Apr 14, 2008 #5,725 G golfmade It Wandered In From the Wastes 7/10 Homer rocks but lost points because I can't read what the subtitle says
Apr 14, 2008 #5,726 N Neamos Still Mildly Glowing well, the dude could be centered; patriot_41 already has this avatar; could use an animation 5/10
Apr 14, 2008 #5,727 X Xavierblazer Vault Senior Citizen Bevis and Butthead character? Those clothes look familiar, especially the color. 7/10
Apr 14, 2008 #5,728 N Neamos Still Mildly Glowing its from a comic made by a funny korean dude here sorry if its hard to read the text is hard to read i dont get the reference jpg artifacts 6/10 for futurama Edit reply (sorry BN ): BTW, I was referring to The Jesus in my sig. The dudes Hair and purple shirt look similar Click to expand... I got that
its from a comic made by a funny korean dude here sorry if its hard to read the text is hard to read i dont get the reference jpg artifacts 6/10 for futurama Edit reply (sorry BN ): BTW, I was referring to The Jesus in my sig. The dudes Hair and purple shirt look similar Click to expand... I got that
Apr 14, 2008 #5,729 X Xavierblazer Vault Senior Citizen Now that I know what it is... 8.3/0 BTW, I was referring to The Jesus in my sig. The dudes Hair and purple shirt look similar
Now that I know what it is... 8.3/0 BTW, I was referring to The Jesus in my sig. The dudes Hair and purple shirt look similar
Apr 19, 2008 #5,734 generalissimofurioso The Hole Time Orderite Family Guy is overrated/10 And for future reference, the subtitle says [shouting]
Apr 19, 2008 #5,735 X Xavierblazer Vault Senior Citizen Mildly Dipped my asp. 7/10. Simpsons is overrated, but much funnier than Family guy.
Apr 20, 2008 #5,736 E Eyenixon Vault Senior Citizen Negative 0 out of negative infinity. Your image could use more images.
Apr 20, 2008 #5,738 D Davy Crockett It Wandered In From the Wastes You avatar scares and confuses me and therefore I will call the police. 5/10 because I don't want you to follow me home and stab my pets with a pencil.
You avatar scares and confuses me and therefore I will call the police. 5/10 because I don't want you to follow me home and stab my pets with a pencil.
Apr 20, 2008 #5,739 R Ravager69 Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! Is that a horse jockey's helmet with a radiation sign on it??? 6\10
Apr 20, 2008 #5,740 D Davy Crockett It Wandered In From the Wastes No, it's a Davy Crockett warhead. 9/10 because I like the colours. the -1 goes for the manga style. Manga = gay.
No, it's a Davy Crockett warhead. 9/10 because I like the colours. the -1 goes for the manga style. Manga = gay.