
Author of FOT mod THE SUM
I just had an idea that probably someone else had before, but I'll write it here in case that can help somebody. I was just thinking about how nice it could be to have shelves in towns exactly like in Fallout 1. When you try to search somebody else stuff, a overhead message appear to tell you that it is a very bad idea to sneak into other's property...

In my mind, all the Fallout except Tactics are ALL about objects. If you can just walk straight into someone's home and grab all the stuff, the fun is gone, the realism is gone and the Steal skill is totally pointless. So! the solution appeared to me strait, I tested it and it works. You just have to disguise peoples into shelves and that's done.

The actor is set to the race GunTurret01 (custom sprite accepted and don't loose blood), never move and and has 10000 AC and 10000 to all resistances, so nothing should normally kill that poor thing by mistake, and the player will never try to attack it automatically. You need to add a click speech for that container with something like "Someone's property". Then only Steal skill works to get the stuff. You can set a hostile reaction to the people around the container if the player get caught (you put them in the same team) and you automatically kill the container if the owner dies with trigger Kill entity. That's it!

Here is the .ent if you want to play with that a little : View attachment
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I use an idea similar to this in my MOD. Instead of using a Gunturret01 as race, if you use 'unique other' as the race then you can set up a 'barter shelf' entity to use use in your shops and stores, Just tick 'Can Barter' and you can tick 'immune friendly' to make the shelf indestrucible. Set the player ID to the same as the store owner/guards and if the player gets caught stealing they will attack to defend thier proerty. Now the player can barter with shelf... To make it really hard to steal from the shelve, just go in the entity editor and make the shelfs steal skill really high, and you can tinker with shelf's barter skill to adjust prices...

Check it out...
Ha, didn't know stealing skill works defensively as well. I am using high perception (with 80 PE, char with 340% stealing wasn't able to get anything in few tries). Though in case of normal shelves, not bartering ones, I leave it low, so the player actually CAN steal from them. Although PE is set once per entitity, stealing can be adjusted in level editor case by case.
That are great ideas here! Having trading shelves also allow you to put the items of a vendor into categories... which is way better than having a single inventory to choose from.
Or you can use the category switch at the top of the barter screen :P Anyway it could be used to add new items to merchants during the campaign. You just activate the shelf with new gear after each mission. The merchant can say something like "I am just starting up in this town. Come by later, I might have more stuff brought here from my previous shop in SomeFarAwayPlace." Oh man, I am totally going to implement this in the campaign I am working on :)
If someone have an idea how to detect a gun or weapon equiped by the player OTHER than using tagnames (wich are erased for items found on corpses or NPC...), I am all hears! That could be helpful to implement another great Fallout 1/2 element, which is asking the player to put down his weapon before entering town.
This is pretty simple really and was already addressed in a few threads over the years. But if you are having difficulty finding those old threads, then I'll help you out.

All you need is a trigger like this:

Condition: player has exactly 0 items tagged equipped at zone

Action: whatever you want

remember to leave the 'item tagged equipped' slot empty
Ah... Interesting... You don't actually detect any gun or weapon, but you kind of force the player to "show his hands" and prove he/she has nothing in them before entering town, that's right?