Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Hi everyone,
I've made this to help Fallout player as a check list for location and related quests.
There is some empty quest ...
So far this is what I have:
Fallout 1 Quest
# Boneyard
Become a Blade. xp
Deliver Locket for Romero. xp
Deliver package from the Gun Runners. 1000xp
- Keep the guns for you. 1000xp
Find Children spy in the Followers. xp not finished
Fix hydroponic farms in Adytum. 5 Stimpaks + $250
Rescue Jason Zimmerman. xp
Stop the Gangs from attacking Adytum. xp
Kill Razor for Zimmerman. $2000, or $2500
Get to the Gun Runners. 1000xp + % discount
- Kill the mother Deathclaws. 20% discount from Gun Runners
Kill the Regulator alone. 500xp
Deliver guns to the Blades and help then. 2000xp
- Go to Zimmerman and show him the Holodisk. 2000xp
Talk to Talus; Follower ghoul (was a vault dweller)
- Help with the mutant army. a Flamer + 20 Flamethrower fuel
- Inform him you've kill the SM in Necropolis. Flamer
# Brotherhood Of Steel
Become an Initiate; retrieve Holodisk from The Glow. 2000xp
Rescue Initiate from the Hub. 1500xp + one requisition:
a Rocket Launcher, a Laser Pistol,
a Super Sledge,
a Powered Armor
Scout the old Military Base and report to the High elder. 1500xp + 1000$ + 3 BOS paladin to take the military base.
Report to General Maxson about the Mutant base. 1500xp xp + one requisition:
a Sniper Rifle,
a 1 Rocket Launcher ,
a Laser Pistol,
a Power Fist ,
a Ripper
Get the motivator and fix the power armor. 500xp + power armor
# Watch Darrel. 500xp +5% Unarmed and +5% Melee
# Talk to Vree about mutants. Get Vree's Experiment Disk; learn about female mutants sterility.
# Cathedral
Get a red COC badge.
- Meet Laura.
- Steal one from a COC member.
- Buy on from Lasher. Cost 10$
Find a way to access L.A. Vault.
- Kill Morpheus 1000xp + black COC badge
- Find the secret entrance to the vault. Look at the bookcase; successfully lock pick it/traps check
Trick the guards. 750xp (need a COC robe)
Use the computer. 1250xp + military base location.
Talk to Gideon. 1000xp + Psychic Nullifier
Free the prisoners. 2000xp
Talk to the mutants about sterility.
Destroy the Cathedral. 10,000xp (see Vault 13 quest in Fallout 1)
- Kill the master.
- Get the Master to tell you of his plan, tell him he's got a problem:
Ask his female mutants (if read Vree's autopsy report and that you have IN 7)
- Go to lvl 4 and active the nuke. (Need Lieutenant key)
# Get help from the Followers. 4 Followers to help you.
- Talk to Nicole. (L.A. Boneyard)
# The Glow
Disarm Traps for the Facility. (Near elevator) check trap xp + deactivate the robots via Zax
Gain access to level 5. 1000xp
Play a game of chess and beat Zax. 700xp
Turn on power for the Glow. 1000xp + gain access to level 5 (need blue access key)
Use Science on the Robot after power is online. 100xp for each robot
- You can steal the weapon of the Brainbot.
Retrieve BOS data. Old Holodisk
Download Alpha Experiment Disk 100xp
Download Delta Experiment Disk 100xp
# Hub
Dispose of Jain.
- Tell the sheriff. 1400xp + 1300$
- Kill Jain. 700xp + 4000$(gain + 1000$ if talk to Kane firts)
Dispose of merchant. 600xp + 3000$
Find the missing caravans.
- Ask Slappy to show you the cave 800xp
- Kill the Deathclaws and find the SM xp+ 300xp from the SM + Holodisk (Deathclaws have 225 HP)
- Talk to Butch and show Holodisk to Rutger. 1000xp + 800$
Steal necklace from the Merchants.
- Talk to Jasmine 900xp + one set of lockpicks, two flares, one Nuka-Cola
- Steal the necklace, return to the Thieves' Circle 500xp + 3000$ + one Electronic Lock Pick
Side quest
Help Irwin with raider problem. 500xp + .223 Pistol
from the farm: 2 Stimpaks and 1 Metal Armor
Get 6 Stimpaks from Beth after killing Decker
Deliver water from the Water Merchant for the Vault. 1000xp + cost 2000$(1000$ or 500$ with barter check)
* Get a Vault Location Holodisk for $750 ($500 with CH/Barter check) from Mrs Stapleton, The librarian. -- Necropolis
Help Saul. 250xp
Kill Killian for Gizmo. 600xp + 1000$ to 1500$
Rescue Sinthia.
- Kill the raider. 400xp
- Talk to him; intimidate him. 100$ + 1000xp + free night
- Sneak toward him and knocked him out. 400xp
Save Trish. (Scum Pit) xp
Help Killian; kill Kenji. 400xp
Stop gizmo 500xp + reward
Kill Gizmo. 600xp + 500$
- You can recruit Tycho for the job. 300xp
Bust the Skulz gang.
- Steal the Urn, talk to Vinnie, tell Lars 400xp + 300xp
- Convince Sherry to testify. 500xp
- Turn against the Skulz. 800xp
Side quest
#Get dogmeat. 100xp
#Break into Killian safe. 700xp + 2000$
# Military Base Quests
Trick the SM guards. 1500 xp
Break the security systems.
- Disable the force fields 800xp
Gain access to lvl 4 without setting off the alarm 2000xp
Sneak near the Lieutenant and VanHaggan. 1000xp
Repair the Mr Handy on lvl 4. 1000xp
Kill the Lieutenant. xp + Cathedral nuke key
Start the self-destruct sequence and head for the surface. 10,000xp (need Lieutenant pass key)
# Necropolis
Destroy the Super Mutants at the Watershed. xp
- Return to Set 4 Nuka-Cola, 4 Flare and $50 or $50, a Shotgun and 40 12 ga. Shotgun Shells
Fix the Necropolis water pump. 1000xp
Free the ghoul from the watershed. 500 xp
Find the vault entrance and get the water chip.
- Enter the sewer and find the entrance. xp
- Retrieve the water chip 2500xp
Take the Junk back to the underground leader. 3 Deans Electronics
# Talk to Set after killing the Master, he will be so happy he'll give you:
40 Small Energy Cell,
50 Micro Fusion Cell,
1 Buffout,
1 Mentats,
2 Stimpaks,
2 Frag Grenades,
2 Plasma Grenades,
2 Pulse Grenades,
200 5mm JHP
200 5mm AP
# Raiders Quests
Become a member of the Khans. 500xp
- Kill the prisoners
Kill the Khans 200xp for each of the prisoners who remains alive + raiders xp
# Shandy Sands
Cure Jarvis of Radscorpion Poison. 400xp
Help Razlo to make Poison Antidote. 250xp + one antidote
Rescue "Tandi" from the Raiders. 500xp + raider xp
- When returning to Shandy Sands 400xp + 500$ from Aradesh
Stop the Radscorpions.
- Kill all the Radscorpions. 500xp + rad 990xp +/-
- Blow up the entrance. 1250xp
Help the farmer with there crops. 500xp + min Science 40%
# Vault 13 Quests
Calm the rebel faction 750xp
Destroy the Mutant leader 10,000xp (see cathedra)
Destroy the source of the Mutants 10,000xp (see military base)
Find the water chip 7500xp (see Necropolis)
- Deliver water from the Water Merchants 1000xp
Find the water thief 1000xp
# Vault 15 Quests
# - Search for the water chip; search else where... 500xp
Random Encounter.
#Talking Brahmin "Moo, I say"
#Car dealer Red Ryder BB Gun + a Red Ryder LE BB Gun
"Hi! I'm Bob. Which one of these beauties interests you today?"
#Crashed spacecraft Fuzzy Painting + Alien Blaster
#Single footprint Stealth Boy
#Phone cab Motion sensors
#Overturned truck LK = money*
• LK 1: $1
• LK 2: $32
• LK 3: $105
• LK 4: $298
• LK 5: $730
• LK 6: $1645
• LK 7: $2976
• LK 8: $5709
• LK 9: $8443
• LK 10: $10765
* double the amount if you have the Fortune Finder perk.
Fallout 2 Quest
Pass the Temple of Trials 300xp
Kill the evil plants that infest Hakunin's garden. 100xp + 2 Healing Powders
Obtain flint to have Mynoc sharpen your spear. 50xp
Rescue Nagor's dog, Smoke, from the wilds. 100xp
Bring the GECK to Arroyo. 4000xp
Repair the well. 100xp
Find Vic the Trader. (see The Den)
Answer all the questions from Cameron to exit the Temple of Trial. 600xp
Obtain flint to have Mynoc sharpen your spear.
-See your aunt Morlis. 50xp + find a new cooking pot in exchange for the flint.
Bring a sharpened spear to Jordan. +4% to traps.
- Talk to him about the waste land. +4% to outdoorsman.
Talk to Slik and learn how to be a good trader.
- Answer the riddle correctly to have the teaching. +16% to Barter skill.
Prove that the Trial in the Temple had been passed legitimately.
- Clear your name. 150xp
- Face Sly Fox alone. 80xp for the kill, + 150 xp if you face him alone
Find a way to save the harvest in Arroyo. 550xp
- Get useful info about the wasteland. +50xp (Min of 60% in outdoorsman)
Lucas allows you but 12 days to bring him the 3 pelts. Become Warrior + 400xp
You have to be back in Arroyo by the day of Initiation having accomplished some good deeds (karma no less than 30). Become Shaman
Refuel the still. 100xp + 50$
- Tell Sajag the location of the still. 100xp + 50$, a beer
Rescue Smiley the Trapper. 500xp, Sulik’s Freedom or 100$,
- Smiley will teach you how to Skin Gecko and raise Outdoorsman from +1% to +6%
Guard the Brahmin. 250xp
Rustle the Brahmin. 150xp, 50$, +5 meat jerky, Karma drop
Kill the rat god. 300xp
Rescue Torr. 250xp, Free Sulik (500xp) or 100$
* Get the Fuel Cell Regulator. 200xp
* Get the Enclave yellow pass key from the dead pilot.
Get the Enclave black box from the crashed Vertibird.
Deal with the thievery in Sam's garden. 300xp
Take part in Sajag's "hunting expedition". xp
Restoration project
Figure out who is rustling the Brahmin. 300xp
Kill the rat God by blowing up the cave. 600xp
*Female can sleep with Slim to have the trapper key.
