Putin Dissolves Government


Vault Senior Citizen

MOSCOW, Russia (AP) -- President Vladimir Putin dissolved the Russian government Wednesday in a major political shakeup ahead of parliamentary elections in less than three months and a presidential vote next year, news agencies reported.

The dissolution is expected to result in a new prime minister, who will be seen as Putin's choice to succeed him after he steps down next spring.

The newspaper Vedomosti, citing unnamed Kremlin officials, reported Wednesday that Sergei Ivanov, a first deputy prime minister and a leading contender to succeed Putin, could be appointed prime minister in the near future

This, amidst signing numerous military agreements, increasing Russia's sphere of influence and the growing tensions in the arctic over control of the fossil fuels. Are we in for another global conflict?
nah. i doubt Putin would go for dictatorship. he's probably more than content to rule through one of his puppets.

as for conflicts? it's only a matter of time before the shit hits the fan... we depend on fosil fuels too much, and eventually they'll start running out.
the reflex will be to secure sources of fuel (Iraq, anyone?) through military means.
Oh yeah, and how can I ever forget the resumption of strategic bomber flights?

The Russian constitution limits a presidency to two terms, so he doesn't really have any other options in regards to ruling through a crony (if that is, in fact, what he plans to do). I've been hearing the name Sergei Ivanov thrown around lately, but meh.

On a side note, does no one else find it at least mildly suspicious that both the Japanese and Russian PM's resigned straight after APEC?
The media here has been going on about then Ruski's flying patrols closer and closer to our airspace, last week 8 Tu-95s flew within 12 miles i think, four tornadoes a fuel-tanker and a sentry were deployed to intercept and they backed down. I bring this up because i am currently living close to RAF Waddington where are entire AWAC force is based, over the last month the things have been going mad and have been coming and going far far more than normal, also tornadoes
and typhoons have been flying to and from RAF Coningsby along with the odd nimrod. Looks to me like the RAF are pretty edgy at least.
Specialist said:
The Russian constitution limits a presidency to two terms, so he doesn't really have any other options in regards to ruling through a crony (if that is, in fact, what he plans to do). I've been hearing the name Sergei Ivanov thrown around lately, but meh.

Ivanov or Medvedev straight up.

And Putin could easily push through a modification of the constitution. He just doesn't wanna.

It'll probably be Ivanov in the end. He's bad news. But don't expect him to be a puppet for more than 2 years before he backstabs Putin.

Isn't democracy fun?

I wouldn't panic yet, if I were yous guys. There's something about the word "Russians" that still seems to get an instinctive fear reaction (especially from Germans), but seriously, chillax.
And Putin could easily push through a modification of the constitution. He just doesn't wanna.
He wouldn't need to, IMO he will be the shadowy power behind the throne so to speak.

We certainly live in interesting times, specially how the other presidental canditaes were taken down.

Hehe another thing guess poor Gary Gasparov didnt make it.
Gary Gasparov is nutso attention-starving idiot. He might be the puppy doll of the West, but why the fuck should anyone care about a "democratic protester" that a significant percentage of the populace doesn't care about.

What happened to Yabloko is more important.
He he I know, but they could have atleast tried to give illusion that the elections would be democratic, by letting the opposition. If you don't you end up with dictator where everting has been decided...., hey wait isn't that what they did! :p

personally I found most amusing how some of the other candidates were taken down corruption charges etc, they might actually have truth in it but somehow I doubt the ones that are left are uncorrupted. LOL Most politicans are corrupt to the bone.

Anyway what this election means that biggest russian political in fighting has come to an end and one faction has emerged as dominant.
GreyViper said:
Anyway what this election means that biggest russian political in fighting has come to an end and one faction has emerged as dominant.

Well, I don't think that THIS has been ever to debate :wink:
This really concerns me... But it doesn't seem to concern some of you and that confuses me...
Maphusio said:
This really concerns me... But it doesn't seem to concern some of you and that confuses me...

Eh, once you get used to the inner machinations you realise things like this are just surface plays of what's actually going on. I'd be more concerned if word reached me of key St Petersburg lobby players being knocked out of contention.

Y'know, the kind of stuff that matters, the kind of stuff the media ignores. Not these charades.
Brother None said:
Maphusio said:
This really concerns me... But it doesn't seem to concern some of you and that confuses me...

Eh, once you get used to the inner machinations you realise things like this are just surface plays of what's actually going on. I'd be more concerned if word reached me of key St Petersburg lobby players being knocked out of contention.

Y'know, the kind of stuff that matters, the kind of stuff the media ignores. Not these charades.

I think I see what you are attempting to convey; however, the mere act of dissolving a government in general throws up a big red flag for me. Combining that with recent events...
The mere act of dissolving a government is meaningful based on the assumption that the existence of the government is meaningful.

While I will contend any claims that Russia's democratic tendencies "are heading in the wrong direction," Russia is definitely not at a point in time where the dissolution of the government should be seen as meaningful or disconcerting.