All the posts about people who bash this place without ever reading a damned thing, the low expectationers, the apologists, these are the reasons why this site doesn't need to go mainstream.
We are the old geriatrics of fallout fandom and one of the few sites that still have some sense of standard left in our old bones, tell it like it is so to speak.
There are a plethora of fallout fansites out there that heap praise and criticise nothing. We need not become one of them.
Being openly critical of any game nowadays is considered weird in a world of gaming journalism that kisses ass for the $. Not to mention some of the better discussions I have had here. I'd hate for this place to be invaded by 'murricans', or some other countries version of them.
If elitist means not mindlessly swallowing bullshit, by all means call me that.
And this is simply a message to people who wish to criticise without a flurry of fire raining down upon their heads that they're welcome here. You think that just because people are intelligent enough to be critical means they'll automatically think this place is right for them? How do we know this site hasn't already warded off people who actually holds true to what this site is about simply based on the reputation this place gives?
I'm literally being fed negative responses to a logical explanation I'm making of this site. Is everyone here really intent on staying as closed a community as possible? I found this place and loved the fact that you could point out something's flaws here without being shot down by every angle, for no real reason.
This is not meant to address the people who don't care. Why is there so much fuss being made about my post? Especially by the parts of the forum I specifically said I wasn't addressing. This site doesn't need to go mainstream. But from personal experience, there could be subtle efforts towards actually letting people of the same caliber in.
There's been a massive misunderstanding in what my post is trying to convey. I'm not trying to apologise for NMA's behaviour and opening the doors so that this becomes a hive-mind single-sided dronefest like every other mindless-fan forum out there. If you assumed
at any point that was what I was trying to do,
then you should read again. But thanks to the responses I'm getting, it seems the point of this post has gone off rails anyways. A simple message gets bombarded with replies on how NMA should stay closed off, regardless of anyone who wants to join in. So the point is lost, and if that's what you've all wanted, you succeeded.
But I'm very much one of the modern-gamer, corporate-apologist that a lot of people here seem to hate. The one that pays companies if their product is done right regardless of the companies' attitude towards its customers. The one who pays pre-order DLCs despite a company's rep and the one that puts faith into anyone's word. So if that kind of easy-to-please, "simple-minded" consumer is that kind you really hate, then maybe it should've been made clear that I wasn't welcome on this site.