-#Toxic Caves
Find Smiley and bring him out of there. 1000 xp
Fix the power generator. xp
Free Vic from his debt by getting his radio from his house in Klamath and paying Metzger. 200xp cost 1000$
(Females can sleep with Metzger for 500$ discount)
Find out how Becky can sell her booze for such low prices. 400XP + 100$
Sabotage Becky's still. 700xp + 500$
Tell Frankie to buy whiskey from Becky 900xp
Get car part for Smitty. Car + Fuel Cell controller: -2000$, Fuel Cell Regulator -750$
* Read Anna's Diary. 100xp Not used
Return Anna's locket. 250xp +1200xp to Bury Anna's bones
Collect Rebecca's money from Fred. 200XP + 100$
Get Rebecca's book from Derek. 350XP + 80$
Deliver a meal to Smitty for Mom. 150XP + one Stimpack
Lara wants to know what is being guarded in the church. 200$
700xp (if found before she askes you),
300xp (if PC is Slaver)
+ 500xp for examining the crates
Get permission from Metzger for the gang war. 200xp + 50$
Find a weakness in Tyler's gang guarding the church. 200XP + 150$
Help Lara attack Tyler's gang. 1000XP + 400$
Betray Lara's gang 1100xp + 400$
Kill Metzger. 1500xp
Free the slave. 1250xp
*Buy a Nuka-Cola and listen to Leanne. 350xp
*Buy Stacy a drink; 10$ and listen to her sad story. 200xp
Restoration Project
Find a way to get the orphans off the streets.
- Kill the squatters. 500XP
- Persuade them to leave. 750XP
- Persuade them to let Mom have the building for the orphanage and help out in exchange for staying there. 1000xp
-#JC Farm
Help the Jennings' defend themselves against Metzger's thugs. XP + a pistol and some money
-#Den Slave Run
First slave run. 500xp + 100$ for each living slave.
Something strange is happening at the farm northeast of Modoc.
'Investigate and report back to Jo. 500xp for killing all the Slags
'Deliver the Slag's message to Jo in Modoc. 700xp
Jo is suspicious of the Slags.
- Find out about the dead bodies at the Ghost Farm and find out what happened to Karl. 3500xp or 700xp for attacking the Slags
Tell Karl in the Den it's alright to go home. 500xp
Cornelius has lost his gold pocket watch.
- Find it and return it to him. 1500xp
Farrel wants you to find Cornelius's gold pocket watch.
- Find it and return it to Farrel. 500xp
Find Jonny and bring him home to Balthas.
- Jonny is in the Slag caves.
- Find a way to get him back home to Balthas. 2500 xp + Combat Leather Jacket
*Megamod: Learn how to make leather armor from Balthas.
Farrel has a rodent problem in his garden.
- Remove the infestation. 300xp + 535xp from rats
Guard Grisham's Brahmin. 1000$ (-100$ for each Brahmin dead)
Find a way to link Modoc and the Ghost Farm via an underground tunnel. 500xp + a double barrel shot gun +20 12 ga. shell
- Recruit Megrew in Redding. cost 1500$ or 2000$ + 4 dynamites.
-#Cold Hearts Quests
Plant the laughing gas. 100xp
Free Jimmy the Screw from Redding. 200xp
Liberate some of Salvatore's guns. 400xp + loot
Kill the New Reno junkie. 100xp
Dispose quietly of Mickey in Broken Hills. 200xp
Escort Jimmy to New Reno.
Random encounter with Salvator men.
Collect tribute money from Tubby in the Den.
- Kill the child. 150xp
- Convince Tubby without killing the child. 200xp
Poison one of the Tubby’s kids. 100xp
Scout out the basement in Broken Hills. 100xp
Scout out the basement in New Reno. 100xp
Steal from the safe in Redding. 300xp + 1800$
Gain the allegiance of Metzger. 200xp
Protect the Cold Hearts from English Bob. 2000xp
-#Ghost Farm
Deliver the letter to Jo. xp
Make a deal with Modoc and the Slag. xp
Help with the tunnel. xp
Repair the water pump. xp
* From (?) mod...
Clear out the mine.
- Buy the deed of the Great Wanamingo Mine - 1000$
- Kill all the Wanamingo’s and the queen. 3500xp + critters xp
- Sell the deed back to Mayor Ascorti. 1000xp + 2500$
Find the excavator chip. 2500xp + 1000$
- Give the chip to Dan -- Best for New Reno
- Give the chip to Marge -- Best for NCR
- Give the chip to McGrew -- Best for Vault-City
Take care of the Widow Rooney situation.
- Evict Widow Rooney. 1000xp + 100$
- Help Widow Rooney; give her the 120$. 1500xp + a beer from Mayor Ascorti
Break up the bar brawl. 1500xp + 300$
Find out who cut the whore.
- Get Obidiah Hakeswill to confess. 1250xp +500$
- Kill Obidiah Hakeswill. 500$
Kill Frog Morton. 3000xp + 1000$ + H&K G11 + 100 rounds.
Do some Brahmin runs
- Vault City 1000$
- New Reno 1500$
- NCR 2000$
Talk to Painless Doc Johnson and learn about Jet problem
- Give a Jet antidote to Painless Doc. 2500xp
Restoration project
Cure Fannie of jet addiction. 1000xp
#Vault City
Get a plow for Mr. Smith. 250xp + Desert Eagle with 20 .44 JHP ammo
Deliver Moore's briefcase to Mr. Bishop in New Reno. 500xp + $250
Tell Lynette that Moore is an NCR agent. 500xp
Tell McClure about Redding’s Jet problem. 250xp
Deliver a sample of jet to Dr. Troy. Between 1000$ and 1500$
Bring news about the Jet Antidote to McClure. 2500xp
Solve the Gecko power plant problem. Gain citizenship
Rescue Amanda's husband, Joshua. 500xp + 250$ to 1000$(Barter check)
Deliver beer and booze (10 each) to Lydia. 250xp + 300$
Deliver pliers (tools) and a wrench to Valerie. 250xp + 50$ + super tool kit after one day
Scout the eight sectors around Gecko and return to Stark. 350xp + 300$
Enter NCR and return to Stark. 750xp + 500$ and a Motion Sensor
Solve the raider problem. 1000xp + 1000$
- Prove they were mercenaries hire by Bishop Family in NR 1000xp (need account book from raider safe)
- Prove the Bishop Family was hire by NRC military. 1000xp (need Bishop Holodisck from his safe)
Deliver Lynette's Holodisk to Westin in NCR. 1500xp +H&K G11 and 2 Frag Grenades
- Become Captain of the guard. +1000xp (need 8 CH)
Ed tells you about the Brahmin run.(Vic must show you Ed’s shack) 500xp
Cassidy join your party. 300xp
Cure Charlie from radiation poisoning. Diagnostic: 100xp, use RadAway: 100xp, talk to him after;100xp
Find Curtis doll. 150xp
Fix the courtyard AutoDoc 200xp
Reunite Val and Vic. 250xp
Pass the citizenship test. 1000xp
Tell Dr. Troy about Myron and endorphin blockers. 2000xp
Make Dr. Troy and Myron meet each other so they talk about Jet. 750xp
Let Dr. Troy heal Lenny or Marcus. Extra ammo (must be Captain of the Guard)
Talk to Phyllis.
- Convince her to see the outside world. 300xp
- Talk to her about a possible sterility in VC. 300xp (min of Doctor 75% and PE 6)
- Have a date with her. 100xp
- Donate sperm.
IN = 4 50xp + Cat's Paw if ask for a magazine
IN = 5-6 250xp + Cat's Paw if ask for a magazine
IN > 6 500xp + Cat's Paw if ask for a magazine
Fix the vent in level 2. 100xp + 50 Micro Fusion Cell
(Min 6 PE or have the info from level 3 central computer)
Use the learning computer on level 3. 350xp
Complete the caravan trip to Redding for Bend Wade. 1000$
Free the slave; Charlie's brother. 500xp + $
- Bribe Steve. -100$
Restoration Project'
Resolve the problem with the nearby village. xp
- Kill all the molerats 800xp + kills and $750
- find the reason about the Molerats presence. (See Vault Village quests)
-#Vault Village
Get weapons for Connar to be used at the nearby village. 800xp or 10,000$
Collect food (12 meat jerky and 6 fruit) for Ann to be used at the nearby village. xp
Find the secret base 500xp
Disarm the safe trap. 50xp
Crack the safe. 500xp
Kill all the raiders. 2000xp
Restoration project
Convince Shadow Who Walks to stop working with the raiders. 3000xp
Solve the Gecko power plant problem. 4000xp
Repair the power plant with robot. 4500xp
Repair the power plant with Festus. 4250xp
Destroy the reactor; meltdown 2500xp
- Bonus; stay while Hank/Robot close the Valve. +550xp
Optimize the power plant. 2500xp
Retrieve the Economic Data, deliver it to McClure VC. 750xp --> trigger bad ending
Get a super repair kit for Skeeter. 300xp + 200$
Get 3-step plasma transformer for Skeeter. Free weapon mod.
Find Woody the ghoul for Percy. Try the Den. 1000xp
Restoration Project & MegaMod
Initiate Enclave vertibird assault.
#New California Republic
Retrieve parts/gain access to Vault 15. 5000xp + 6000$
"Take care of Officer Jack" for Mira. 2000xp + HK P90c + Jack’s inventory
Complete Brahmin drive. 1000$ to 3000 - depending on how many Brahmin survived
Retrieve papers from Dr. Henry. 1000xp + 1000$
Test mutagenic serum on a super-mutant. Try Broken Hills. 1000xp
Eliminate Mr. Bishop. 2250$
Deliver Westin's Holodisk to Lynette in Vault City. 2000xp
Get the map from the NCR Rangers, for Vortis the slaver. 500$
Free the slaves in the slave pen, for the Rangers. 3000xp
Deliver the Hubologist’s report to AHS-9 in San Francisco. 500xp
Kill Hubologist in NCR for Merk. 2000xp
Stop the Brahmin raids. 1000xp + 200$
Help Dorothy with Jack. (if not already dead with Mira quest)
- Stop Jack by talking to him. 6000xp + 3000xp from Doroty +
a Big Book of Science,
a Scout Handbook,
a First Aid Book
and a Deans Electronics
- Kill Jack before he blows himself up. 3000xp + Jack's inventory
- Let Jack blows himself up and repair the computer. 3000xp + Jack's inventory +
a Scout Handbook
and Deans Electronics
Restoration Project & Megamod
Wipe out the Rangers' safe houses to the north, for Vortis the slaver. xp
Wipe out the Slaver’s Camp to the North West, for the Rangers. 800xp
-#Vault 15
Rescue Chrissy. 2500xp
- Dead 500xp
Fix the generator on level 2. 3000xp
Kill Darion. 6000xp
- Get the Spy Holodisk (see NCR quest)
Complete the deal with NCR. Karma
Find the location of Vault 13 from the computer.
