Rate the avatar above yours.


Here's mine, bigger resolution:

And here is the original (album art by Death):

I photoshopped the original to make it more suitable for the winter.

I loved those robes. Made me feel all "mysteriously robed figure*-like. Plus, I'd combo'd them with "unarmed, 300%" for that extra ounce of "rip you a new asshole with my left pinkie".
What do you think? :D

No, it's just a picture of my lava lamp, turned it horicontal. I found it very soothing, so there is no bigger meaning behind that. Here is the original image I cropped it from.


And the image in the signature is just a wave in the sea I also flipped. To be honest, at first I also wanted to have cats there, but I didn't find a smart picture. So now there's this psychedelic thingy. :D
Lava lamp, huh? For a minute I thought it was Superman's red slip.

huh... 6/10, I guess. :)
10/10 for the avatar and the WTF sig.

seriously mang, wtf is that sig?
Dopemine Cleric said:
seriously man, wtf is that sig?
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
I have no clue, but it makes me laugh.
Buxbaum666 said:
Yeah, what's that sig all about?

That signature is the villain from a show called Lazytown. Lazytown is a show made in Iceland which, even though made for infants is mostly watched by pedophiles.


Euh... 7/10.