Rate the avatar above yours.

White Knight said:
Looks like Voldemort and I don't know what its from. I think it would look better without the stats. 7/10

He is Billy Corgan from the nervous Smashing Pumpkins, you freaky rich bat man !
You deserve 1/10, but you car is so cool your rate goes up to 5/10.
Cool Spot is one of the most retarded advertising gimmicks ever. Plus, I hate 7 Up.
GuYem said:
White Knight said:
Looks like Voldemort and I don't know what its from. I think it would look better without the stats. 7/10

He is Billy Corgan from the nervous Smashing Pumpkins, you freaky rich bat man !

Oh, ok. I couldn't see his nose on the avatar and he was pale and bald.

A nice fallout themed image, 9/10
WelcomeToNewReno said:
Cool Spot is one of the most retarded advertising gimmicks ever. Plus, I hate 7 Up.

You are so right, I never realised this game was actually 7UP ad...
Please recommend a fallout themed avatar.

btw,, batman is still 5/10
Just look for fallout images on google or something, then use a image editing site to resize or crop it. I'm also sure there are in game images you might want to use.

Its generic, and I've never been one for cartoon mascots 3/10
Hey, look! It's a generic vault boy image! There isn't nearly enough of those on here!

You're Pixote. 10/10 due to blatant favoritism, and then another 9/10 because I can never see your av without being reminding of the vague creeping tingle I felt the first time I visited The Glow.