Rate the avatar above yours.

6 to Big_T_UK

I don't see why is pointless. And before you quote this an answer it, with all due respect, I am not interested. No offense.
I rate you, someone else rates me, and so on.
It's OK Lieutenant Colonel, I won't quote you. But you have failed to show what the point of this thread is , therefore you have not disproved my viewpoint that it is pointless. The only reason I see so far is that Psycho wants toi talk about how hawt the girl in his Star Wars avatar is. I also do not have the time nor inclination to correct your eyesight.
And with all due respect, I'm not interested either. I was pissing around. Take all the offense you want from this. :roll:

See my previous post for your rating.
At least the other thread provides masturbative material for those too dull to use Google.
Wait... That's not a good thing, is it?
Better to have them distracted by the decoys than to let them loose on real women.


We might as well just vat the thread now.

Just to set the example AGAIN:

BTUK, I hereby bestow you with a 5 for the symbolic avatar that you have selectively chosen to represent yourself on this magestic forum.
Ooh! Symbolic!
Yes, I suppose it is, in that it is lazing on a cloud whilst I laze on ... anything.
Sorry if I've bewn undermining the purpose of this thread, but it seems to have become somewhat pointless to me. I agree that vatting would probably be kindest.
Also, I've never been called BTUK. Generally it's just Big T. :P

Ozzy, you get a 7 (ooh! Different from my blanket "6" rating!) It suits you.

Psycho: I think I already rated you

Lt. Col. Gonzalez: I can't tell what it is, so I withhold judgement.
Big_T_UK said:
Ozrat said:
Alright guys, back on topic. Now.

8 for SuAside. Interesting avatar, wondering where it came from, etc., etc.
Interestingly enough (well, not at all really) I noticed my little brother playing this game the other day. The death screen is SuAside's av.

tbh, i really dont have a clue where it's from...
a friend of mine used it in a banner & i ripped it (after asking of course, we are polite people ;p)

Big T get's an 9. simple (hey it's a stickman!), peaceful & lazy, hence: perfect

PsychoSniper said:
Is it any more pountless than <a href=http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=487>this</a>?

why did YOU reply to that thread then? sjeez... :roll:

I was simply making a point. One persons pointlessness is anothers fun.

And its funny, the people that clain this thread is pointless post the most here.
7 to Psycho. Only if it wasn't so narrow in size. Is this made on propose or was there a technical problem.

I can't tell what it is...
It's Snoopy! Drawn on the side of an M1 steel helmet but it's Snoopy.
7, I like it.

If my avatar is really unidentifiable I'll change it. Is any of you able to see Snoopy there? It's a Snoopy graffiti on the side of a helmet. No matter, I will obviously have to change it!