Quick Hard Truck Review roundup

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Hard Truck: Apocalypse keeps getting shot further into the ground. Here's a bit from Strategy Informer Review (4.8/10), one of the most apropos comments out there:<blockquote>When it comes to gameplay Hard Truck is a lesson in holding down the W key. Then in holding down the W key and switching between that and the map. Back and forth and back and forth like a kid on a swing. The towns are spaced phenomenally far apart, which is faithful to the idea that an apocalypse would space out settlements, but as a video game where little happens in the space between, its booooooooorring. The interactions with the bandits hold potential to be more interesting, but after the first encounter the hard truck combat is pretty much set in stone. Circle the enemy and pound them with your guns. This is a bit of a trick, only in that your view follows where your mouse is pointed, which is at the enemy in this case, but your driving is controlled by the keyboard. If you’re not careful you can drive yourself up a tree or over a cliff while you’re trying to shoot the bad guys. Sometimes you’ll have allies in these little raids, but don’t count on them overly much. They have a tendency to walk into trees and don’t know how to reverse. Which is rather humorous, but annoying.</blockquote>A list:

Link: Hard Truck: Apocalypse Review on Strategy Informer (4.8/10)
Link: Hard Truck: Apocalypse Review on GameMinion (2/5)
Link: Hard Truck: Apocalypse Review on IGN (4/10)
Link: Hard Truck: Apocalypse Review on GameZone (4.5/10)
Link: Hard Truck: Apocalypse Review on JustPressPlay (5.3/10)
Link: Hard Truck: Apocalypse Review on Eurogamer (4/10)
Link: Hard Truck: Apocalypse Review on Next Level Gaming (50/100)

Source: RPGDot
And THATS what happens with OMFG I'M SO POST APOC games.

Looking forward to Fallout 3. -.-
So, here's my short review:

I've played it and it's really not such a bad game, but calling it an RPG is a big much. It's a driving/shoot 'em up game, and that's really all it is.

The RPG element in this game could have been much better. The basic bones to make it good is all there, even support for branching quests and such, but it's just not there. The only time yopu see it is if you don't take the first quest (the "alice" quest) or the second quest (the "felix" quest), which lead you to a totaly differend main quest than you get otherwise. Other than that, the quest system just follows in a line from there, with a few side quests thrown in and with random quests-for-cash randomly generated at some of the bars along the way. The dialog options are always Option #1 and Option #2.. and that's it. They call that an RPG? I've seen better dialog in a Diablo hack&slash.

And then there's the really bad English. In the actual game it's OK, but in places like the cutscenes and the quest dialog you just have to wince at the hideous grammar. These guys really need to run their dialog past someone who's native language is English before they let it into the final game It's just bad in some places. It's really very bad.

If you've ever played Wing Commander: Privateer the quest system in Hard Truck: Apocalypse will seem strangely familiar. Just like that ten-year-old game, this game's main goal is doing quests to earn enough money to buy that newer vehicle or better gun or cooler add-on. Kinda fun, but it isn't very well implemented. After a while, you just wanna go exploring, and that's probably the most fun you can have in this game. Revealing the fog of war and stumbling upon a previously unknown town is kinda cool... but half the time there's nothing of interest in the whole town. It's not much more than a palce to buy fuel and get repairs and maybey pick up a random quest-for-cash. If the developer had spend more time putting actual story-driven quests into the towns the game would be a lot more fun. There is hope with the expansion pack, and If the developers are reading this I'd urge them to take a p[age from the Fallout book and put in strory driven quests, branching quests, and all tyhe other hings that made the quests in Fallout so great. the basics are all there, and it copuld be done, but sadly I believe the expansion will go the "clan battle" route to attract the online soot-em-up demographic. That woukd be too bad, this game could be so much more than that.