Rate the avatar above yours.

Josh- Definitely...

Silencer- 8/10 All I seem to rate is your Av Silencer... Hopefully my rating has stayed somewhat consistent :wink:
10/10.... Instant classic.

Post Nuclear, techno horror feel.

***Special thanks to the man Wooz for pimping My avatar****

Looks cool, and obviously fits your current situation. Again, good luck with that, and come back safe.
Looks like its painted pixel by pixel. Thats a 10 in my book.
10/10 'cause resembles (for me at least) a partially built Quake II Gladiator.

QIV was pretty sweet too, tho'.
So? Grizzly cougar. Big deal :D

(10/10)/.75 (to account for the unfalloutiness penalty) for the animated ghost skull. I still remember finding it on a pr0n site some years ago :D
This thread is never going to die.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again... Silencers is cool. Very distinctive


Grizzly's new one is cool. Also very distinctive. 8/10

SuAside's deserves credit, 7/10

I'm not looking back any further.
9/10 for Carib for Wastelandness.

Actually I'm posting in this thread to appeal to SimpleMinded to change back his avatar. The old one was teh 1337 and the new one is teh gayness.