-#Vault 13
Find and enter the vault. 2000xp
Fix the Vault 13 computer. 5000xp + G.E.C.K trigger bad ending for the Deathclaws
- Find a Voice recognition module
Talk to Goris. Can join your party
Retrieve the NavComp parts. 5000xp
#New Reno
Recover your stolen car.
- Ask Cody 500xp
- Talk to T-Ray and resolve the situation peacefully. 750xp
- Pay T-Ray. 1000$
- Trick T-Ray and tell him you are a Made Man of the Bishop family. 750xp + MFC
-- T-Ray will improve the car: increased trunk space and better engine performance. 500$ or 300$ (reduce MFC consuming)
(Females can sleep with T-Ray to get the upgrades)
Find who is responsible for Richard Wright's overdose. 500xp + 250$, 2 Booze and 20 Shotgun Shells
- Find the empty Jet canister. 500xp
- Show the empty canister to Jagged Jimmy J and learn it was poisoned. 500xp
- Dig up Richard's grave in Golgotha (Renesco will mark it) 500xp + Grave digger
- Go to Renesco and he tells you the Salvatore's did it. 1000xp
Suspect: Jagged Jimmy J
Suspect: Jules
Suspect: Lil' Jesus Mordino
Suspect: Renesco
- Find out the truth; Salvatore's, via Renesco. 2000xp + 350$, 2 Booze and 40 Shotgun Shells
Find a way into the Sierra Army Base. 1000xp
Become a Made Man of the Wrights. 1000xp + a double Barrel shotgun, 4 booze, 400$
Learn about the secret desert transaction outside NR from Wright’s children. 1500xp
Bust up Wright's still beneath the train station for Mrs Wright. (Cannot get the quest if you're a Porn Star)
- Destroy the still. 500xp + 350 $ + Louisville Slugger
- Tell her to do it herself. 500xp
Track down Pretty Boy Lloyd, recover the stolen money, and make an… example of him. 500xp + 500$
Go visit Renesco the Rocketman and collect Mr. Salvatore's tribute of $1000.
- Get a discount and pay his tribute. -1000$ 750xp + 250$ + free stuff
Guard a secret transaction in the desert. 1000xp + laser pistol
Kill Big Jesus Mordino.
- Use chems on him; he will have a heart attack. 1000xp
Become a Made Man of the Salvatores. 1000xp +300$ +80 SEC + Metal armor MKII
Sleep with Mrs. Bishop. Min ST 6 or CH 6
- After sex, talk to her and learn she's from VC. 250xp + Pip Boy Lingual Enhancer; +500xp when use. (if IN 9)
- Tell her to move after Mr Bishop passes on. 1000xp (min IN 7)
Sleep with Angela Bishop.
Kill Westin (NCR) without making it look like a murder. 2000xp + 1000$
- Use poison or chem on Westin; he will have a heart attack.
Murder Carlson in NCR. 2500xp
Become a Made Man of the Bishop family. 1000xp
Deliver the package to Ramirez at the Stables. 500xp + 100$
- If you talk to Little Jesus with a Knife he offer you to train you a bit. +5% Melee Weapons for $200
(Females can sleep with him and get the training for free)
Collect a tribute from the Corsican Brothers. 500xp + 125 $
Assassinate Boss Salvatore for Big Jesus Mordino. 750xp + 500
- Change Salvatore's air tank for the poison tank. 2000xp
Become a Made Man of the Mordino family. 1000xp + a Leather Armor Mark II and a "Grease Gun".
Deliver ten Cat's Paw magazines to Miss Kitty. 1000xp + 750$
Special issue; give + 10% to Energy Weapons when read.
Ask Miss Kitty for a date. Min 9 CH
Deliver a laser pistol to Eldridge. 500xp +1500$
Give the spectacles to Renesco. 500xp + Pip Boy Medical Enhancer
Become a Prizefighter.
- Beat Joqq ($50, 500 xp)
- Beat Pete McKneely ($50, 750 xp)
- Beat Evan Holyfield ($400, 1000 xp)
- Beat The Masticator ($1000, 2500 xp).
Become a Porn Star.
- Make an audition 1500xp + 500$ (if IN 8, CH 8 or Speech 75%) else 200$
- After defeating the enclave; special movie 2000$
Learn the location of the Abbey from Father Tully.
Need some booze.
Deliver a gauss weapon to Eldridge. Bunker 21 location
Restoration Project
Learn the location of the Abbey from Father Tully.
Need some booze.
Bring a bottle of Abbey's hooch to Father Tully. 500xp
Cure a strange Brahmin. 100xp + 50 MFC
Get a temporary pass From Marjorie. 500xp
Convince Myron there might be a cure. 2000xp
Get to Myron and make him join your party. 750xp
Restoration Project
Get inside the Stable as a prostitute. 500xp (Female only)
Find Pretty Boy Lloyd’s secret stash. Tribute to Salvatore; $1000 + one plastic explosive
Find Coffin Willie. Unearth a ghoul; Lenny’s dad
Find Mordino’s stash.
• 1 Buffout
• 3 Jet
• 1 Antidote
• 40 .44 Magnum JHP
• 1 .44 Magnum Revolver
• $171
• 1 Gold Nugget
Find the "Trash" grave; hint from the Magic 8-Ball. 374$
#Sierra Army Base
Search the bodies:
• 1 Plasma Grenade
• 3 Frag Grenade
• 2 Desert Eagle .44
• 2 10mm SMG
• 2 10mm Pistol
• 1 Assault Rifle
• 24 10mm AP
• 1 Sniper Rifle
Get inside the Base. (See New Reno quest)
Shut down the security system. 250xp
Hack security system 500xp
Hack alarm system 550xp
Disable shock plates level 2 200xp
Disable field to repair bay 200xp
Turn off the automated repair system 200xp
Disable the robots 200xp each; goes for all bots in the depot except the passive ones in the repair bay
Disable the force fields in level 1 200xp
Disable the force fields in level 2 320xp
Disable the force fields in level 3 440xp
Disable the force fields in level 4 560xp
Repair the robot for Skynet 500xp
Retrieve the cybernetic brain 500xp
Free Skynet.
#Broken Hills
Fix the mine's air purifier. 1500xp + 500 to 1000$ (Barter check)
Find the missing people for Marcus.
- Find the bodies and the letter in the mine. 500xp
- Tell Zaius, he points you to Francis; let him go. 1000xp
- Tell Marcus. 500$ + scoped hunting rifle
Beat Francis at arm wrestling.
- Win = 350xp + Power fist
- Loose = Become his sexual slave for the night
Break Manson and Frank out of prison.
- Tell Marcus right away. 2500xp
- Free Manson and Frank. 1500xp
*Speak to Manson before talking to Jacob. 300xp for "preaching open-mindedness to Manson"
Blow up the mine's air purifier.
- Go tell Marcus. 2500xp
- Blow up the mine’s Air purifier. 1500xp + reward from Liz
Divert more electrical power to Eric's home. 1000xp, 1500xp for critical success + 150$ + a buffout
Convince Marcus to join your group. 1000xp
Talk to Typhon, give him a Cat's Paw, a rubber doll and a bottle of Rot Gut. 2000xp + treasure location
Talk to Dan; agree to look for his wife. 500xp
Talk to the mad Professor and his little Radscorpion
- Take the PE test 500xp
- Take the AG test 500xp
- Take the In test 500xp (need hint from Seymour)
Transfer Seymour to a better location. 1000xp + hint how to beat the scorpion at chess
Find the secret cave near the mine. 1000xp
- Talk to the guy inside: Chuck Stodgers 500xp
Refine some uranium ore. 500xp - 1000$
Sell refined uranium ore. 1250xp + 1500$ (or 1000$ + karma)
Find the truth about Tony. (See Navarro quest; Maria missing pilot)
Restoration Project
Determine whether Chad is skimming money from the caravan runs.
Confront Chad with the evidence and bribe him. 750xp + 1000$
Show evidence to Marcus 1500xp
Obtain a Kevlar Armor for Dogmeat. 2000$
Talk to Liz about something special off the shelves.
#Military Base
Re-open the entrance. 5000xp
Repair the generator. 1500xp
Kill Melchior. xp + loot
Find the location of Vault 14. 500xp, Need Marcus with you
#San Francisco
Find Badger's girlfriend in the hold below the ship. 5000xp + Badger owes you a favor
The tanker needs fuel. 5000xp
• From Dr. Jing after doing the quest; Get some hardened power armor from Crockett.
• From Badger after finding Badger's girlfriend.
• From a Shi chemistry workstation.
• From the Shi mainframe + 3000xp if you use the computer without permission.
• From Dave Handy after talking to Vikki (if you tell him she made fun of him and he gets the fuel from the Shi)
• From Dave Handy after talking to Vikki 3000xp (if you tell him she made fun of him and he gets it from the Hubologists)
• From Dave Handy after talking to Vikki no xp if you tell him she thinks he's hot.
• From Matthew when you retrieve the Vertibird plans and if you have IN<4.
• From the AHS-9 when you kill the Shi Emperor and if you have IN<4> 2, 3, 1, 7, 8 and 9 or 2, 1, 2, 3, 8 and 9
- Find an "Easter egg" in one of the terminals. Found by making Repair check, reward by doing a Science check
Reward (depending on your higher tagged skill)
• Science: Opens all doors in the maze (using the terminals afterwards will open and close them as usual).
• Repair: Creates 1 Magic 8-Ball and restores electricity to the floor if you cut the wires so you can cut them again for 1000xp
• Gambling: Creates $2000-5000, 1 Loaded Dice and 1 Pack of Marked Cards.
• Outdoorsman: Creates 1 YK42B Pulse Rifle.
• Throwing: Creates 10-20 Plasma Grenade.
• First aid: Creates 1 Psycho, 1 Buffout, 1 First Aid Kit, 1 Mentats and 1 Stimpak.
• Doctor: Creates 2-4 Buffout, 1 Medical Supply, 1 Poison, 2-4 Jet, 2-4 Super Stimpaks, 2-4 Psycho, 1-2 Doctor's Bag and 2-4 Stimpaks.
• Traps: Creates 2-4 Plastic Explosives, 2-4 Dynamite, 2-4 Electronic Lockpick MKII and 1 Motion Sensor.
• Speech: Creates 1 Alien Blaster.
