Questions About Fallout 3


Still Mildly Glowing
I saw a while ago that fallout 3 will have "Dungeon" places in form of subway stations.

so my questions are:

1-is it true?

2-(if yes) then it will have infinite numbers (respawning) critters?

sorry if #2 cant be aswered yet but this is a major factor to me decide if i will buy the game or not.
#1 is true, it definitely has a "dungeon" feel.
#2 yes, and no.

From the fan interview on the official forums...

11. How common are the 'Dungeon' areas, and do they play a part in the main story, or are they isolated side quests of their own with little bearing on the outside world. And regarding the creatures inside the dungeons, do they re-spawn or can players clear the area permanently?

They are common, and play a part throughout the game, whether that's the main quest, side quests or just exploring. To even get to downtown DC you're going to have to go through some metro tunnels. And then when you are downtown, the whole thing is like one giant "dungeon". Any structure of size, an office building, destroyed factory, school, hospital, you name it – we use all of these as "dungeons".

Most of these do not respawn, once they are cleaned out, they are clean. Some respawn for specific reasons, and some have a limited number of creatures respawn to keep it interesting if it's a huge area that we don't want to feel "dead" later on.
One of many questions on my mind and I know I've asked before but now that the game is out just would like to know for sure:

As an example, I see someone, decide I'd rather snipe them from the top of the building I'm standing next to. Can I go into the building up to the roof and still see them, or once I go into the building it's a load screen an 'locked off' area from the outside world?
If there is a entrance to the roof, you can go up there. If not, then no. All bigger buildings are extra maps with loading screen.
The sad thing about the stations is they are all generally the exact same apart from sometimes certain exits maybe filled with debris.
As you spend a lot of time down there, having the night fighter perk is very handy to take.
Can you pick up and move things?

Referring to the PC version, with oblivion, when boredom arose, I position bodies in poses for multiple reason.

Anyone with the PC version, could you confirm it please?
Re: Can you pick up and move things?

Hobo In A Box said:
Referring to the PC version, with oblivion, when boredom arose, I position bodies in poses for multiple reason.

Anyone with the PC version, could you confirm it please?

There's a lot you can pick up.

However, Beth doesn't want re-creations of the Abu Ghraib photos, so bodies aren't one of those things.

I guess that's what you get when game devs are too close to the seats of shame.
Fallout 3 save...

Does Fallout 3 really need an account on windows Live to keep the save game??? I just buy the game and realise this...
I had some bad experiences with games that use Windows Live like Gear of war and Kane & Lynch....
If is yes, Bethesda have make a really bad choice!! :evil:
Perhaps a stupid grammar question but I noticed when you start the game it's listed as Fallout. 3

What's with the period? I can't recall if the first two were similar as I've not played them in a while (although meaning to get them through GOG)
I think it was Fallout(R) 3. The (R) to small to read it.