Raider Kiddies


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
So, I'm playing Wasteland now and it reminded me about how kiddies were handled in Fallout1 - according to Fo Bible, raiders in game world have kiddies but they weren't shown because they could get childkilled.

I had some encounters where kids actually were trying to kill me in the Wasteland - it was interesting to see that in some areas, that game was more progressive than Fallout.

I think that it would be interesting to attack a raider camp and actually have to kill their kiddies, Black Hawk Down-style :D .
It would certainly add more depth to the atmosphere and perhaps the society of the wasteland in Fallout; you don't know who is friend or foe (unlike today where we all know people highlighted in red are bad). Too bad I don't think such an idea would be used today.
Eh, I don't blame Fallout for being more unprogressive, especially if we take into account that games were getting more attention when it was launched, and that everything that gets any attention becomes the target of conservative groups. And those damn game rating organizations.

But indeed, it would be a lot more realistic. In the current world we see it happening, young terrorists in muslim Madrasas who are taught from an early age to be zealots, or criminals in shantytowns who offer good income to kids who can hold and fire a rifle. In Sudan, you can see 14 year olds with AK-47 terrorizing villages for the government. Thing is, an amoral (or highly moral) system like these I mentioned take off the veil of innocence that covers children.

In the real wasteland it would be much the same: without morals, not even children's status as pure innocent humans would be preserved. They'd be seen as equals, and in raider villages they'd be surely given guns to defend it, not watch idly their folks dying. So, there you go.
From what I've seen, most of adults are way more pure and innocent than children as children are more prone to act in completely amoral way when they aren't properly watched over by adults.

Whenever we are talking about Harry Potter or Lord of the Flies, the alleged purity/innocence of children is a fiction.

Hell, even the 50s had their juvenile delinquency problems which were blamed on comic books.
Which is why I referred to it merely as a status. These attributes are a creation of society, but far from the truth. To sum it up, I'm sure that in a realistic scenario you'd have to take down the raider kiddies, but not without a good fight.
Well, actually, it's dual status - from one side attributing innocence to children, from the other, fear of them. Actually, the game/comic book censorship ("somebody think about the children") is caused by fear of children and their extraordinary capability for evil.

Also, Jesus Camp.