Find the G.E.C.K. 5000xp
Talk to Dr Curlin; Release FEV virus through ventilation system. 5000xp
Kill Dick Richarson; President of the United States “some” xp + Presidential Access Key
Talk to Tom Murray, tell him to shut down the reactor 12,500xp
Shut down the reactor computer. 10-minute countdown 10,000xp (need Presidential Access Key)
Blow up the reactor computer. 10-minute countdown 10,000xp
Talk to Sergeant Granite; making him turn against Horrigan 1500xp (Speech check)
Kill Frank Horrigan 10,000xp
New Locations
#Bunker 21
Deceive the Base Commander. 500xp
#The Abbey
Bring the data from the Vault City computer. Offer to become member
-If you choose to take their implant: new perk, +15% science, -1 perception, +2 intelligence
-If you choose disk; science skill still goes up +15%
Get the information from the Hubologist’s computer. 1500xp
Get the information from the Shi computer. 2500xp
Get the information from the NCR computer. 1500xp
Get the information from the EPA computer. 3500xp
Get the information from the Carson City computer. 3500xp
Retrieve the Vertibird plans. 25000xp
Delivering FOB. 5000xp
Convince Brother William to take care of his brother, Bart. 500xp
Talk to Brat after and get a StealthBoy.
Talk to the monk outside; ask him to share his knowledge with an outsider. +15% to Outdoorsman.
Restoration project
Kill the beast beneath the church. 500xp + critter xp.
- You see a huge Deathclaw covered with scars. It is breathing slowly and loudly.
- Bring back the book to the Head Monk. 200xp
Deliver the machine part to Brother Max from Elaine. 100xp + survival manual
Repair the water pump and report the status to the Head Monk.
- Find out that the motor is broken. 100xp
- Get a new motor from Harry's in VC. -500$
- Fix the water pump
- By Dave 300xp
- Yourself; need tools 800xp
- Get back to the Head Monk. 50xp
Find out who is digging up the graves. 1000xp
Inform Brother Samuel and Father Tully about the whereabouts of each other.
- Report back to Father Trully. 750xp
Bring a lighter to Brother Hank. Free bottle of Abbey Wine
Collect information about Botany for Brother Paul.
- Uploaded data to the main Abbey computer. 750xp
Get Metal armor for Marcus in trader Bill's shop. 3000$
- Need to ask him if he has something special.
Bring Heart Pills to Brother John. 400$ or a StealthBoy
Talk to brother Jack about your quest.
- He give you a paramedic bag and a field medic first aid kit (min CH 8 and speech 110% required)
#Primitive Tribe
Collect some weapons for the tribe's warriors. 300xp
Fix the well for Marli and the tribe. 400xp
Find out what's haunting the tribe's shaman. 500xp
Reunite Sulik and his sister, Andrita. 300xp
Kill the bandits. xp
Restoration project
Collect some weapons for the tribe's warriors. 300xp
Fix the well for Marli and the tribe. 400xp
Find out what's haunting the tribe's shaman. 500xp
Find out what happened to the hunting party. 600xp
Collect firewood for the tribe's fishermen. 200xp
Sulik's sister is missing, find her. ( Get Slaver's Camp location after Sulik tells you and you've talked to Metzger.)
Get medicinal plants for the shaman. 100xp and some healing powder
: Bring him 5 Xander root and 3 Broc flowers.
=Slaver's Camp=
Free Sulik's sister. 1000xp
Reunite Sulik and his sister, Kurisu. 500xp
Restoration Project & Megamod
Fix Hologram 00000. 500xp
- He speaks only in binary.
Fix the Voice Computer. 500xp + security access key
Clear out the plant problem. 300xp + 1200xp from EPA plant + shed key.
Fix the EPA lighting problem. 500xp
Collect 10 golden gecko pelts for the Doctor. xp
Fix the hologram that speaks with static. secret password for Blue sector elevator
Repair the terminal to talk to the 4 holograms. 100xp
- Run a diagnostic; repair the magnetic coil.
Release one of the three hibernating humans that have been preserved since the great silence.
- One who will die - speech skill highest.
- One warrior who will teach you 20% unarmed - melee skill highest.
- One spy who will teach you 20% sneak - sneak skill highest.
The doctor will ask you for a serum treatment. +1 permanently to Agility.
If you have Myron with you and talk to the Doctor about the Jet, he will give you the GGG!!!
Restoration Project
Fix "Brave Little Toaster". 450xp
- Learn a way to "jinx" any slot machine.
Find the tool the Doctor left behind. 750xp
When searching the cpu on level E3 you can:
- Access the botany file.
- Find the two types of seed.
- Plant some seeds. 100xp
- Obtain a cure for epilepsy.
- Find the hidden note on fluoridation of water. 200xp
If you have Myron with you and talk to the Doctor, he will give you the Solar Scorcher.
Megamod new locations and Quests
Not added yet; need to finish all the translation
In order to join the Lumpen gang, you should kill someone. xp
- Tony Exacto will be a suitable candidate.
Humphry asked you to kill Berk. xp
- His ass could be found at Grizzly John's bar.
Humphry wants John Grizzly dead. xp
You have agreed to help Rusty join the Lumpen Gang. xp
Raphael is down with dysentery. You probably could heal him. xp
Berk wants you to return Jozy's book. xp
Grizzly John wants you to kill Humphry Snag, the Lumpen Gang leader. xp
Write an advertisement. no xp, but +10$
Find the city's killer. xp
-#Ruined Reactor; Reactor 7
Watch Leon's girld friend Lilia in Carson City and report to him. 500xp
Give a word to the Captain about you.
Becom a body hunter.
Find Kruger and kill him. Bring his tooth as a proof. xp
-Try surrounding locations.
Finalize an alliance with the Brotherhood of Steel. xp
#Brotherhood Of Steel
Discover the reconnaissance troop's fate. 5000xp
Bring the Holodisk to Professor Steel. 3000xp
- Bring a strange artefact to the General. Gauss Rifle
Find out where the Enclave troops disappeared to. xp
Bring the data from Den. xp
Fix the computer network. 1000xp
#BOS Research facility
Bring a volunteer ghoul to Professor Daniel.' no xp but can try to cure Lenny.
Cure Lenny. 9000xp
Bring Biomed-Gel to Louis, the AI scientist. 1000xp
Bring gecko skins to Prfessor Still 1000xp
One pelt of each mutated Gecko.
Bring Skynet for AI Baby. 5000xp
Deal with the local gangs. xp
Secure the power generator. xp
Deal with the dog so Phil can enter his home. xp
#Vault 14
Find the pass key to enter. Trigger when you have found the location.
Enter Vault 14. 3000xp
Free Syrian. 500xp
Free Chris the slave. 500xp
Free Mardok. 500xp
Kill Ardenius. 900xp
Ask Doctor Dawson to create the special SM armor. Marcus special armor
- Requires 3 normal-sized of metal armor and one super toll kit. Take two weeks to build it.
#Vault 23
Find the entrance of the Vault.
Get the access card from the guy outside.
Open the blast doors.
Turn on the Elevators power supply.
Turn on the lights generator.
Get the data of Vault 23 on level 3.
- Kill all the mutated rats and the rat boss. 10000xp
Tell the guy ouside you've kill the rat god. 3000xp
Mutant Rising quest
Fetch the Pipboy for Cassidy. xp
Find an Antenna for Tom Jr. xp
Find out what made Jonas sick. xp
Get a cup of Coffee for Lynch xp
Find out what's happening in the temple at night. xp
Find either a Doctor or a Heart for Cassidy. xp
Shattered Destiny Part 1 Quests
-#Grand Guignol
Find the control chip for the water pump and try to install it. xp
Steve wants you to remove the rats from the farm. 150xp
Search for Hanna. 500xp
Betray Stuart the Dwarf. 300xp
Find out why the preachers are away. xp
Find something for the boozer. xp
Find the way to get in the caves. xp
The Yor's watch is missing, try finding it. xp
Share the flowers in the name of the Children of the Cathedral. xp
Help the scientist repairing the computer. xp
Shattered Destiny Part 2 Quests
*Still in development...
Random Encounters
* Postman Encounter
- Deliver the letter. 500xp + location of Vault 13 if unknown
* A Guardian Portal; break the water chip. 1000xp + Solar Scorchar
Megamod' no Solar Scorchar
* A man guarding a bridge
- Answer the 3 question. Pass the bridge
- Ask him a counter-question; he died. 500xp + Bridgekeeper’s Robe
- Kill him 7500xp + Bridgekeeper’s Robe
* A giant stone head Monument Chunk
ST +3, AG +3 and Damage Resistance +50. (Temporarily, of course.)
* A tin woodsman 150 MFC
* The Cafe of Broken Dreams
Recruit Dogmeat
* The Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer ...
* A crashed shuttle
- 3 Hypos
Restoration project & Megamod
- 3 Hypos + a Phaser
* King Arthur's Knights 500$, seeking the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
* King Arthur's Knights part 2
Knights fighting the vorpal rat.
* The remains of a whale a useless pot of Daisies
* A lone surviving dog; pariah dog (750 hp) get jinxeg trait, -1 LK
* Toxic waste dump Gecko + green radioactive goo + no light; ouch!
* A trader and guards "Inventory depend of your level"
• 1+: Sharpened Spear, Spiked Knuckles
• 1-3: Knife, Rock, Spear
• 1-5: Throwing Knife, 10mm Pistol, Crowbar, Club, Brass Knuckles, Red Ryder BB Gun
• 1-10: Sharpened Pole
• 3-5: Combat Knife, Desert Eagle .44, Shotgun, Hunting Rifle
• 6-10: 10mm SMG
• 6+: 14mm Pistol, Cattle Prod
• 8+: Ripper
• 10+: Power Fist
• 11-15: Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle
• 13+: Alien Blaster
• 15-20: Minigun
* A herd of wild mad Brahmin get out of the way!!!
* Some people in the wrong place at the wrong time
First encounter with Frank Horrigan and Enclave troopers.
* A band of ruffians led by a Morton brother "You killed my brother! Now I kill you!"
- Toad is harmless
- Newt has a Light Support Weapon
- Snake has a H&K G11E
* A herd of Brahmin Near Modocs, some Brahmin
* Kaga
Restoration Project
- Just after you leave Arroyo for the first time you will meet this guy telling you he's the Chosen One.
After that you will have some other encounters with him; you will have to fight him but he will flee until the last "meeting".
1st encounter: player level less than 6
2nd encounter: player level greater than 5 and less than 11
3rd encounter: player level greater than 10 and less than 16
4th encounter: player level greater than 15 and less than 21
5th encounter: player level greater than 20
-Diplomatic ending is possible too.
Lootable armor
Not all implemented in the Megamog for now.
only at Navarro and Enclave patrols.
leather jacket - 50 repair
leather armor (and mk II) - 70 repair
metal armor (and mk II) - 90 repair
combat armor (and mk II) - 110 repair
Brotherhood armor - 120 repair, 85 science
Tesla armor - 120 repair, 100 science
Power armor/hardened power armor - 130 repair, 110 science
Adv. Power Armor (and mk II) - 150 repair, 130 science
Thx to killap, MIB88, Dude101, Lexx, Elitech, Per: , Darek, SoldierOfTruth, Morticia:
and any other who can help me
I've made this to help Fallout player as a check list for location and related quests.
