Quick weapon and stuff concept.

a Lahti anti tank rifle (old 20mm 'sniper' anti-material rifle) is over 2 meters long.

you've got rifles in all shapes and sizes.

as for the usual gun nut remarks:
- the bullets on the stock are pretty much useless. they do not belong on a semi-auto rifle and make little sense. and even if it was a bolt action rifle, the orientation makes little sense.
oh, and they look like oversized crayons, not bullets.
- what the hell purpose does the lanyard ring on the pistol grip serve? is she going to hang the rifle on her neck? no, seriously, it would make the rifle unstable when set down on a flat surface, which would work against the sniper if the need were to arrive to make a level shot.
I love the sniper rifle :]

It looks like someone scavenged parts from several different weapons and combined em into one.

I don't understand your complaint about the lanyard ring suaside. Do you mean the one on the Sub machine gun? If so I don't see why you wouldn't want one, I doubt you'll be resting it on anything for better aim.. its a sub machine gun. Plus the convenience of being able carry it around and grab immediately while youre looking through the wasteland would outweigh that complaint imo. Different strokes for different folks ;]
Kataki87 said:
I don't understand your complaint about the lanyard ring suaside. Do you mean the one on the Sub machine gun? If so I don't see why you wouldn't want one, I doubt you'll be resting it on anything for better aim.. its a sub machine gun. Plus the convenience of being able carry it around and grab immediately while youre looking through the wasteland would outweigh that complaint imo. Different strokes for different folks ;]
i'm talking about the sniper rifle... and the ring attached to the bottom of the pistol grip. military pistols used to have such rings to secure lanyards.

but it makes no sense here. and no, you can't carry it using that.
Well, after messing a bit with the first concept of the girl with the rifle, I've decided to change it completely...for the better, i think. :)


Now, time to give it some colors.

@SuaSide: No more lanyard rings! promise. :D
So I've finally decided to start modeling of a new combat shotgun
(I hate the design of the vanilla one soooo much).

This is based very, very slightly on the Saiga shotgun, used the chinese assault rifle as a template and its a bit blocky and has few polys but, it will look better with textures.

Thr biiiiggest problem its that program called Nifskope. I know, its a good program but it annoy the hell out of me....its just making me cry every time I try to replace the pieces of the rifle...

aanyway, I hope not to give up yet, maybe I can get used to Nifskope and not breaking my pc in frustration xD.

Here it is.

Frikkin sweet. You have an awesome style.

If you do get the hang of nifskope care to tell me the secret? I hate the bloody thing. :?
Oh my god....I managed to insert the unfinished weapon In-game....after nearly killing myself in the process. (Of course the game crashes randomly when using the weapon...:S)

Well, at least I'm getting closer...now I just need to add some more polygons and textures.

Here it is. Some pieces of the Chinese rifle still visible. :S

@Alphadrop: I'm feeling like a blind surgeon so if I can do something with the godamnned program its just luck. xD
Cool, but it Looks more like an automatic rifle than a shotgun to me.
design is meh...
Wooz said:
Cool, but it Looks more like an automatic rifle than a shotgun to me.
a Izhmash Saiga 12 shotgun does look like an automatic rifle (an AK, obviously), but it's a 12 gauge nonetheless.

Yes, I know, thanks. But when you think 'fallout combat shotgun', you think about the combat shotgun in the first game, not a shotgun AK. Still better than the idiotic original F3 shotgun, themed on the PPsH. Almost as bucolically stupid as mods that add silencers, scopes and lazorz sightz on C96 Mauser clones.

Maybe they'll make a mod that adds laser sights and compensators to muskets!

And yes, the drawings are good and better yet, have good 'flair'.

Tourdion, have you seen the guns in the comic "Hard Boiled"? I believe those weapons (and that comic in general) influenced Fallout's design very heavily.
(Of course the game crashes randomly when using the weapon...:S)

Funny thing, I have exactly the same problem with one of my weapons. But I don't know how to fix this.
Wooz said:
Yes, I know, thanks. But when you think 'fallout combat shotgun', you think about the combat shotgun in the first game, not a shotgun AK. Still better than the idiotic original F3 shotgun, themed on the PPsH. Almost as bucolically stupid as mods that add silencers, scopes and lazorz sightz on C96 Mauser clones.

Maybe they'll make a mod that adds laser sights and compensators to muskets!
sadly, people have already done this on real life muskets... the horror...

and i want a goddamn Winchester Citykiller irl!

Yes, the design of the shotgun is pretty so-so, cause weapons must be created over the vanilla animations and weapon sizes to avoid clipping issues... really annoying. (And I'm not that good at modeling xD)


Didn't know about that comic, and I must agree. Added to my must-buy list :D


Importing the .obj weapon part over an empty nifskope window, and then copypaste (after stripifyng and all that stuff) the Nistripdata over the vanilla .nif fixes the issue...at least worked for me.
Interesting thread, I really like the first 2 drawings, the second drawing the one of the shot gun also makes me thing of starcraft as well as fallout both of the first two drawings would be really neat rendered in 3d. keep up the the good work. As far as 3d i'v done some work in Z modeler which i like, was easy to use once i got over the learning curve.
Man, this thread is making me wish I had the time and knowledge to make an in-game version of my own personal sidearm.


OP, nice work. As a gunsmith, I noticed a few of the things SuAcide pointed out, but there's a certain amount of artistic license that allows for that. I really like the girl with the sniper rifle picture, and with the exception of the aforementioned brass knuckles I dig the SMG.
The gynormous scope reminds me of the older version of PA-13 B 2 Thermal sights. Fuckers are huge and bulky. Of course, science gets better and optics get much more compact.