Akratus said:
But music isn't about the lifestyle it represents. You could say that blues is mostly about the old work a day life, but how does that change the song if applied to it? I don't like Red House because it talks about some mama staying in some red house. I like it because the sounds are very well put together. Besides, it's blues played with an electric guitar and you don't hear that every day. At least I don't. So the song IS special to me, because it has a great structure and flow to it's sound.
Blues was born from african plantation workers trying to find a way to express their sorrow, misfortune and everyday life. Started out as field howlers and then began to incorporate musical instruments such as the banjo, because the owners of the plantations were scared that a mutiny would errupt from drum music. It is a strange music in that it is sad, yet happy, because you feel better when you convey your emotions in a format of a song. So the standart form of blues is definetly about the singer trying to convey the burdens of his life.
Now then, do i think that all music is about the life os the performer - hell no! Say, Stravinsky thought of music as pure music, it didn't represent anything to him, Wagner thought the opposite and wanted to incorporate various art aspects into it, so you can make a bluesy song that is not about the blues, but the song we are discussing is definetly a standart 12 bar blues about the blues (pun intended)

. But that doesn't mean you cannot listen to it for other purposes - i have not said that and again, i didn't claim that is was bad! I said it is a nice song and i like it, i like it for a 7/10 (that's 70 % out of a hundred), which is a good score, because, for example, the HH tracks that i post in my scale don't go beyond 7/10 either, but i definetly like them. I'm not saying that this song cannot be special for you, the "special" comment was not about putting down the song (for some reason you're reading devious intent in my text for the second time

, something which is not there).
Come to think of it, scoring is a bad idea and the whole idea of posting music where people only want to show of the music that they like and can only glance at something the other poster posted - is even worse, because often to know music is also to know the story behind it and even after that, for some music you have to develop a taste, or else it is too complicated for the untamed ears . But i'm going to continue anyway, because it's bad habbit of mine
P.S Blues has tons of electric guitars, the amplifier might be different and that's probably what you were referring to.
A composition by coltrane for which he got inspiration when he nearly overdosed from drugs and after that revelation (which he didn't talk much about) he kicked the drug habbit and devoted his playing mostly to god. These are the first and second part of the 4 part album. The composition has a two fold interest, as it's not only an "emotional" piece, but also has very interesting and difficult musical ideas in it. It is composed much like a prayer in that it dwells on a few praises, repeating them in different dynamic and rhythms. Coltrane died from cancer 3 years after this.