
RadRaptor said:
It is said that FEV was released in the air stream and travelled all over. I find this acceptable and even somewhat logical - FEV seems to be very hard to destroy. Not even detonating the very vats seemed to have much effect.

Oh, for fuck's sake.

People, just because you give your character an Int of 10, that doesn't mean you can just sit there idly and miss the LOADS of information given by Zax in The Glow.

Irony that the one heavily irradiated area in Fallout is the one most people forget, including MCA. It's fucking pathetic.
Yes, kind of ironic, ain't it Rosh.... Tisk, tisk. Zax was always good conversation piece, but I suppose it tells you the mind of the players and Designers.
Roshambo said:
RadRaptor said:
It is said that FEV was released in the air stream and travelled all over. I find this acceptable and even somewhat logical - FEV seems to be very hard to destroy. Not even detonating the very vats seemed to have much effect.

Oh, for fuck's sake.

People, just because you give your character an Int of 10, that doesn't mean you can just sit there idly and miss the LOADS of information given by Zax in The Glow.

Irony that the one heavily irradiated area in Fallout is the one most people forget, including MCA. It's fucking pathetic.

Please quote exactly what Zax has to say that would contradict my statement.
Well for one he says the FEV is only transmitable by direct, prolonged contact or by injection.

You're using the faulty, contradicting fallout 2 universe where the enclave scientist say that it is air transmitable.

Have you ever actually gone through the whole convosation with ZAX in FO1?
Hotel California said:
Well for one he says the FEV is only transmitable by direct, prolonged contact or by injection.

You're using the faulty, contradicting fallout 2 universe where the enclave scientist say that it is air transmitable.

Have you ever actually gone through the whole convosation with ZAX in FO1?

The air transmitable version has been modified. So it's not the original FEV.
zioburosky13 said:
The air transmitable version has been modified. So it's not the original FEV.

By the Enclave, which was long after Fallout, and any of the previous wasteland mutations simply cannot be explained by the presence of airborn FEV.

Side Rant in general reply to this topic: Again, the Fallout Bible was created by MCA, who was honestly quite clueless about the setting despite his work on the SECOND game. Remember, it had the worse story, crappier level design and level progression to the point where Bipshop says it should use RT combat for small fights, a shitload of lame easter eggs, bugs due from trying to continue Tim's initial Fallout 2 work in expanding the Fallout engine but then lost the only other people who knew the code, lame story design arising from people talentlessly taking Tim and others' story design and turning it into an RPG-by-Numbers approach to design without care to the setting. That is why I am taking my Scientist character back through Fallout 2 again, to pick what might be saved of the technical canon. It exists, but is usually overwhelmed by the crap that turns the Fallout setting from a bleak and darkly humorous wasteland into some schlock more resembling Cherry 2000 than something befitting 50's science fiction styles. Even the elements taken from modern fiction is still styled into Fallout as if it were written by a 50's pulp author, such as the threat of biological warfare.

Welcome to the concept in writing called "retro-setting elements", taken from the plumbing/construction term meaning to use previous styles in modern or alternative technology bases. It is mostly used in Victorian themes, but Fallout well exists in this term.

RadRaptor: You can bother to play the game with your brain on, hell, it wouldn't take but a half hour to fully educate yourself from Zax. As such, I see no reason for me to waste my time on any more idiots today, even if it's by making a gallery on this site to upload a series of screenshots taken from all Zax entries and also an unpacked Zax text file, which would serve no other purpose aside from giving some random newbie a clue without teaching them to learn for themselves. Your inability to think for yourself is your own problem, as I'm not getting paid to teach you simple education principles of "Learn To Look This Shit Up For Yourself, Kid" and "Why Must You Be Such A Waste of Taxpayer Education?"

The quota of amusing morons has been reached, I'm just going to start banning soon.
Radiation is lacking in the fallout game and should be more common. Even after a hundred years the radiation of a big nuke will be a killer. Low background radiation will be in effect almost everywhere.

Possible ways to counter radiation: clothes will stop most alpha wave radiation. Iron\steel armor and helmets will reduse the absorbsion of radiation from gamma waves aswell. Give each armor clothing a presentage to reduse the radioation high for metal low for leather

Possible ways to rid the body of radiation:
Tribal drugs that have penalties less effective but cheap
Science drugs that dont have penaliets but are expensive- rad away
natural healing ENduarance loss of rads per day
I think that Tribal drugs are a bad idea.
Only advenced drugs should be able to remove radiation.
My point exactly...
Most of nothern America will be radioactive, heck most of the world would.
The Glow is the cause of a direct hit, I'm assuming that there wont be population in other direct-hit-areaes. Specialy mutated ghouls excepted. Maybe.
Meh, America's a big place, there could have been direct hits in another part of California, or another state. Necropolis suffers from the effects of the nuke at the Glow.
Arquebus said:
Radiation is lacking in the fallout game and should be more common. Even after a hundred years the radiation of a big nuke will be a killer. Low background radiation will be in effect almost everywhere.
Visiting Hiroshima isn't really like that, though.
The problem is that it depends a lot on the type of bomb used. Now, this is also a good thing, because making a lot of the world a radiation-hazard would make the idea that people survived the bombs without hiding in a vault rather ludicrous, and it would make the towns very weird. There just aren't that many radiation suits.
Lumpy said:
Radiation should be uncurable. The more radiation a player gets, the more penalties he should get. Thus, it would actually be taken seriously, rather than a minor thing that you can get rid of easily anyway.

It should pass with time, too.

So what is it uncurable? or does it go away?

Anyway I don't know about you but i think not doing anything is easily getting rid of it?
RPGenius said:
Visiting Hiroshima isn't really like that, though.

Aren't there still deaths linked to radiation poisoning in Hiroshima?

yes there are, it's not as bad as it used to be, but people still suffer from radiation poisoning.