Tylertoo informed us of a game released for ... PocketPCs. It is, allegedly, postnuclear, somewhat similar to Static and perhaps graphically to X-Com3 ...
<blockquote>Discover the awesome mystery of the Post-Nuclear underground world of SkyTek. Burn out hordes of awful creatures to survive. Rescue people, acquire new allies (and enemies). Be prepared for the unusual adventure plot - a breakthrough in Pocket PC gaming.
This is not a port or clone(...)
<blockquote>Discover the awesome mystery of the Post-Nuclear underground world of SkyTek. Burn out hordes of awful creatures to survive. Rescue people, acquire new allies (and enemies). Be prepared for the unusual adventure plot - a breakthrough in Pocket PC gaming.
This is not a port or clone(...)
- 10 Languages: Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish (coming soon)
- 5 weapons: Flamethrower, hopper-mine, time charge, rocket flamethrower and jet-belt
- Minimap and objectives: You always know where you are and what to do
- Creepy gluttons will try to gut you using their cooperative and aggressive attack! Smart AI!
- Burn down and blow up dozens of objects in the game – it's all animated!
- NPC characters: talk to people, give and get items from them, heal, follow, lead…