There is some empty quest ...
So far this is what I have:
Fallout 1 Quest
# Boneyard
Become a Blade. xp
Deliver Locket for Romero. xp
Deliver package from the Gun Runners. 1000xp
- Keep the guns for you. 1000xp
Find Children spy in the Followers. xp not finished
Fix hydroponic farms in Adytum. 5 Stimpaks + $250
Rescue Jason Zimmerman. xp
Stop the Gangs from attacking Adytum. xp
Kill Razor for Zimmerman. $2000, or $2500
Get to the Gun Runners. 1000xp + % discount
- Kill the mother Deathclaws. 20% discount from Gun Runners
Kill the Regulator alone. 500xp
Deliver guns to the Blades and help then. 2000xp
- Go to Zimmerman and show him the Holodisk. 2000xp
Talk to Talus; Follower ghoul (was a vault dweller)
- Help with the mutant army. a Flamer + 20 Flamethrower fuel
- Inform him you've kill the SM in Necropolis. Flamer
# Brotherhood Of Steel
Become an Initiate; retrieve Holodisk from The Glow. 2000xp
Rescue Initiate from the Hub. 1500xp + one requisition:
a Rocket Launcher, a Laser Pistol,
a Super Sledge,
a Powered Armor
Scout the old Military Base and report to the High elder. 1500xp + 1000$ + 3 BOS paladin to take the military base.
Report to General Maxson about the Mutant base. 1500xp xp + one requisition:
a Sniper Rifle,
a 1 Rocket Launcher ,
a Laser Pistol,
a Power Fist ,
a Ripper
Get the motivator and fix the power armor. 500xp + power armor
# Watch Darrel. 500xp +5% Unarmed and +5% Melee
# Talk to Vree about mutants. Get Vree's Experiment Disk; learn about female mutants sterility.
# Cathedral
Get a red COC badge.
- Meet Laura.
- Steal one from a COC member.
- Buy on from Lasher. Cost 10$
Find a way to access L.A. Vault.
- Kill Morpheus 1000xp + black COC badge
- Find the secret entrance to the vault. Look at the bookcase; successfully lock pick it/traps check
Trick the guards. 750xp (need a COC robe)
Use the computer. 1250xp + military base location.
Talk to Gideon. 1000xp + Psychic Nullifier
Free the prisoners. 2000xp
Talk to the mutants about sterility.
Destroy the Cathedral. 10,000xp (see Vault 13 quest in Fallout 1)
- Kill the master.
- Get the Master to tell you of his plan, tell him he's got a problem:
Ask his female mutants (if read Vree's autopsy report and that you have IN 7)
- Go to lvl 4 and active the nuke. (Need Lieutenant key)
# Get help from the Followers. 4 Followers to help you.
- Talk to Nicole. (L.A. Boneyard)
# The Glow
Disarm Traps for the Facility. (Near elevator) check trap xp + deactivate the robots via Zax
Gain access to level 5. 1000xp
Play a game of chess and beat Zax. 700xp
Turn on power for the Glow. 1000xp + gain access to level 5 (need blue access key)
Use Science on the Robot after power is online. 100xp for each robot
- You can steal the weapon of the Brainbot.
Retrieve BOS data. Old Holodisk
Download Alpha Experiment Disk 100xp
Download Delta Experiment Disk 100xp
# Hub
Dispose of Jain.
- Tell the sheriff. 1400xp + 1300$
- Kill Jain. 700xp + 4000$(gain + 1000$ if talk to Kane firts)
Dispose of merchant. 600xp + 3000$
Find the missing caravans.
- Ask Slappy to show you the cave 800xp
- Kill the Deathclaws and find the SM xp+ 300xp from the SM + Holodisk (Deathclaws have 225 HP)
- Talk to Butch and show Holodisk to Rutger. 1000xp + 800$
Steal necklace from the Merchants.
- Talk to Jasmine 900xp + one set of lockpicks, two flares, one Nuka-Cola
- Steal the necklace, return to the Thieves' Circle 500xp + 3000$ + one Electronic Lock Pick
Side quest
Help Irwin with raider problem. 500xp + .223 Pistol
from the farm: 2 Stimpaks and 1 Metal Armor
Get 6 Stimpaks from Beth after killing Decker
Deliver water from the Water Merchant for the Vault. 1000xp + cost 2000$(1000$ or 500$ with barter check)
* Get a Vault Location Holodisk for $750 ($500 with CH/Barter check) from Mrs Stapleton, The librarian. -- Necropolis
Help Saul. 250xp
Kill Killian for Gizmo. 600xp + 1000$ to 1500$
Rescue Sinthia.
- Kill the raider. 400xp
- Talk to him; intimidate him. 100$ + 1000xp + free night
- Sneak toward him and knocked him out. 400xp
Save Trish. (Scum Pit) xp
Help Killian; kill Kenji. 400xp
Stop gizmo 500xp + reward
Kill Gizmo. 600xp + 500$
- You can recruit Tycho for the job. 300xp
Bust the Skulz gang.
- Steal the Urn, talk to Vinnie, tell Lars 400xp + 300xp
- Convince Sherry to testify. 500xp
- Turn against the Skulz. 800xp
Side quest
#Get dogmeat. 100xp
#Break into Killian safe. 700xp + 2000$
# Military Base Quests
Trick the SM guards. 1500 xp
Break the security systems.
- Disable the force fields 800xp
Gain access to lvl 4 without setting off the alarm 2000xp
Sneak near the Lieutenant and VanHaggan. 1000xp
Repair the Mr Handy on lvl 4. 1000xp
Kill the Lieutenant. xp + Cathedral nuke key
Start the self-destruct sequence and head for the surface. 10,000xp (need Lieutenant pass key)
# Necropolis
Destroy the Super Mutants at the Watershed. xp
- Return to Set 4 Nuka-Cola, 4 Flare and $50 or $50, a Shotgun and 40 12 ga. Shotgun Shells
Fix the Necropolis water pump. 1000xp
Free the ghoul from the watershed. 500 xp
Find the vault entrance and get the water chip.
- Enter the sewer and find the entrance. xp
- Retrieve the water chip 2500xp
Take the Junk back to the underground leader. 3 Deans Electronics
# Talk to Set after killing the Master, he will be so happy he'll give you:
40 Small Energy Cell,
50 Micro Fusion Cell,
1 Buffout,
1 Mentats,
2 Stimpaks,
2 Frag Grenades,
2 Plasma Grenades,
2 Pulse Grenades,
200 5mm JHP
200 5mm AP
# Raiders Quests
Become a member of the Khans. 500xp
- Kill the prisoners
Kill the Khans 200xp for each of the prisoners who remains alive + raiders xp
# Shandy Sands
Cure Jarvis of Radscorpion Poison. 400xp
Help Razlo to make Poison Antidote. 250xp + one antidote
Rescue "Tandi" from the Raiders. 500xp + raider xp
- When returning to Shandy Sands 400xp + 500$ from Aradesh
Stop the Radscorpions.
- Kill all the Radscorpions. 500xp + rad 990xp +/-
- Blow up the entrance. 1250xp
Help the farmer with there crops. 500xp + min Science 40%
# Vault 13 Quests
Calm the rebel faction 750xp
Destroy the Mutant leader 10,000xp (see cathedra)
Destroy the source of the Mutants 10,000xp (see military base)
Find the water chip 7500xp (see Necropolis)
- Deliver water from the Water Merchants 1000xp
Find the water thief 1000xp
# Vault 15 Quests
# - Search for the water chip; search else where... 500xp
Random Encounter.
#Talking Brahmin "Moo, I say"
#Car dealer Red Ryder BB Gun + a Red Ryder LE BB Gun
"Hi! I'm Bob. Which one of these beauties interests you today?"
#Crashed spacecraft Fuzzy Painting + Alien Blaster
#Single footprint Stealth Boy
#Phone cab Motion sensors
#Overturned truck LK = money*
• LK 1: $1
• LK 2: $32
• LK 3: $105
• LK 4: $298
• LK 5: $730
• LK 6: $1645
• LK 7: $2976
• LK 8: $5709
• LK 9: $8443
• LK 10: $10765
* double the amount if you have the Fortune Finder perk.
Fallout 2 Quest
Pass the Temple of Trials 300xp
Kill the evil plants that infest Hakunin's garden. 100xp + 2 Healing Powders
Obtain flint to have Mynoc sharpen your spear. 50xp
Rescue Nagor's dog, Smoke, from the wilds. 100xp
Bring the GECK to Arroyo. 4000xp
Repair the well. 100xp
Find Vic the Trader. (see The Den)
Answer all the questions from Cameron to exit the Temple of Trial. 600xp
Obtain flint to have Mynoc sharpen your spear.
-See your aunt Morlis. 50xp + find a new cooking pot in exchange for the flint.
Bring a sharpened spear to Jordan. +4% to traps.
- Talk to him about the waste land. +4% to outdoorsman.
Talk to Slik and learn how to be a good trader.
- Answer the riddle correctly to have the teaching. +16% to Barter skill.
Prove that the Trial in the Temple had been passed legitimately.
- Clear your name. 150xp
- Face Sly Fox alone. 80xp for the kill, + 150 xp if you face him alone
Find a way to save the harvest in Arroyo. 550xp
- Get useful info about the wasteland. +50xp (Min of 60% in outdoorsman)
Lucas allows you but 12 days to bring him the 3 pelts. Become Warrior + 400xp
You have to be back in Arroyo by the day of Initiation having accomplished some good deeds (karma no less than 30). Become Shaman
Refuel the still. 100xp + 50$
- Tell Sajag the location of the still. 100xp + 50$, a beer
Rescue Smiley the Trapper. 500xp, Sulik’s Freedom or 100$,
- Smiley will teach you how to Skin Gecko and raise Outdoorsman from +1% to +6%
Guard the Brahmin. 250xp
Rustle the Brahmin. 150xp, 50$, +5 meat jerky, Karma drop
Kill the rat god. 300xp
Rescue Torr. 250xp, Free Sulik (500xp) or 100$
* Get the Fuel Cell Regulator. 200xp
* Get the Enclave yellow pass key from the dead pilot.
Get the Enclave black box from the crashed Vertibird.
Deal with the thievery in Sam's garden. 300xp
Take part in Sajag's "hunting expedition". xp
Restoration project
Figure out who is rustling the Brahmin. 300xp
Kill the rat God by blowing up the cave. 600xp
*Female can sleep with Slim to have the trapper key.
