Apr 22, 2009 #8,761 P PastaMasta Mildly Dipped I have no idea what it is. It still looks kickass however. 8/10
Apr 23, 2009 #8,762 Daimyo Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! Orderite I like it. Easy on the eyes; nice colours. 10/10
Apr 23, 2009 #8,763 UnidentifiedFlyingTard Vault Fossil like some evil jester 8/10 Scruffy, The Janitor.
Apr 23, 2009 #8,765 Lukus Testament to the ghoul lifespan Orderite Especially nice sig there, UFT - 10/10 for the sig pic! Classic av, but not too original - 7/10. Farmerk's av reminds me of a mixture between The Nameless One and Marilyn Manson. Cool enough - 7/10.
Especially nice sig there, UFT - 10/10 for the sig pic! Classic av, but not too original - 7/10. Farmerk's av reminds me of a mixture between The Nameless One and Marilyn Manson. Cool enough - 7/10.
Apr 24, 2009 #8,769 M MrBumble Vault Fossil 10/10 Because it's THAT cool. BTW : my avatar is a picture of an actual person...with an actual tattoo...
10/10 Because it's THAT cool. BTW : my avatar is a picture of an actual person...with an actual tattoo...
Apr 25, 2009 #8,774 TheGM The voice of reason 4.5 out of ten. Space Nazi Storm Troppers are played out. I wants me some Space ROMANS!
Apr 25, 2009 #8,775 J JunWisewar It Wandered In From the Wastes Vault boy visited the Prohibition Era eh hehe Love it 10/10