Proper Melee Build


First time out of the vault
I finally found a community that shares the same passion for the fallout universe as I. Fantastic :D

Now to the case.

I want a Melee Build that supposed to work without any companions, not hardcore though.

So iamb asking you guys for a build, that alone can clear out Deathclaws. I'm thinking something with sneak to get high crits but i dunno.

Any ideas? :)
It's...not very hard to make a proper Melee build, especially if you aren't playing in Hardcore (boooooh).

Traits: Heavy Handed

STR: 7
PER: 5
AGI: 6

Of course add 1 to every stat with the implants.

Perk: Super Slam, Piercing Strike, Unstoppable Force, Better Criticals, Slayer, Finesse, Elijah's Ramblings, Stonewall, Toughness (x2), Weapon Handling, Purifier, Entomologist, Hunter.

Skills: Melee (duh), Unarmed (needed for perks), Survival (poisons, great healing items and buffs).

Companion: Cassidy (Whiskey gives you up to +6 DT). If you don't want her around just use the Wait command, she'll stay there but you'll still have the companion Perk. :)
Awesome, mate, thanks!

Maybe me greedyness could convice you also to post a Guns build? something that annihilate damage threshold, mit previous char had trouble dealing with those mecha scorpions in OWB, taking to many shots.
Not a problem, but wouldn't it be more fun to make one yourself? :)

Oh, well...

Traits: Built to destroy, Fast Shot

STR: 5
PER: 5
END: 7
CHR: 1
INT: 4
AGI: 9
LCK: 9

Perks: Light Touch, Finesse, Cowboy, Hand Loader, Grunt, Jury Rigging, Fast Reload, Entomologist, Shotgun Surgeon, The Professional, Sniper, Better Criticals, Weapon Handling, Grim Reaper Spirit (forgot this one in the other build), And Stay Back!, Sneering Imperialist.

Weapons: Brush Gun + Hollow Point ammo (even against highly armored foes)
Cowboy Repeater + JFP ammo
Dinner Bell + Magnum or Slug ammo
Survivalist Rifle
Automatic Rifle
10mm SMG + Hollow Point ammo (against unarmored/lightly armored foes)
Suppressed Sniper Rifle + JSP ammo

Armor: light Armor only, Boone's beret.

Companion: either Lily for the bonus to Sneak Shots or Raoul.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Not a problem, but wouldn't it be more fun to make one yourself? :)

Indeed. But since I've been playing the game about 200 hours i thought it could be fun to follow a more "proper" build. I never make plan on which perks I should take etc.

Anyway, thanks again :P
Make intelligence 10.

Intelligence governs how many skill points you receive per level up, maxed intelligence means you will be as powerful as possible.
First off you got to think about the stats.
I started with this as Unarmed char.

6 5 8 1 6 7 7

First perk you get is almost always for specs, I went with EN because it nets me 9 and all the implants in the game.
So later it will be :S7 P6 E10(perk+implant) C2 I7
A9(trait+implant) L8
I don't want BoS armor, but if you take it you get 2 on STR and you need 9 for Ballistic Fist. Oh Baby! needs 8. So it's up to you.
Like they said INT is very important for skills but 7 is ok, it lets you use it in quests and it get you 14 points. Take Educated on 2nd perk and you get more. Weapon Handling perk lets you use Ballistic Fist.
That's the most basic and you can change it. I'd get Small Frame for Agility as I mentioned in numbers and Good Natured because you don't need all fire skills. Only melee and unarmed which you will get on max quite easy with the rest of the skills. Well for Ninja at least, but look in The Valult wiki as it lists all perks and their requirements. So think ahead about all of them before starting.
You should get early game all unarmed secret punches xcept Legions as you need to progress a little more but after 50 Unarmed or Melee you'll notice more options in VATS. Use it always when starting a fight, my recommendation, many moves are in it and it is fun! When you lose AP then go with button mashing but I think you wont need it. Care for ranged enemies as Mirelurks, they can kill you if they see you far away. You need to get into the enemy and smash em all!
All in all you will find Unarmed/Melee much more fun than any. It's highly versatile.

About Energy, well you don't need much endurance so drop it by 2 and add them to INT. You need Charisma for companions and because you don't want them let it stay the same and get books on barter. Tagging Speech is a must btw on both plays.
Your only weapon for Energy is YCS/186. The single most damaging weapon in the whole game. Even vs Anti-Material Rifle. I did both Guns and Energy and checked thoroughly. But watch for ammo. You can recycle it so get perk as EW need it. Drop STR too, you will wear BoS Armor prolly and go to them early game. Go to Repconn HQ near Vegas for 2 books.
But at the start of any game I recommend mountain climbing near Black Mountain, going to Atomic Wrangler and gambling till 32 thousand caps. Repeat at the other casinos until you get all implants. Then start playing the real game.

I hope it helps you get around a little more. Sorry for the long post.