-#Toxic Caves
Find Smiley and bring him out of there. 1000 xp
Fix the power generator. xp
Free Vic from his debt by getting his radio from his house in Klamath and paying Metzger. 200xp cost 1000$
(Females can sleep with Metzger for 500$ discount)
Find out how Becky can sell her booze for such low prices. 400XP + 100$
Sabotage Becky's still. 700xp + 500$
Tell Frankie to buy whiskey from Becky 900xp
Get car part for Smitty. Car + Fuel Cell controller: -2000$, Fuel Cell Regulator -750$
* Read Anna's Diary. 100xp Not used
Return Anna's locket. 250xp +1200xp to Bury Anna's bones
Collect Rebecca's money from Fred. 200XP + 100$
Get Rebecca's book from Derek. 350XP + 80$
Deliver a meal to Smitty for Mom. 150XP + one Stimpack
Lara wants to know what is being guarded in the church. 200$
700xp (if found before she askes you),
300xp (if PC is Slaver)
+ 500xp for examining the crates
Get permission from Metzger for the gang war. 200xp + 50$
Find a weakness in Tyler's gang guarding the church. 200XP + 150$
Help Lara attack Tyler's gang. 1000XP + 400$
Betray Lara's gang 1100xp + 400$
Kill Metzger. 1500xp
Free the slave. 1250xp
*Buy a Nuka-Cola and listen to Leanne. 350xp
*Buy Stacy a drink; 10$ and listen to her sad story. 200xp
Restoration Project
Find a way to get the orphans off the streets.
- Kill the squatters. 500XP
- Persuade them to leave. 750XP
- Persuade them to let Mom have the building for the orphanage and help out in exchange for staying there. 1000xp
-#JC Farm
Help the Jennings' defend themselves against Metzger's thugs. XP + a pistol and some money
-#Den Slave Run
First slave run. 500xp + 100$ for each living slave.
Something strange is happening at the farm northeast of Modoc.
'Investigate and report back to Jo. 500xp for killing all the Slags
'Deliver the Slag's message to Jo in Modoc. 700xp
Jo is suspicious of the Slags.
- Find out about the dead bodies at the Ghost Farm and find out what happened to Karl. 3500xp or 700xp for attacking the Slags
Tell Karl in the Den it's alright to go home. 500xp
Cornelius has lost his gold pocket watch.
- Find it and return it to him. 1500xp
Farrel wants you to find Cornelius's gold pocket watch.
- Find it and return it to Farrel. 500xp
Find Jonny and bring him home to Balthas.
- Jonny is in the Slag caves.
- Find a way to get him back home to Balthas. 2500 xp + Combat Leather Jacket
*Megamod: Learn how to make leather armor from Balthas.
Farrel has a rodent problem in his garden.
- Remove the infestation. 300xp + 535xp from rats
Guard Grisham's Brahmin. 1000$ (-100$ for each Brahmin dead)
Find a way to link Modoc and the Ghost Farm via an underground tunnel. 500xp + a double barrel shot gun +20 12 ga. shell
- Recruit Megrew in Redding. cost 1500$ or 2000$ + 4 dynamites.
-#Cold Hearts Quests
Plant the laughing gas. 100xp
Free Jimmy the Screw from Redding. 200xp
Liberate some of Salvatore's guns. 400xp + loot
Kill the New Reno junkie. 100xp
Dispose quietly of Mickey in Broken Hills. 200xp
Escort Jimmy to New Reno.
Random encounter with Salvator men.
Collect tribute money from Tubby in the Den.
- Kill the child. 150xp
- Convince Tubby without killing the child. 200xp
Poison one of the Tubby’s kids. 100xp
Scout out the basement in Broken Hills. 100xp
Scout out the basement in New Reno. 100xp
Steal from the safe in Redding. 300xp + 1800$
Gain the allegiance of Metzger. 200xp
Protect the Cold Hearts from English Bob. 2000xp
-#Ghost Farm
Deliver the letter to Jo. xp
Make a deal with Modoc and the Slag. xp
Help with the tunnel. xp
Repair the water pump. xp
* From (?) mod...
Clear out the mine.
- Buy the deed of the Great Wanamingo Mine - 1000$
- Kill all the Wanamingo’s and the queen. 3500xp + critters xp
- Sell the deed back to Mayor Ascorti. 1000xp + 2500$
Find the excavator chip. 2500xp + 1000$
- Give the chip to Dan -- Best for New Reno
- Give the chip to Marge -- Best for NCR
- Give the chip to McGrew -- Best for Vault-City
Take care of the Widow Rooney situation.
- Evict Widow Rooney. 1000xp + 100$
- Help Widow Rooney; give her the 120$. 1500xp + a beer from Mayor Ascorti
Break up the bar brawl. 1500xp + 300$
Find out who cut the whore.
- Get Obidiah Hakeswill to confess. 1250xp +500$
- Kill Obidiah Hakeswill. 500$
Kill Frog Morton. 3000xp + 1000$ + H&K G11 + 100 rounds.
Do some Brahmin runs
- Vault City 1000$
- New Reno 1500$
- NCR 2000$
Talk to Painless Doc Johnson and learn about Jet problem
- Give a Jet antidote to Painless Doc. 2500xp
Restoration project
Cure Fannie of jet addiction. 1000xp
#Vault City
Get a plow for Mr. Smith. 250xp + Desert Eagle with 20 .44 JHP ammo
Deliver Moore's briefcase to Mr. Bishop in New Reno. 500xp + $250
Tell Lynette that Moore is an NCR agent. 500xp
Tell McClure about Redding’s Jet problem. 250xp
Deliver a sample of jet to Dr. Troy. Between 1000$ and 1500$
Bring news about the Jet Antidote to McClure. 2500xp
Solve the Gecko power plant problem. Gain citizenship
Rescue Amanda's husband, Joshua. 500xp + 250$ to 1000$(Barter check)
Deliver beer and booze (10 each) to Lydia. 250xp + 300$
Deliver pliers (tools) and a wrench to Valerie. 250xp + 50$ + super tool kit after one day
Scout the eight sectors around Gecko and return to Stark. 350xp + 300$
Enter NCR and return to Stark. 750xp + 500$ and a Motion Sensor
Solve the raider problem. 1000xp + 1000$
- Prove they were mercenaries hire by Bishop Family in NR 1000xp (need account book from raider safe)
- Prove the Bishop Family was hire by NRC military. 1000xp (need Bishop Holodisck from his safe)
Deliver Lynette's Holodisk to Westin in NCR. 1500xp +H&K G11 and 2 Frag Grenades
- Become Captain of the guard. +1000xp (need 8 CH)
Ed tells you about the Brahmin run.(Vic must show you Ed’s shack) 500xp
Cassidy join your party. 300xp
Cure Charlie from radiation poisoning. Diagnostic: 100xp, use RadAway: 100xp, talk to him after;100xp
Find Curtis doll. 150xp
Fix the courtyard AutoDoc 200xp
Reunite Val and Vic. 250xp
Pass the citizenship test. 1000xp
Tell Dr. Troy about Myron and endorphin blockers. 2000xp
Make Dr. Troy and Myron meet each other so they talk about Jet. 750xp
Let Dr. Troy heal Lenny or Marcus. Extra ammo (must be Captain of the Guard)
Talk to Phyllis.
- Convince her to see the outside world. 300xp
- Talk to her about a possible sterility in VC. 300xp (min of Doctor 75% and PE 6)
- Have a date with her. 100xp
- Donate sperm.
IN = 4 50xp + Cat's Paw if ask for a magazine
IN = 5-6 250xp + Cat's Paw if ask for a magazine
IN > 6 500xp + Cat's Paw if ask for a magazine
Fix the vent in level 2. 100xp + 50 Micro Fusion Cell
(Min 6 PE or have the info from level 3 central computer)
Use the learning computer on level 3. 350xp
Complete the caravan trip to Redding for Bend Wade. 1000$
Free the slave; Charlie's brother. 500xp + $
- Bribe Steve. -100$
Restoration Project'
Resolve the problem with the nearby village. xp
- Kill all the molerats 800xp + kills and $750
- find the reason about the Molerats presence. (See Vault Village quests)
-#Vault Village
Get weapons for Connar to be used at the nearby village. 800xp or 10,000$
Collect food (12 meat jerky and 6 fruit) for Ann to be used at the nearby village. xp
Find the secret base 500xp
Disarm the safe trap. 50xp
Crack the safe. 500xp
Kill all the raiders. 2000xp
Restoration project
Convince Shadow Who Walks to stop working with the raiders. 3000xp
Solve the Gecko power plant problem. 4000xp
Repair the power plant with robot. 4500xp
Repair the power plant with Festus. 4250xp
Destroy the reactor; meltdown 2500xp
- Bonus; stay while Hank/Robot close the Valve. +550xp
Optimize the power plant. 2500xp
Retrieve the Economic Data, deliver it to McClure VC. 750xp --> trigger bad ending
Get a super repair kit for Skeeter. 300xp + 200$
Get 3-step plasma transformer for Skeeter. Free weapon mod.
Find Woody the ghoul for Percy. Try the Den. 1000xp
Restoration Project & MegaMod
Initiate Enclave vertibird assault.
#New California Republic
Retrieve parts/gain access to Vault 15. 5000xp + 6000$
"Take care of Officer Jack" for Mira. 2000xp + HK P90c + Jack’s inventory
Complete Brahmin drive. 1000$ to 3000 - depending on how many Brahmin survived
Retrieve papers from Dr. Henry. 1000xp + 1000$
Test mutagenic serum on a super-mutant. Try Broken Hills. 1000xp
Eliminate Mr. Bishop. 2250$
Deliver Westin's Holodisk to Lynette in Vault City. 2000xp
Get the map from the NCR Rangers, for Vortis the slaver. 500$
Free the slaves in the slave pen, for the Rangers. 3000xp
Deliver the Hubologist’s report to AHS-9 in San Francisco. 500xp
Kill Hubologist in NCR for Merk. 2000xp
Stop the Brahmin raids. 1000xp + 200$
Help Dorothy with Jack. (if not already dead with Mira quest)
- Stop Jack by talking to him. 6000xp + 3000xp from Doroty +
a Big Book of Science,
a Scout Handbook,
a First Aid Book
and a Deans Electronics
- Kill Jack before he blows himself up. 3000xp + Jack's inventory
- Let Jack blows himself up and repair the computer. 3000xp + Jack's inventory +
a Scout Handbook
and Deans Electronics
Restoration Project & Megamod
Wipe out the Rangers' safe houses to the north, for Vortis the slaver. xp
Wipe out the Slaver’s Camp to the North West, for the Rangers. 800xp
-#Vault 15
Rescue Chrissy. 2500xp
- Dead 500xp
Fix the generator on level 2. 3000xp
Kill Darion. 6000xp
- Get the Spy Holodisk (see NCR quest)
Complete the deal with NCR. Karma
Find the location of Vault 13 from the computer.
