Feb 21, 2008 #5,502 T TwinkieGorilla This ghoul has seen it all your avatar just confused my anus. 10/10
Feb 21, 2008 #5,503 generalissimofurioso The Hole Time Orderite Greedo... I don't know why, but I have his action figure and it's missing it's head. Confusion/10
Feb 21, 2008 #5,504 Ah-Teen Vault Senior Citizen Orderite Bay of Pigs = GOD DAMNIT LEEROY! Yes thats what I'm rating it.
Feb 21, 2008 #5,505 D Deleted member 53669 Guest Ziltoid thinks earths monuments are pathetic. 0.10/10
Feb 21, 2008 #5,507 Z Zaron Vault Fossil Orderite I see that it's a guy wearing a gas mask, standing next to a sign - but that's about it. 5/10.
Feb 21, 2008 #5,508 R Ravager69 Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! It's taken from a wallpaper from Forlorn World, an apocalyptic game. Yes, it's a nucular winter. Can't rate yours, though, as I have no idea what that is....
It's taken from a wallpaper from Forlorn World, an apocalyptic game. Yes, it's a nucular winter. Can't rate yours, though, as I have no idea what that is....
Feb 22, 2008 #5,511 X xdarkyrex Vault Senior Citizen I don't understand what it is and therefor do not like it. TKAE THAT 0/10
Feb 22, 2008 #5,513 generalissimofurioso The Hole Time Orderite Cosmic vacuum cleaner away! Reminds me of Dust Man for some reason/10
Feb 23, 2008 #5,518 Serge 13 Cranium Cat oTO Orderite Ah-Teen said: 10/10 I liked that game. Click to expand... Which game is that ?! 8/10