Random Encounters


First time out of the vault
Why aren't I getting any? I played the game with explorer, ranger and scout with 10 luck and I didn't get one special encounter.
What the fuck is wrong? Did anyone have this happen to them? For fucks sake it's really pissing me off!
I played with a character who had a high luck specially for the random encounters WHICH I DIDN'T GET! How frustrating.
Some bug? Some.. ARRG FUCK THIS.

Could it be my OS? WinXP? Doing some unkown trick? Doesn't make much sense... I just recently played FO 1 (after reading the guide on how to run it on XP, thanks NMA) and the special encounters were flowing in like crazy after I picked the explorer perk. What about part 2?

I wouldn't know, really. Most special encounters in Fallout 2 are really rare, though even as a normal character you should get at least the bridge encounter and/or the radiated area with geckos encounter.

Did you play the game through? Try sticking to encounter-rich areas, to the north of San Fran.
I posted about this on DAC as well. The only thing that might be causing this is the car... I'm gonna try it out without using it at all. Perhaps one pathfinder perk.
Yeah, you'll probably have more luck without the car.

I'd also really advise you to stick to the direct north of San Fran.
A another user who uses a hacked gif avatar

Well finding SREs hasn't do to anything with your LK stat. It is your Critical Chance that matters. You see, every square on the world map has a certain procent value of getting a SRE (2 for good and neutral ones and 6 for bad ones). Now if you get a "critical hit" while encountering anything on the world map you usually get a SRE. In FO I though your LK stat did matter while searching for them.
Yeah, you are right. They changed that in part two.

Well, I think I have it figured out. Firstly, the car makes them rare, it's fast and after upgrading it it's even faster. Secondly, I installed the Christmas mod by TeamX which is supposed to increase your chances of Specials. Maybe it does the opposite...

Thanks for the feedback.
The car does actually increase your chance of getting them. I forgot before to add that your outdoorman skill (which is boosted with the car) is depending on finding them.
This is something Red at DAC had to say (creator of RedViewer)

Red said:
I've had a few games like that. The car makes special encounters very rare (compared to if you were walking) - and upgrading it makes it faster (making encounters even rarer...) That's why in FO2 you usually get way less special encounters since you get less encounters altogether....

Your in-game luck has nothing to do with special encounters in FO2 though. You just need "real-life" luck.

It makes a lot of sense. I guess part two is just FUBAR

edit: thanks Brios, looks like the anti moron system malfunctioned.
It makes a lot of sense. I guess part two is just F.{It's "YOU". This isn't some contest about who can type most like a complete moron!}.B.A.R.

You need to write FUBAR :D

My characters always had from 4 to 7 luck, but i didn`t find much difference in the random encounters departement because of that. In the first FO2 games i played i wouldn`t use the car a lot, since i wanted to know everything i could and i just walked most of the time, and i noticed that i got more encounters than in the last six or seven games, where i always picked the car sooner.
I tend to find most special encounters on the big dessert area south of New reno while using the car. I also didnt seem to find many really rare ones until after I had taken the geck back to Arroyo, but i suppose that is more to do with my stats being higher later in the game then actual events triggering them.
Random Encounters (again) FO2 and 1

First post so be gentle please

i've read the post regarding the reduced random encounters due to faster proccessors and tried the link that was posted on how to slow down my computer, but it doesn't work for me (the link)

Has anyone found a way to get round this or could someone tell me how to slow down my computer as I really want to play these games again I have two copies of each but the originals stopped working and Im using the ultimate collection ones.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Does no one have any answers ? Its a bit of a joke I can walk to Navarro from Vault city with a maximum of two random encounters thats on a 900mhz celeron which i tried because its slow on my 2.7ghz athlon its if im lucky one.

Please somebody help me.
Like i posted before, i have a 3.1GHZ p4 and the only problem i have is how bad the game looks on my 1280x1024 lcd because the sprites dont make the transition correct and the result is a blurred and oversized fallout. What os are you running the game on?
pub encounter

what can you do when you get the encounter where you come across the pub from fallout, i've looked around there but i couldn't find anything of interest there
Well you can talk to the guys there and get some vaguely funny lines about how the male and female models for F1 were chosen, why the female model had black hair and the male model wasn't black...
The most interesting thing is Dogmeat. The dog in the cafe is Dogmeat and you can have him join you if you take your armor off and 'talk to him wearing just your vault suit. Then, if you are a really sick puppy, you can take him out into the desert and shoot him just like old Yeller and then Mad Max is going to show up and kick your lame ass :D
Does that answer your question?
If you have any other questions read Per's guide, it encompasses everything and anything worth mentioning in the game.
What type of computer do you have? If it's too fast you aren't going to be getting enough random encounters to have a good chance of getting a special one, high luck or not. There's a mod in the download section that can remedy this a bit ("World Map Fix" or something).
Here's something I've often wondered about. Once I ran into a group of Hubologists around SF. They were blocking my car so I had to fight them to get my car back. I didn't want to leave the area with-out my car due to fears of losing it. Wouldn't it be nice to have the option of running people over? And why is it that you start out the encounter so far away from the car? It's not like you would stop in the middle of the desert, get out, and go for a stroll when you encounter them.
I agree with you,it would be nice to get out next to your car or hit people with the car,but that would damage it...