Puppet regime in 8 easy steps


Vault Dweller
1)Invade and Overthrow the current nationalist government, using every available pretext, with a bloody, high-tech illegal war of aggression.

2)Occupy the victim. Lay out all the pieces (Sunni, Shia, Kurd) in front of you. Divide et impera: keep the pieces separate, but try to keep them either from actually fighting each other (if this happens, you'll have to throw the entire mess away) or reuniting to fight you (in which case you will be forced to give them back their country).

3)Disrupt, confuse and demoralize Iraqi Civil Society. Persecute and Assasinate the natural indigenous leaders of the Iraqi people; terrorize the people with genocidal violence, including mass disappearances, rape and torture; cynically and deceitfully call your program "Freedom".

4)Allow crime and disorder to run so rampant that the victims will cry out for "law and order", and some will even welcome an apparent "strong man". (This may even require the importation of provocateurs to stir things up a bit - like you did for 9/11/2001).

5)Select a muderous pseudo- and anti-Iraqi Puppet, a la Pinochet or the Shah, to enforce the imperialists' interests by instituting a vicious police state. Seek to fool the victims again with apparently-strong and "patriotic" slogans like "cutting the heads off' the "anti-Iraqi" forces.

6)Identify and work with unprincipled local collaborators to milk the country's resources for the benefit and profit of the USraeli world empire. Lay waste the economy by sanctions, war and policy; see to it that as many Iraqis as possible suffer unemployment. (It is acceptable, though, to hire some of the locals as cops for the puppet regime; they can bleed and die for the Empire as you Iraqize the continuing War Against the Iraqi people).

7)Provide Workfare for tens of thousands of otherwise-unemployable American white trash, both those in uniform deployed there and those working for the hordes of opportunistic private contractors who will invade the land like locusts.

8)Acquire long-term military basing rights from your Puppet regime. This both further secures the regional security of Israhell and provides a jumping-off point for the next campaign in the endless aggressive War Against Mankind.
OMFG you're being antimsemitic LEWL and ypu hat3 the US!

Seriously though, great post, Sovz. Really. You summed it up quite nice. Does it end there though?
Persecute and Assasinate the natural indigenous leaders of the Iraqi people; terrorize the people with genocidal violence, including mass disappearances, rape and torture

First off, explain, and link please, or did you're anti-American feelings get the best of you once again?

Second, just because sick individuals, or private, that's right PRIVATE industries would do some, if any, of the things you mentioned above, this does not automatically mean the US ordered such actions. Or did you like to think of us as satans?

Third, this coming from a Soviet lover?

Allow crime and disorder to run so rampant

...*sigh* I won't even bother to remark

Oh right, hardy har har, yu are ze uber coolest!
Paladin Solo said:
Second, just because sick individuals, or private, that's right PRIVATE industries would do some, if any, of the things you mentioned above, this does not automatically mean the US ordered such actions.

Even if they didn't order it, they're permitting it, and that's bad enough. Also, I doubt they mind much.

Allow crime and disorder to run so rampant

...*sigh* I won't even bother to remark

Why won't you remark? Don't you consider terrorism a crime?
Okay, this is too biased and extreme for my taste. I've read communist maniphestos with less bile.

What do you think, Comrade Wooz?
What do I think, Comrades?
Well, it certainly is a bit too... extreme. Looks like what would come out of the political opposite of CCR, keeping the mouth-foaming fanatism of his posts. No offence meant, of course.

I must dissent, Ozrat's Polish friend is uncapable of writing a single sentence without sdding smileys, lols and similar language-raping.
It might be extreme and "biased" (so what? How else do you form a strong opinion?) but it does make a point.
Baboon, I didn't want to remark to the misinformed, and remedial quote because of it's lack of truth. Now, if he said, "we were the cause of it" then he would have a point.
By the way, most people outside of America have anti-american feelings. I base this on nothing.
Wow. What a completely stupid bit of text.
It tries to make a point, but fails miserably because of its complete extremism and failure to hit any facts. Stupidity.

Baboon said:
Why won't you remark? Don't you consider terrorism a crime?
Because, quite obviously, the government doesn't enjoy having crime and violence run rampant. Suggesting that they do is quite simply silly.
Anyone who thinks the war in Iraq was illegal in the first place has to be of the opinion that all war is illegal. Does a UN approval change the nature of war?

This is, of course, not even touching on the issue of whether or not international law holds any significance, or even should.
Anyone who thinks the war in Iraq was illegal in the first place has to be of the opinion that all war is illegal. Does a UN approval change the nature of war?
No. But it does change something about legality: it means you're acting with the consent of the "international community", giving the war a sense of legality.
That said, the pretenses for the war in Iraq were completely bullshit, so there's another reason to think it was "illegal".
Sander said:
That said, the pretenses for the war in Iraq were completely bullshit, so there's another reason to think it was "illegal".

Which is a reason to bash it's eyes out, even if you don't add facts and such to back it up. The war isn't worthy of backed up criticism.
Conspiracy theorists are not convincing because they have little evidence to support their claims, which also detracts from their relevant opinions (boy who cried wolf).
Sander said:
Anyone who thinks the war in Iraq was illegal in the first place has to be of the opinion that all war is illegal. Does a UN approval change the nature of war?
No. But it does change something about legality: it means you're acting with the consent of the "international community", giving the war a sense of legality.
That said, the pretenses for the war in Iraq were completely bullshit, so there's another reason to think it was "illegal".

There is no such thing as a "sense" of legality. Just because the Security Council says its ok for Country A to invade Province B doesn't mean that its right. Not to mention the subjective nature of justification.

Either war must be illegal period, or it must be universally unregulated. That doesn't, of course mean that all wars must be permitted to happen, but what's the point in declaring something illegal when you have no way of stopping it?
Bullshit. That's like saying somebody has no right to acknowledge something's illegal when it's commited by a stronger person.

The "sense of legality" here is the justification to start an armed conflict with another country; the UN didn't bitch about Afghanistan because the reason to go to war with it was to overthrow the Taliban government, supposedly responsible for supporting terrorist attacks worldwide.

What came of it is another story.