Rate the avatar above yours.

Soyz gets -1 for the blinking artifact in the upper right corner of his av - I fuckin' hate when SO tries to subliminal ad me ;P
Silencer gets a 10 just to piss Sovz off.

PS: Sovz, you sdont like a thread then dont post in it. Otherwise you just look funny.
It's damn funny that you two should go and add santa hats to your avatars when I prepared mine several days ago. It's not a tradition, is it?
I allready had mine sitting around from last year, luckily I had sent it to a freind so I was able to get it back after my old PCs death.

per gets a 10.
Per said:
It's damn funny that you two should go and add santa hats to your avatars when I prepared mine several days ago. It's not a tradition, is it?

Well, I've prepared it for the www.polter.pl forum where there's a craze for a must-have Christmas av, and once I've had it done I thought it'd be a good idea to share it with you as well.

In a related story, Per's lizard rules! 10!!! Although you could have made the bobble larger and more visible.

PS: 4. It's nice, but it doesn't have the proportions right and it's too small to make out what it is unless you've seen the previous one.
you get 6.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679

because, while not terribly interesting or fallout related it's still well done and just because I don’t know what it's a reference to, I'm not going to penalize you for it.

(I changed my av when I saw PsychoSniper do it. A Santa hat didn’t really work for mine so I made it more festive in other ways.)
7.75 I say, nice and Fallout-y without being obvious. I don't like the colors that much but it's just personal taste.
edit:that was for calculos..
well its actually related to a post-apoclypse world, only in a fantasy setting and not real life(darksun).

6.5 :fallouty, but what's with the super computer cuddliness?
8 : i love retro looks even though not really falloutish
Silencer said:
In a related story, Per's lizard rules! 10!!! Although you could have made the bobble larger and more visible.

I couldn't make a good white bobble with chunky pixels, so I just skipped it. (Although I used unchunky ones for the snowflakes.)

I wasn't going to do any more rating in this thread, but Calculon's computer avec lights is splendid.