Oct 25, 2010 #11,324 N Nuka-X It Wandered In From the Wastes 10, because I know where that picture is from an awesome sketch. (Im fin)
Oct 25, 2010 #11,325 P Puokki Where'd That 6th Toe Come From? Eiks se ollu tonnin seteli? Man, you just made my day. Also, coke is good, so 9/10.
Oct 27, 2010 #11,326 Faceless Stranger Board Drifter I'm back... and that's Nuka, not coke... and I give you a glourious 8.1/10
Oct 27, 2010 #11,327 Madbringer What is it that crawls behind the glass? Orderite Is that the Saint of Killers? Cool. 7/10
Oct 27, 2010 #11,328 P probably_not_a_mutie First time out of the vault 2/10 and also outlaws are awsome/10
Nov 3, 2010 #11,330 B Bal-Sagoth Water Chip? Been There, Done That Gunslinger? Despite the fact I am a raving mad Stephen King fanboy I could never get into The Dark Tower, other than enjoying how it connected with his other works. Cool pic all the same 9/10
Gunslinger? Despite the fact I am a raving mad Stephen King fanboy I could never get into The Dark Tower, other than enjoying how it connected with his other works. Cool pic all the same 9/10
Nov 4, 2010 #11,332 mobucks Fmr. President of racism. Orderite Skyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Pilot. Not sure what that is but it looks like a helo-pilot. Remember our vietnam vets/10
Skyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Pilot. Not sure what that is but it looks like a helo-pilot. Remember our vietnam vets/10
Nov 4, 2010 #11,334 Verevoof Cryptid oTO Board Cop oTO Orderite [REDACTED] 10/10 Classic. Er... new classic. And Nuka-Cola.
Nov 6, 2010 #11,338 Daimyo Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! Orderite 6/10 - more if you look like the drawing.
Nov 8, 2010 #11,339 SkuLL Chad McRealman Orderite Somewhat familiar - where is it from? 7/10 Also - new avatar! Look out, ladies!
Nov 8, 2010 #11,340 mobucks Fmr. President of racism. Orderite weed. I got some purpley shit today. 420/10