-#Vault 13
Find and enter the vault. 2000xp
Fix the Vault 13 computer. 5000xp + G.E.C.K trigger bad ending for the Deathclaws
- Find a Voice recognition module
Talk to Goris. Can join your party
Retrieve the NavComp parts. 5000xp
#New Reno
Recover your stolen car.
- Ask Cody 500xp
- Talk to T-Ray and resolve the situation peacefully. 750xp
- Pay T-Ray. 1000$
- Trick T-Ray and tell him you are a Made Man of the Bishop family. 750xp + MFC
-- T-Ray will improve the car: increased trunk space and better engine performance. 500$ or 300$ (reduce MFC consuming)
(Females can sleep with T-Ray to get the upgrades)
Find who is responsible for Richard Wright's overdose. 500xp + 250$, 2 Booze and 20 Shotgun Shells
- Find the empty Jet canister. 500xp
- Show the empty canister to Jagged Jimmy J and learn it was poisoned. 500xp
- Dig up Richard's grave in Golgotha (Renesco will mark it) 500xp + Grave digger
- Go to Renesco and he tells you the Salvatore's did it. 1000xp
Suspect: Jagged Jimmy J
Suspect: Jules
Suspect: Lil' Jesus Mordino
Suspect: Renesco
- Find out the truth; Salvatore's, via Renesco. 2000xp + 350$, 2 Booze and 40 Shotgun Shells
Find a way into the Sierra Army Base. 1000xp
Become a Made Man of the Wrights. 1000xp + a double Barrel shotgun, 4 booze, 400$
Learn about the secret desert transaction outside NR from Wright’s children. 1500xp
Bust up Wright's still beneath the train station for Mrs Wright. (Cannot get the quest if you're a Porn Star)
- Destroy the still. 500xp + 350 $ + Louisville Slugger
- Tell her to do it herself. 500xp
Track down Pretty Boy Lloyd, recover the stolen money, and make an… example of him. 500xp + 500$
Go visit Renesco the Rocketman and collect Mr. Salvatore's tribute of $1000.
- Get a discount and pay his tribute. -1000$ 750xp + 250$ + free stuff
Guard a secret transaction in the desert. 1000xp + laser pistol
Kill Big Jesus Mordino.
- Use chems on him; he will have a heart attack. 1000xp
Become a Made Man of the Salvatores. 1000xp +300$ +80 SEC + Metal armor MKII
Sleep with Mrs. Bishop. Min ST 6 or CH 6
- After sex, talk to her and learn she's from VC. 250xp + Pip Boy Lingual Enhancer; +500xp when use. (if IN 9)
- Tell her to move after Mr Bishop passes on. 1000xp (min IN 7)
Sleep with Angela Bishop.
Kill Westin (NCR) without making it look like a murder. 2000xp + 1000$
- Use poison or chem on Westin; he will have a heart attack.
Murder Carlson in NCR. 2500xp
Become a Made Man of the Bishop family. 1000xp
Deliver the package to Ramirez at the Stables. 500xp + 100$
- If you talk to Little Jesus with a Knife he offer you to train you a bit. +5% Melee Weapons for $200
(Females can sleep with him and get the training for free)
Collect a tribute from the Corsican Brothers. 500xp + 125 $
Assassinate Boss Salvatore for Big Jesus Mordino. 750xp + 500
- Change Salvatore's air tank for the poison tank. 2000xp
Become a Made Man of the Mordino family. 1000xp + a Leather Armor Mark II and a "Grease Gun".
Deliver ten Cat's Paw magazines to Miss Kitty. 1000xp + 750$
Special issue; give + 10% to Energy Weapons when read.
Ask Miss Kitty for a date. Min 9 CH
Deliver a laser pistol to Eldridge. 500xp +1500$
Give the spectacles to Renesco. 500xp + Pip Boy Medical Enhancer
Become a Prizefighter.
- Beat Joqq ($50, 500 xp)
- Beat Pete McKneely ($50, 750 xp)
- Beat Evan Holyfield ($400, 1000 xp)
- Beat The Masticator ($1000, 2500 xp).
Become a Porn Star.
- Make an audition 1500xp + 500$ (if IN 8, CH 8 or Speech 75%) else 200$
- After defeating the enclave; special movie 2000$
Learn the location of the Abbey from Father Tully.
Need some booze.
Deliver a gauss weapon to Eldridge. Bunker 21 location
Restoration Project
Learn the location of the Abbey from Father Tully.
Need some booze.
Bring a bottle of Abbey's hooch to Father Tully. 500xp
Cure a strange Brahmin. 100xp + 50 MFC
Get a temporary pass From Marjorie. 500xp
Convince Myron there might be a cure. 2000xp
Get to Myron and make him join your party. 750xp
Restoration Project
Get inside the Stable as a prostitute. 500xp (Female only)
Find Pretty Boy Lloyd’s secret stash. Tribute to Salvatore; $1000 + one plastic explosive
Find Coffin Willie. Unearth a ghoul; Lenny’s dad
Find Mordino’s stash.
• 1 Buffout
• 3 Jet
• 1 Antidote
• 40 .44 Magnum JHP
• 1 .44 Magnum Revolver
• $171
• 1 Gold Nugget
Find the "Trash" grave; hint from the Magic 8-Ball. 374$
#Sierra Army Base
Search the bodies:
• 1 Plasma Grenade
• 3 Frag Grenade
• 2 Desert Eagle .44
• 2 10mm SMG
• 2 10mm Pistol
• 1 Assault Rifle
• 24 10mm AP
• 1 Sniper Rifle
Get inside the Base. (See New Reno quest)
Shut down the security system. 250xp
Hack security system 500xp
Hack alarm system 550xp
Disable shock plates level 2 200xp
Disable field to repair bay 200xp
Turn off the automated repair system 200xp
Disable the robots 200xp each; goes for all bots in the depot except the passive ones in the repair bay
Disable the force fields in level 1 200xp
Disable the force fields in level 2 320xp
Disable the force fields in level 3 440xp
Disable the force fields in level 4 560xp
Repair the robot for Skynet 500xp
Retrieve the cybernetic brain 500xp
Free Skynet.
#Broken Hills
Fix the mine's air purifier. 1500xp + 500 to 1000$ (Barter check)
Find the missing people for Marcus.
- Find the bodies and the letter in the mine. 500xp
- Tell Zaius, he points you to Francis; let him go. 1000xp
- Tell Marcus. 500$ + scoped hunting rifle
Beat Francis at arm wrestling.
- Win = 350xp + Power fist
- Loose = Become his sexual slave for the night
Break Manson and Frank out of prison.
- Tell Marcus right away. 2500xp
- Free Manson and Frank. 1500xp
*Speak to Manson before talking to Jacob. 300xp for "preaching open-mindedness to Manson"
Blow up the mine's air purifier.
- Go tell Marcus. 2500xp
- Blow up the mine’s Air purifier. 1500xp + reward from Liz
Divert more electrical power to Eric's home. 1000xp, 1500xp for critical success + 150$ + a buffout
Convince Marcus to join your group. 1000xp
Talk to Typhon, give him a Cat's Paw, a rubber doll and a bottle of Rot Gut. 2000xp + treasure location
Talk to Dan; agree to look for his wife. 500xp
Talk to the mad Professor and his little Radscorpion
- Take the PE test 500xp
- Take the AG test 500xp
- Take the In test 500xp (need hint from Seymour)
Transfer Seymour to a better location. 1000xp + hint how to beat the scorpion at chess
Find the secret cave near the mine. 1000xp
- Talk to the guy inside: Chuck Stodgers 500xp
Refine some uranium ore. 500xp - 1000$
Sell refined uranium ore. 1250xp + 1500$ (or 1000$ + karma)
Find the truth about Tony. (See Navarro quest; Maria missing pilot)
Restoration Project
Determine whether Chad is skimming money from the caravan runs.
Confront Chad with the evidence and bribe him. 750xp + 1000$
Show evidence to Marcus 1500xp
Obtain a Kevlar Armor for Dogmeat. 2000$
Talk to Liz about something special off the shelves.
#Military Base
Re-open the entrance. 5000xp
Repair the generator. 1500xp
Kill Melchior. xp + loot
Find the location of Vault 14. 500xp, Need Marcus with you
#San Francisco
Find Badger's girlfriend in the hold below the ship. 5000xp + Badger owes you a favor
The tanker needs fuel. 5000xp
• From Dr. Jing after doing the quest; Get some hardened power armor from Crockett.
• From Badger after finding Badger's girlfriend.
• From a Shi chemistry workstation.
• From the Shi mainframe + 3000xp if you use the computer without permission.
• From Dave Handy after talking to Vikki (if you tell him she made fun of him and he gets the fuel from the Shi)
• From Dave Handy after talking to Vikki 3000xp (if you tell him she made fun of him and he gets it from the Hubologists)
• From Dave Handy after talking to Vikki no xp if you tell him she thinks he's hot.
• From Matthew when you retrieve the Vertibird plans and if you have IN<4.
• From the AHS-9 when you kill the Shi Emperor and if you have IN<4> 2, 3, 1, 7, 8 and 9 or 2, 1, 2, 3, 8 and 9
- Find an "Easter egg" in one of the terminals. Found by making Repair check, reward by doing a Science check
Reward (depending on your higher tagged skill)
• Science: Opens all doors in the maze (using the terminals afterwards will open and close them as usual).
• Repair: Creates 1 Magic 8-Ball and restores electricity to the floor if you cut the wires so you can cut them again for 1000xp
• Gambling: Creates $2000-5000, 1 Loaded Dice and 1 Pack of Marked Cards.
• Outdoorsman: Creates 1 YK42B Pulse Rifle.
• Throwing: Creates 10-20 Plasma Grenade.
• First aid: Creates 1 Psycho, 1 Buffout, 1 First Aid Kit, 1 Mentats and 1 Stimpak.
• Doctor: Creates 2-4 Buffout, 1 Medical Supply, 1 Poison, 2-4 Jet, 2-4 Super Stimpaks, 2-4 Psycho, 1-2 Doctor's Bag and 2-4 Stimpaks.
• Traps: Creates 2-4 Plastic Explosives, 2-4 Dynamite, 2-4 Electronic Lockpick MKII and 1 Motion Sensor.
• Speech: Creates 1 Alien Blaster.
