Pwned Pix.

That handicapped kid and arguing on the internet? I have that one. I don't have any hosing, though...

I have a couple of good ones, though. PM me. :)

EDIT: I know the punchline. "Arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded." :lol: :ugly: :wtf:
I just made it today, I can't remember where I got the picture from though. Here's another on the same lines - this one is my favorite:

Ok. The pic i originally posted was "al capowned", i swear. I completely forgot about the goatse risk factor. That's it, no more image posting from me. Good thing that the vats exist otherwise i would have been very confused about what happened to my post.
So Ryno wants some homemade Own3d pics, eh?

Here's a couple of Ozrat pwndip pics:



And here's a certain somebody else:


Homegrown NMA ownage!