Queen Ant Phermones


First time out of the vault
I finally figured out why this "loot" is available once you kill the queen ant in the Corvega industry building. If you keep it on your body, the radroaches no longer attack you. Very interesting, if somewhat ridiculous, once you're a level that roaches aren't really a threat.
Actually its used in 1 quest in rivet city you give pheromenes to girl so you can use her...ofcourse im kidding you give it to her and she uses it on guy and marries him i think he was a priest :)
yeah rather disappointed in that free form quest myself, I mean you get to see the wedding and all. But nothing else really happens they seem to live married happily ever after.
gregor_y said:
Actually its used in 1 quest in rivet city you give pheromenes to girl so you can use her...ofcourse im kidding you give it to her and she uses it on guy and marries him i think he was a priest :)
I just ratted on them, making him no longer a priest and thus they got married. :O
Dragula said:
gregor_y said:
Actually its used in 1 quest in rivet city you give pheromenes to girl so you can use her...ofcourse im kidding you give it to her and she uses it on guy and marries him i think he was a priest :)
I just ratted on them, making him no longer a priest and thus they got married. :O

And that gives a guestion why player cant use pheromones?:) could be funny if you tricked the girl and married her...or Moira i would laught preaty much whole time... :)
if your character is female, the pheromones should give you +20 char and +50 speech (to males)
kohan69 said:
if your character is female, the pheromones should give you +20 char and +50 speech (to males)

Thx i dident know that...maybe i should play as female :)
Char? Charisma?

Did I miss something? Because I'm sure Fallout 3 didn't change the primary stats to be on a scale of 1 to 100.
I'm not sure where kohan got his numbers from. As far as I know, ant queen pheromones give +3 charisma, -3 perception, -3 intelligence for 4 minutes duration when used, regardless of gender.