Q35 or the AER14

Fully modded laser rifle then, it's pretty much the best energy weapon until you pick up the YCS/186 or the holorifle.
That's a though question, because both weapons rock hard. Q-35 is more easily acquirable and has iron sights, albeit the plasma bolts will block your view heavelly when using it; AER14 fires faster, costs lesser AP but needs 2 MFC per shot.
If you are planning to pick Laser Commander perk later in the game, AER14 with no doubt.

Until then I'm with Courier, mod a laser rifle with scope and focus optics (I don't like the beam splitter, but it's up to you).
its a tough call, by the time you get laser commander you should almost have a holorifle. that and the Q35 only uses 1MF per shot (saving start to add up when you use MaxCharge rounds) and does almost double the crit damage of the AER14. I think i'm leaning towards it. (i use it in concert with the YCS)
Felspawn said:
its a tough call, by the time you get laser commander you should almost have a holorifle. that and the Q35 only uses 1MF per shot (saving start to add up when you use MaxCharge rounds) and does almost double the crit damage of the AER14. I think i'm leaning towards it. (i use it in concert with the YCS)

The two weapons have the same critical chance, x2, but the AER14 fires roughly 1/3 faster than the Q-35. Because of this you will make more critical hits with the AER14, wich will put the critical damage of both weapons on par in the end.
You will waste more ammo, no argument on that, but both weapons have the same 12 shots capability.
The two weapons are really similar, it's dependable of your play style.

I don't like the Q-35 because of the plasma bolts, I use iron sighs a lot and the shots block the view.

But if you are intending to use the Holorifle, then I wouldn't recommend neither.
Until then use the laser rifle modded.

Veronica and Arcade like the Q-35 more though.
I'm with courier on the fully modded laser rifle, but then I discovered the holorifle fully-modded, absolute king of all energy weapons when it is fully-modded.
Multiplas all the way.


Get it early on at Silver Rush. Just grab it from the counter and drag it in some corner of the store where guards can't see you stealing it.

Same with plasma caster.
James Snowscoran said:
Drag'n Swipe is such a lame exploit :/

agreed, at the very least use a steathboy and steal them the old fashioned way

Oh, it can get even lamer, sometimes i don't even bother searching for a dark corner to steal it. Instead, i just repeatedly run into Gloria until i move her enough to block the guards view and then just take it behind her back.
I never knew about the drag and steal exploit until recently, I used to just steal things the old fashioned way. And by old fashioned way, I mean I took out the guards one by one with a silenced sniper rifle.

Edit: Then sold everything back to Gloria. I win.
Q35 or the AER14

If you have a build fully dedicated to EW the fully-modded AER9 Laser Rifle is better. It shoots three beams with each one of them having a 65% crit chanche, so you can expect at least one critical with every shot for a solid 60+DAM, all at the cost of a single MF Cell. Sneak attacks are deadly, it's fast firing, doesn't have a slow moving projectile and it has a scope making it a great all-around weapon that, IMO, ends up being better than the Plasma Caster.
The Pew Pew is also a pretty good weapon, except for the fact that it uses up 5 energy cells, and either my Pew Pew is glitched or it shots twice automaticaly.
Courier said:
I never knew about the drag and steal exploit until recently, I used to just steal things the old fashioned way. And by old fashioned way, I mean I took out the guards one by one with a silenced sniper rifle.

Edit: Then sold everything back to Gloria. I win.

No you don't because you can't do that. :|