Rate the avatar above yours.

Fat guy hiding behind sofa coches and waiting fore the Mutans, i wood rate it 7\10 because of the power of the message of the enevtibale end of the human species. fore sound effects 0\10 this is bad, no sound! how am i suspouse to to rate this when there is no sound to hear. coloring 10+1x\10*1 it has 4 base colors and permutations of those colors. final score 7,3412
Cool - looking helmeted dude with armor. I can't understand what he's saying, though. Black and white is always classy, and he gets points for a matching sig.

Final prognosis: Metro/10 (has to be metro to match that well)

Final Score (NET): 7 (I can't stare at his avatar - it does not compel for long)
Shinigami said:
Cool - looking helmeted dude with armor. I can't understand what he's saying, though. Black and white is always classy, and he gets points for a matching sig.

Final prognosis: Metro/10 (has to be metro to match that well)

Final Score (NET): 7 (I can't stare at his avatar - it does not compel for long)

Fixed it is a refrence from the last days of the roman empire when cesar crosed rubricon and broke the republick of rome and gave birth to a empire. will make a bether wenn i feel that it need replasing.
syllogz said:

what, i dont care realy abute my spelling as long as im understuod (if not i will clarefiy).
And and the refence is abute a river. A roman genral coud not crosing the river white out breaking the law, and his famus words after was "the die is sett" and i find it as a metafor fore the fallout series. aka After fallout 3 there will no longer be a turing back to the old. Oh i think i chose wisly of my mantra. And the dicktatorship of the roman empire did not start white cesar, it stared white Augustus. there kapaw
Your Rubicon has been crossed. Rome is burning. Todd Howard fiddles as the ashes fall around him. The order gathers to brew a potion. /10
Okay, It's been about 6 months since I joined NMA. I am still to this day asking myself the question.

A gay bar... filled with redneck Europeans and beatnik hicks. Oh and a furry or two.

That said, your avatar is still a mechanical anthropomorphic chicken.
Ah-Teen said:
A gay bar... filled with redneck Europeans and beatnik hicks. Oh and a furry or two.

That said, your avatar is still a mechanical anthropomorphic chicken.


There are actually three furries here.

BANBANBAN/BANBANBANBAN for not liking the furry minority D:
BANBANBAN/BANBANBANBAN for not liking the furry minority D:

its okay if you keep it to yourself, but if you put dragons kissing, and what im assuming is having sex, as your avatar youre as bad as the people who think theyre animals in human flesh and have sex in fursuits

hope this helps

Neamos said:
its okay if you keep it to yourself, but if you put dragons kissing, and what im assuming is having sex, as your avatar youre as bad as the people who think theyre animals in human flesh and have sex in fursuits

hehehe, actually what you're saying reminds me of a CSI episod... wait, I even have a pic :rofl: :

P.S : Why the hell are your avatar nostrills so fucking big? 7/10.