
Others have pointed out it looks like a Nuka-Cola sign, however...

If you look closely, you can see that it does in fact actually say Nuka-Cola on it. The writing is just very faded. I suppose that could be a result of editing, but I'd bet it was just made that way to begin with.
Rufus Luccarelli said:
Borderlands takes place on an entirely different planet.

I know that. It just makes me chuckle whenever I see the city name used in games or anything. The place is pretty post apocalyptic in real life.