Courier said:The holorifle.
Felspawn said:its a tough call, by the time you get laser commander you should almost have a holorifle. that and the Q35 only uses 1MF per shot (saving start to add up when you use MaxCharge rounds) and does almost double the crit damage of the AER14. I think i'm leaning towards it. (i use it in concert with the YCS)
James Snowscoran said:Drag'n Swipe is such a lame exploit :/
agreed, at the very least use a steathboy and steal them the old fashioned way
Q35 or the AER14
Courier said:I never knew about the drag and steal exploit until recently, I used to just steal things the old fashioned way. And by old fashioned way, I mean I took out the guards one by one with a silenced sniper rifle.
Edit: Then sold everything back to Gloria. I win.