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Forgotten: I like your sig. It's cool.
calculon00 said:
Forgotten: I like your sig. It's cool.

Speak for yourself. The pic works for me. Maybe you're capitalist internet provider blocks calls to the BBC website? :twisted:
Believe me, no one hates my ISP more than me. They blocked port 80, forced me to use a dynamic ip, and I STILL triumphed over them and got my server working!
I don't see Forgotten's avatar either. Then again, for a little while I didn't see Silencer's.
Per said:
I don't see Forgotten's avatar either. Then again, for a little while I didn't see Silencer's.

That's because I host it at my site, and the server was down for 1,5 days (probably for the first time in history, apart from that time the admin shut it down remotely and had to go and switch it on manually the following morning :D )(in fact it wasn't the server as such, just the web service)(and they had two typos in the error message LOL). It's a way to let me know whether my site is working, since I spend way more time browsing NMA than managing it :D

I can't see Forgotten's av either, but judging by his desktop wallpaper, I'm probably better off that way.

Still, all glory to the Shadowclaw (or is it the Rubble Fanger?)
An 8,5, because it's white, glazing and postapocalyptically derelict cold :D

Forgotten: Belay my last remark, Evil Monkey is cool.

OK. I'm shutting up now.