Look, Ma! Two Heads!

I tried sending an email to the author of this mod but it couldn't be delivered because the address couldn't be found. So I might as well post here.
- Does the Pistola perk work only with one handed weapons in the small guns category or does it also affect one handed energy weapons?
- Does Natural Born Sniper work only with the sniper rifle and its unique variants or does it also affect all scoped weapons including the scoped .44 Magnum and its variants along with the Gauss Rifle, Infiltrator, and Perforator?
- Is there any point in taking The Shadow if you wear Chinese Stealth armor?
- Does Chinese Commando also affect the Xuanlong Rifle and the Chinese Pistol's unique variant?
- Does D.I.Y Man/Woman affect the poison damage dealt by the Dart Gun and the explosive damage of the nuka grenade?