Certainly not from France. It raises an interesting hypothetical...would France have surrendered to Germany before or after going to war against the US?
You know, for someone claiming that I'm "anti-semitic" and "anti-US" (ie. a prejudiced bastard) you hold a lot of prejudices. Moreover, you're trolling. You're not actually showing any arguments, all you're doing is spraying some empty rhetoric at me in the hope that I won't see past it and that I will, instead, get really pissed off and flame you. That, pal, is called trolling. It can get you banned.
You've called it an "Illegal War" several times, in various anti-US rants...
Bullshit. I've called it a war of false pretenses, not an illegal war.
If you're so certain that I claimed it was an illegal war, I'd like to see some
France "expressed discontent" with something the US did. Well, hell, that's a shocker. France has been discontented since Waterloo.
Which had nothing at all to do with the USA so this is trolling. Get a life.
Russia "expresses discontent" out of pure reflex (nichevo).
Ehe. Ignorant.
And for all of Germany's discontent, they still sent troops to back our play.
They sent troops to help rebuild Iraq. There's a big difference.
What did the Netherlands do?
They sent troops because my government's policy is to support that war.
I've convinced people that this war was bullshit from the start.
besides clutter up a game forum with anti-semetic,
Anti-semitic? Where, exactly, have I been anti-semitic?
Anti-US? Far from it. Anti-US-policy, at the most. I do not rant against the US because I hate the US, I rant against the US because I disagree with what they're doing.
Since when is argumented logic with facts to support it "bullshit".
every chance you get? Poser...
Poser? I don't think you understand that word.
Besides that, thou art a troll. So shut the hell up before you get yourself banned.
And learn how to use the bloody BB-codes.
EDIT:And to think I'd almost missed this bit:
Jay said:
Fuck you right back...I'm sure now that Hitler is a fading memory and the Soviets are dead and gone you are more than happy to tell the US to fuck off and say you don't owe us anything. That's fine, you got what you wanted/needed, go ahead and screw us over. Just stop whining when we don't do what YOU want us to do all the time.
You're inconsistency and bullshit is amazing. Really. You ignore the bit where I say that owing someone something has no place in politics, and then you go off on more trolling. Moreover, you claim that we can't be pissed when you don't do what we want you to do? Why can't we? The entire point of the gift of speech is to let your opinion be heard. And, in case you hadn't noticed, there still is the UN. You know, that organisation that the USA helped create.
No, it's acting like a soveriegn state. Not only did we MAKE the UN and ram it down the rest of the world's throat to keep WWIII from destroying the planet,
Bullshit. The Atlantic Charter was voluntarily signed by all of the allies, and it had nothing to do with keeping the world from being destroyed, it was a way of keeping the Soviets in check and continuing the previous example of the League of Nations down a better path.
we funded it and continue to fund it to this day. The UN is our allies, not our parents or our bosses. We don't have to ask permission.
You're dead wrong here. First, you didn't create the UN by yourselves, and you certainly didn't fund it. In fact, you OWE the UN a lot of money that you simply don't pay. So you're not funding it, you're draining it.
And by signing the UN charter you confirmed that you would
abide by the rulings of the security council.
You gave yourself these limitations, live with it.
Check your history. When WWII ended, the only one still standing in the west was the US. We rebuilt Europe, and yes, we profited from it. Thanks, guys.
Check my history? There wasn't a single bit of ahistorical fact in there. In fact, it was all correct, and this bit of retort of you adds nothing. It's not, in fact, a retort, it's a dodge.
As far as France is concerned, they helped us back in 1770's, and we pulled their chestnuts out of the fire twice in the 20th century. I'd call that fair.
Yet you claimed that they owed you. Whoops?
Sure, you didn't have to pay for things like armies and missles to keep the Soviets from turning your countries into "buffer states" during the cold war.
Riiight. Because, you know, we don't keep armies. And we didn't participate in the NATO. And we weren't one of the founding members of the EU. And we, of course, never sent troops with any UN mission.
In case you hadn't noticed, that was sarcasm sucker.
Ruined your chance to have all those cool celebrations like the East Germans when the Soviet Union turned into a failed economic experiement.
Non sequitur. Stop trolling.
But hey, we are still here, you still hate us...
No, we hate what the US is doing and what the US stands for:consumerism.
BWAHAHAHAH! The ignorance.
every time you get your ass in a crack we will come running to help, no matter how many time you spit on us or tell us to fuck off.
You silly silly person, you. You really have no idea how politics work, do you?