Tip: This site is for the small minded. They are only qualified to share with you what the developers already shared with the world. There is no such thing as progress made at NMA.
Yes Prosper is qualified. However he isn't up to the task unless you have money to spare. If it hurts to pay even 1,000 USD a month, give up.
The hardest part despite what VAULT_MP has done is programming and scripting. Really thats where netplay comes in. level design doesn't get more complex , or art, or animation or the rest of the derps.
The coders would need to be paid. How much are you paying? Why Do i feeel like this is some kind of dream state?
Do you know what it is like to try to trap a dangerous beast outside a two-doored hallway? to barely have the endurance to knock out the windows glass from it chasing you all over the place! i knocked the glass. i ran. I felt I violated some kind of ruleset. truly the pain of stockholme syndrome all over.
I try real hard to rebel against the impossible odds. truth is only a hundred feet away from most kidnap situations are plenty of brush and shady spots and water to swim in. bury your self in mud even.
so depressing was the dream. even if NMA is right, their foundation isn't their foundation. its theft and boring redundancy.
Damnit men I could shoot ninety bisons. So angry am I. Sad. And deperessed. can this even be real? Get the fuck off my spidey sense.
I hate you all. But I am the guy for the job. you nut crackehk;lgje
I think I will conclude this quick-reply with a little gift.