I voted for [blank]
After I watched that Xbone press conference, I made my girlfriend promise that she would remind me that I am not to buy the Xbone this November/December, no matter what I try to say when it rolls around...no matter how I try to rationalize that it's okay. And, even though MS is trying to save face now, I don't want it now. I shouldn't want it then. She's pretty good at keeping me from doing shit, so I trust she'll help me keep my word.
I may check out the PS4 after some time has passed.
After I watched that Xbone press conference, I made my girlfriend promise that she would remind me that I am not to buy the Xbone this November/December, no matter what I try to say when it rolls around...no matter how I try to rationalize that it's okay. And, even though MS is trying to save face now, I don't want it now. I shouldn't want it then. She's pretty good at keeping me from doing shit, so I trust she'll help me keep my word.
I may check out the PS4 after some time has passed.