Rate the avatar above yours.

it's from a series of images on how does student's life look like - this one is called "after the exam".

7\10 for yours, 'cause I can't quite figure what it is.
7.5/10 I like the eyes and the teeth. If not a direct spawn artwork, it definitly reminds me of it. The teeth even remind me of something out of The Maxx.

Edit: Of course I like the eyes and teeth, thats the whole display pic! What a twit I can be. Haha.
Fuck yeah! Tintin!


Bitches can't get enough of Captain Haddock.

edit: also for anyone that was curious my avatar is taken from the DVD cover of Terry Gilliam's masterpiece, Brazil.
Wow 9/10! Battletoads! I never played it, but i remind myself looking for hours at a few tiny screenshots in a Mindscape catalog...

As for Doctor Strangelove up above, 10/10, there barely can be a better avatar than this one down here.