Pyromania: PA game for PocketPCs


Night Watchman
Staff member
Tylertoo informed us of a game released for ... PocketPCs. It is, allegedly, postnuclear, somewhat similar to Static and perhaps graphically to X-Com3 ...
<blockquote>Discover the awesome mystery of the Post-Nuclear underground world of SkyTek. Burn out hordes of awful creatures to survive. Rescue people, acquire new allies (and enemies). Be prepared for the unusual adventure plot - a breakthrough in Pocket PC gaming.

This is not a port or clone(...)

  • 10 Languages: Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish (coming soon)
  • 5 weapons: Flamethrower, hopper-mine, time charge, rocket flamethrower and jet-belt
  • Minimap and objectives: You always know where you are and what to do
  • Creepy gluttons will try to gut you using their cooperative and aggressive attack! Smart AI!
  • Burn down and blow up dozens of objects in the game – it's all animated!
  • NPC characters: talk to people, give and get items from them, heal, follow, lead…
</blockquote>Link: Pyromiania page at Wild Games, Pyromania Trial
Kick ass! I tried installing Fallout onto my Pocket PC and have been working on porting it to it, without any luck. (They port most of the Quakes ((up to 3)) and Doom's but nothing important like Fallout :( ) But this will definitely do :D

@ Frissy -
Most the games I buy/dl/install for my PDA (Axim X51V I bought as a christmas present to myself) when I install them on the PDA I can also select to install them on the computer, or it will do it reguardless of my wishes.

When I buy this game, or if someone gets it before I do... post the info and say if you can play it on regular PC or not. A trick I learned from is when you install a program/game on the PDA after it unpacks it and starts installing it if you stop it (For people with PDA's) it sometimes leaves its unpacked Exe files in the temp folder on the PDA, or the computer if installing it there instead of directly onto the PDA. This might help in installing it on the computer.

EDIT:Oooo their Dl site has also the CAB files for direct install to the PDA from the PDA, this is a big plus. I will dl the demo then and tell if I can get it to run on PC :D : First off it wont install without Active Sync : Wich is probably a no for non-PDA attached computers unless you get a free version of a homemade brew of Active sync. (Wich is the program that syncs your PDA to your Computer and usualy manages all your installs) I am tring this install in the computer lab at college, so obviously I dont have active sync here. I will test some things out when I get back to my place, like dling a homemade active sync program (Free) and installing it to see if I can get it to run on a pc without a PDA.
Looks nice, but...

5 weapons: Flamethrower, hopper-mine, time charge, rocket flamethrower and jet-belt


Is it a flamethrower thats attached to a rocket? Is it a rocket launcher that blows up flamethrowers?

The Vault Dweller
Sytxferryman said:
Kick ass! I tried installing Fallout onto my Pocket PC and have been working on porting it to it, without any luck. (They port most of the Quakes ((up to 3)) and Doom's but nothing important like Fallout :( ) But this will definitely do :D

Well ID is known for releasing the source codes of their games a few years after release, so I guess it makes it easier to port it...
It looks like a hoot! :D 3D doesn't look half bad when you look at it from a distance. If they release it on PC, I'll buy it for sure.

Is the whole of the game underground?
Sorry for delay, internet at the apartment is down, but whenever it gets back up I'll work on this and post if I can get it working without a PDA on a PC
Awesome... I love the retro look. Some pretty decent looking games are coming out on mobile phones and such these days. Sadly, this right here might actually be a better game than what Bethesda's Fallout 3 will be.
Well I still have no internet... but downloaded the .cab file (a exe kinda file for pocket pc's for those that arient familiar with that) and played the demo and I love it. It dosent have the choices or things of Fallout by far, but it is really really well done and has a whole lot of kewl things for pocket pc users. I dont think it would be good to play it on PC as it would be lacking in the graphicks and stuff.

The interactions with things is really neat, there are other weapons, just used my other NPC's not you as they are usless on the creatures plauging your underground comunity. It also has a little comical sense to it, not like fallout though, more clean. Like you get stuck in your room when they are atacking as the sensor needs to be kicked from the outside of the door to get it to work :D you have to find someone not scared sh*tless of the creatures to get it open.

Although the filesize dosent really matter to me (I have a really REALLY big expansion card... obviously if I can copy Fallout's 700mb to it) it is small for those on budgets that dont have expansion cards, or really small ones. And its addicting. :D

I will pre-order it sometime this week or next.