Find the G.E.C.K. 5000xp
Talk to Dr Curlin; Release FEV virus through ventilation system. 5000xp
Kill Dick Richarson; President of the United States “some” xp + Presidential Access Key
Talk to Tom Murray, tell him to shut down the reactor 12,500xp
Shut down the reactor computer. 10-minute countdown 10,000xp (need Presidential Access Key)
Blow up the reactor computer. 10-minute countdown 10,000xp
Talk to Sergeant Granite; making him turn against Horrigan 1500xp (Speech check)
Kill Frank Horrigan 10,000xp
New Locations
#Bunker 21
Deceive the Base Commander. 500xp
#The Abbey
Bring the data from the Vault City computer. Offer to become member
-If you choose to take their implant: new perk, +15% science, -1 perception, +2 intelligence
-If you choose disk; science skill still goes up +15%
Get the information from the Hubologist’s computer. 1500xp
Get the information from the Shi computer. 2500xp
Get the information from the NCR computer. 1500xp
Get the information from the EPA computer. 3500xp
Get the information from the Carson City computer. 3500xp
Retrieve the Vertibird plans. 25000xp
Delivering FOB. 5000xp
Convince Brother William to take care of his brother, Bart. 500xp
Talk to Brat after and get a StealthBoy.
Talk to the monk outside; ask him to share his knowledge with an outsider. +15% to Outdoorsman.
Restoration project
Kill the beast beneath the church. 500xp + critter xp.
- You see a huge Deathclaw covered with scars. It is breathing slowly and loudly.
- Bring back the book to the Head Monk. 200xp
Deliver the machine part to Brother Max from Elaine. 100xp + survival manual
Repair the water pump and report the status to the Head Monk.
- Find out that the motor is broken. 100xp
- Get a new motor from Harry's in VC. -500$
- Fix the water pump
- By Dave 300xp
- Yourself; need tools 800xp
- Get back to the Head Monk. 50xp
Find out who is digging up the graves. 1000xp
Inform Brother Samuel and Father Tully about the whereabouts of each other.
- Report back to Father Trully. 750xp
Bring a lighter to Brother Hank. Free bottle of Abbey Wine
Collect information about Botany for Brother Paul.
- Uploaded data to the main Abbey computer. 750xp
Get Metal armor for Marcus in trader Bill's shop. 3000$
- Need to ask him if he has something special.
Bring Heart Pills to Brother John. 400$ or a StealthBoy
Talk to brother Jack about your quest.
- He give you a paramedic bag and a field medic first aid kit (min CH 8 and speech 110% required)
#Primitive Tribe
Collect some weapons for the tribe's warriors. 300xp
Fix the well for Marli and the tribe. 400xp
Find out what's haunting the tribe's shaman. 500xp
Reunite Sulik and his sister, Andrita. 300xp
Kill the bandits. xp
Restoration project
Collect some weapons for the tribe's warriors. 300xp
Fix the well for Marli and the tribe. 400xp
Find out what's haunting the tribe's shaman. 500xp
Find out what happened to the hunting party. 600xp
Collect firewood for the tribe's fishermen. 200xp
Sulik's sister is missing, find her. ( Get Slaver's Camp location after Sulik tells you and you've talked to Metzger.)
Get medicinal plants for the shaman. 100xp and some healing powder
: Bring him 5 Xander root and 3 Broc flowers.
=Slaver's Camp=
Free Sulik's sister. 1000xp
Reunite Sulik and his sister, Kurisu. 500xp
Restoration Project & Megamod
Fix Hologram 00000. 500xp
- He speaks only in binary.
Fix the Voice Computer. 500xp + security access key
Clear out the plant problem. 300xp + 1200xp from EPA plant + shed key.
Fix the EPA lighting problem. 500xp
Collect 10 golden gecko pelts for the Doctor. xp
Fix the hologram that speaks with static. secret password for Blue sector elevator
Repair the terminal to talk to the 4 holograms. 100xp
- Run a diagnostic; repair the magnetic coil.
Release one of the three hibernating humans that have been preserved since the great silence.
- One who will die - speech skill highest.
- One warrior who will teach you 20% unarmed - melee skill highest.
- One spy who will teach you 20% sneak - sneak skill highest.
The doctor will ask you for a serum treatment. +1 permanently to Agility.
If you have Myron with you and talk to the Doctor about the Jet, he will give you the GGG!!!
Restoration Project
Fix "Brave Little Toaster". 450xp
- Learn a way to "jinx" any slot machine.
Find the tool the Doctor left behind. 750xp
When searching the cpu on level E3 you can:
- Access the botany file.
- Find the two types of seed.
- Plant some seeds. 100xp
- Obtain a cure for epilepsy.
- Find the hidden note on fluoridation of water. 200xp
If you have Myron with you and talk to the Doctor, he will give you the Solar Scorcher.
Megamod new locations and Quests
Not added yet; need to finish all the translation
In order to join the Lumpen gang, you should kill someone. xp
- Tony Exacto will be a suitable candidate.
Humphry asked you to kill Berk. xp
- His ass could be found at Grizzly John's bar.
Humphry wants John Grizzly dead. xp
You have agreed to help Rusty join the Lumpen Gang. xp
Raphael is down with dysentery. You probably could heal him. xp
Berk wants you to return Jozy's book. xp
Grizzly John wants you to kill Humphry Snag, the Lumpen Gang leader. xp
Write an advertisement. no xp, but +10$
Find the city's killer. xp
-#Ruined Reactor; Reactor 7
Watch Leon's girld friend Lilia in Carson City and report to him. 500xp
Give a word to the Captain about you.
Becom a body hunter.
Find Kruger and kill him. Bring his tooth as a proof. xp
-Try surrounding locations.
Finalize an alliance with the Brotherhood of Steel. xp
#Brotherhood Of Steel
Discover the reconnaissance troop's fate. 5000xp
Bring the Holodisk to Professor Steel. 3000xp
- Bring a strange artefact to the General. Gauss Rifle
Find out where the Enclave troops disappeared to. xp
Bring the data from Den. xp
Fix the computer network. 1000xp
#BOS Research facility
Bring a volunteer ghoul to Professor Daniel.' no xp but can try to cure Lenny.
Cure Lenny. 9000xp
Bring Biomed-Gel to Louis, the AI scientist. 1000xp
Bring gecko skins to Prfessor Still 1000xp
One pelt of each mutated Gecko.
Bring Skynet for AI Baby. 5000xp
Deal with the local gangs. xp
Secure the power generator. xp
Deal with the dog so Phil can enter his home. xp
#Vault 14
Find the pass key to enter. Trigger when you have found the location.
Enter Vault 14. 3000xp
Free Syrian. 500xp
Free Chris the slave. 500xp
Free Mardok. 500xp
Kill Ardenius. 900xp
Ask Doctor Dawson to create the special SM armor. Marcus special armor
- Requires 3 normal-sized of metal armor and one super toll kit. Take two weeks to build it.
#Vault 23
Find the entrance of the Vault.
Get the access card from the guy outside.
Open the blast doors.
Turn on the Elevators power supply.
Turn on the lights generator.
Get the data of Vault 23 on level 3.
- Kill all the mutated rats and the rat boss. 10000xp
Tell the guy ouside you've kill the rat god. 3000xp
Mutant Rising quest
Fetch the Pipboy for Cassidy. xp
Find an Antenna for Tom Jr. xp
Find out what made Jonas sick. xp
Get a cup of Coffee for Lynch xp
Find out what's happening in the temple at night. xp
Find either a Doctor or a Heart for Cassidy. xp
Shattered Destiny Part 1 Quests
-#Grand Guignol
Find the control chip for the water pump and try to install it. xp
Steve wants you to remove the rats from the farm. 150xp
Search for Hanna. 500xp
Betray Stuart the Dwarf. 300xp
Find out why the preachers are away. xp
Find something for the boozer. xp
Find the way to get in the caves. xp
The Yor's watch is missing, try finding it. xp
Share the flowers in the name of the Children of the Cathedral. xp
Help the scientist repairing the computer. xp
Shattered Destiny Part 2 Quests
*Still in development...
Random Encounters
* Postman Encounter
- Deliver the letter. 500xp + location of Vault 13 if unknown
* A Guardian Portal; break the water chip. 1000xp + Solar Scorchar
Megamod' no Solar Scorchar
* A man guarding a bridge
- Answer the 3 question. Pass the bridge
- Ask him a counter-question; he died. 500xp + Bridgekeeper’s Robe
- Kill him 7500xp + Bridgekeeper’s Robe
* A giant stone head Monument Chunk
ST +3, AG +3 and Damage Resistance +50. (Temporarily, of course.)
* A tin woodsman 150 MFC
* The Cafe of Broken Dreams
Recruit Dogmeat
* The Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer ...
* A crashed shuttle
- 3 Hypos
Restoration project & Megamod
- 3 Hypos + a Phaser
* King Arthur's Knights 500$, seeking the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
* King Arthur's Knights part 2
Knights fighting the vorpal rat.
* The remains of a whale a useless pot of Daisies
* A lone surviving dog; pariah dog (750 hp) get jinxeg trait, -1 LK
* Toxic waste dump Gecko + green radioactive goo + no light; ouch!
* A trader and guards "Inventory depend of your level"
• 1+: Sharpened Spear, Spiked Knuckles
• 1-3: Knife, Rock, Spear
• 1-5: Throwing Knife, 10mm Pistol, Crowbar, Club, Brass Knuckles, Red Ryder BB Gun
• 1-10: Sharpened Pole
• 3-5: Combat Knife, Desert Eagle .44, Shotgun, Hunting Rifle
• 6-10: 10mm SMG
• 6+: 14mm Pistol, Cattle Prod
• 8+: Ripper
• 10+: Power Fist
• 11-15: Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle
• 13+: Alien Blaster
• 15-20: Minigun
* A herd of wild mad Brahmin get out of the way!!!
* Some people in the wrong place at the wrong time
First encounter with Frank Horrigan and Enclave troopers.
* A band of ruffians led by a Morton brother "You killed my brother! Now I kill you!"
- Toad is harmless
- Newt has a Light Support Weapon
- Snake has a H&K G11E
* A herd of Brahmin Near Modocs, some Brahmin
* Kaga
Restoration Project
- Just after you leave Arroyo for the first time you will meet this guy telling you he's the Chosen One.
After that you will have some other encounters with him; you will have to fight him but he will flee until the last "meeting".
1st encounter: player level less than 6
2nd encounter: player level greater than 5 and less than 11
3rd encounter: player level greater than 10 and less than 16
4th encounter: player level greater than 15 and less than 21
5th encounter: player level greater than 20
-Diplomatic ending is possible too.
Lootable armor
Not all implemented in the Megamog for now.
only at Navarro and Enclave patrols.
leather jacket - 50 repair
leather armor (and mk II) - 70 repair
metal armor (and mk II) - 90 repair
combat armor (and mk II) - 110 repair
Brotherhood armor - 120 repair, 85 science
Tesla armor - 120 repair, 100 science
Power armor/hardened power armor - 130 repair, 110 science
Adv. Power Armor (and mk II) - 150 repair, 130 science
Thx to killap, MIB88, Dude101, Lexx, Elitech, Per: , Darek, SoldierOfTruth, Morticia:
and any other who can help me