Project V13 Screenshots and more Concept Art


This ghoul has seen it all
Staff member
Thanks to Ausir we now have screenshots of Project V13, Interplay's unannounced MMO. Apparently, these screenshots are going to be used as evidence in the Bethesda vs Interplay case, as they were submitted as court evidence.
<blockquote> </blockquote>

In addition to that, the court documents also yielded some concept art:
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These pieces had earlier today been released by Duck and Cover, but they had smeared some rather obtrusive watermarks all over them.

Link: Ausir's blog post on Project V13
Link: Ausir's blog post on Concept Art
Link: Concept Art @ Duck and Cover
Okay, they are just earlier shots but they already feel more Fallout than Bethesda's Fallout 3.
Especially the Super Mutant in the first shot.


On second thought, there is still somewhat a FO3 vibe in it, but I like the Super Mutant model.
Hmmm... looks better than F3. I mean, more Fallout-like.
Still a bit too much comic style to me.

And yeah, I know, it's probably not even alpha ;)
saw this on polygamia, wondered how long it will take to arrive here...

Whats with the cartoony graphics anyway? :?
TheSHEEEP said:
Hmmm... looks better than F3. I mean, more Fallout-like.
Still a bit too much comic style to me.

And yeah, I know, it's probably not even alpha ;)
I think a comic style would actually be reasonable considering the feel of the first game.

Otherwise, it looks like a very rough version of FO3.
The Vault Dweller looks decidedly Fallout 3-like.
The Super Mutant not so much, he's retained more of the grotesque, disproportionate look from the original games.

Also note the new concept art I just added to the newspost.
Ugh, I honestly don't like the Power Armor concept, it looks like something from Warhammer 40.000.

And that city, it looks way too pristine.
I always had somewhat the understanding that most buildings larger than two or three floors had either been torn down by the bombs or had crumbled by the hands of nature.

A few aren't that bad but its what made Washington D.C. feel like it had suffered from conventional bombing and not a nuclear attack.
Dionysus said:
I think a comic style would actually be reasonable considering the feel of the first game.
Maybe it's looking good in 2d, but cartoon-ish 3d? No, thank you.

Dead Guy said:
The first screen is from Shrek Online.
I had exactly the same thought after first, quick look - WTF!? Shrek? :lol:

And yeah, that PA is looking somehow weird... but from other hand maybe some fresh approach will be good for Fallout universe.
The world looks like it was made from play-dough. Can't see how this might end up resembeling something good.
Well, I'm sure this isn't the final product. And remember, this is an MMO, there really can't be amazing realistic graphics. That said, I hate the look of the Super Mutant. The skin is too smooth, needs to be more green, and he looks a bit too friendly. I know there are friendly Super Mutants, but they didn't look like from kids cartoon. But who knows what the final product will be.

And I prefer the Vault suits to remain closer to the original.

The world looks like it was made from play-dough

Indeed it does.
Just because it's a jumpsuit with a "13", doesn't mean it has to be a Vault jumpsuit. E.g. Van Buren had a prison jumpsuit with "13" on the back (for cell 13) as a homage to FO1.
I thought about that, but it is reminiscent of the Fallout 3 Vault suits (the collar, the fingerless gloves). Perhaps it is a Vault suit, perhaps it is not.
S'shots: crappy crap
DAC's w'marks: double crappy crap
Concept art: oscillating from cool to pretty cool (last two ones)

Lizzy out :D
Is that Shrek picking his nose? At least the common mutant behavior lays within the limits set by the original setting.

[spoiler:a717a04ac3]From the Fallout Bible #5: The current Fallout-era FEV does enhance intelligence - in some people. Just not many. The Lieutenant was one of the lucky ones who didn't become a knuckle-dragging, butt-scratching moron after being dipped (and it may not have raised his intelligence, he may have been that smart before his dipping, but no records of his past exist to verify this).[/spoiler:a717a04ac3]

Also, I wanna my spandex jumpsuit.
The screenshots look pretty good actually, kind like Borderlands (I hope they don't keep the style though, it's just not Fallouty). Definitely captures the Fallout feel more than Bethesda's brown, brown, brown and the occasional grey parts of their wasteland. The mutant definitely looks better than Bethesda's yellow ogres.

And this is how big Power Armor should be! Fuck yeah! :D Though the actual armor looks like something from PoS.

The Nuclear Winter concept art seems pretty cool, I wonder how they'd make that in Fallout... these ones are a definite improvement over the other stuff imo. Though they still do not capture the Fallout-ness that well.
uh oh, my eyes hurt..
i am kind of disappointed, i know these are very early pieces of art & shots but they all lack of quality. compare them to the van buren concept / shots, VB looks A LOT better even if its older.

if some interplay drops an eye here, i can do concepts for them for free if they ask, just because i love the franchise. here's my portfolio:
I really REALLY hope that FO will eventually turn to be good, because right now looks very crappy.