Pwned, Pwning, Pwn(etc)?


Antediluvian as Feck
Okay, I've seen these terms come up frequently and I still have no clue what the heck they mean. As far as I can tell, it has to do with 133t or plain crappy writing skills.

Is there anybody willing to tell me the definition of this seemingly evil word?
hi, fellow rat. i think pwning is an abbrevation form of p-own-ing. it means same as owning. if someone pwnz j00, he ownz j00 :P anyway, maybe we should ask Nuclear Wolf, he seems to be fluent in m0r0nSP33K :lol:
Whew, now I can sleep at nights thanks to you guys! Thank god that I'll never have to learn 133t-ese, otherwise it would be a sad future for all of us.

So Ratty, I'm done with my finals and I'm back at home resting my poor mind. Wow, first year engineering is quite a haul for a poor rat like me. I've passed all of my classes except for Calc II, but I might get a better grade than F for that when they do the bell curve.

As for the rest of you, I pwned your mom last night.
i'm glad your finals are over. get some rest and party while you can. :wink: as for me, my Golgotha is just beginning. in four weeks the classes will be over and then i have to start studying for exams. a whole lot of them. that's how the system works in Croatia and it ain't nice, because it ruins most of your summer. but at least the schedule isn't too tight, like in US. but nm, i'm gonna pwn those exams :P
That's nuts, who the hell wants an exam in the middle of the summer?

Though, one of the my classmates didn't follow Science in the Upper Half of High School (yeard 4-6) so he has to do an extra Science test in a month or two.

Heh, exams

(start on May 15th)
Kharn said:
Yay, Ratty made his 100th post and grew two heads!

i didn't even notice! woohoo! :shock: let's see how my new head comments on the situation: "Moo, I say." damn, it must still be a little confused :P anyway, what does one need to do to become Old Warrior of The Wastes(TM)?
Ratty said:
anyway, what does one need to do to become Old Warrior of The Wastes(TM)?

For me i started here circa 1998, and to quote Miroslav, in the website forum, he remembers his bitches.