>When in the past 10 years
>has the US increased it's
>nuclear stockpile? Cite me
>just one case.
I admit, I can't.
>The US doesn't "complain" to
>Russia about nuclear arms reduction,
You're arguing over the definition of a word.
>the two nations sign treaties
>such as SALT or START
>that promise *bilateral* reductions in
>both nations' stockpiles.
America also signed some treaty about not building a missile defence shield.....
I think if China got its'
>economy moving and started building
>a Missile Defence Shield, someone
>in the USA would crap
>their pants and kick up
>an international fuss. Then complain
>some more and try and
>get some sort of sanctions
>or other action of some
>sort against China.
>Ah. So this is why
>we offered to let the
>Russians and Europe in on
>the missile sheild.
What do you mean? America offered to build a missile defence shield to protect China and Europe?
>US doesn't 'kick up an
>international fuss' when we don't
>like something.
Ummmm.... Yeah you do.
>Honestly this statement is so ridiculous
>I don't know where to
>start. A missile sheild
>like what the US is
>going to build wouldn't even
>be worth deploying against the
>US or Russian arsenal.
Then why is America building it? For fun?
>I'm not even going to
>touch the practical barriers to
>China making a missile sheild
>in the next century.
A century is a LOOOOOOOONG time......
I just don't like the hypocrisy.
>And I don't like people that
>don't do their homework before
>sounding off. I don't
>mind a difference of opinion,
>but please have it at
>least based on logic.
That was a general statement. I don't like America's hypocrisy when it takes the moral high ground on certain issues. Weapons of Mass Destruction, Saving the World, Free Trade etc.....
Moo..... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow. (Ready to be milked with a Fallout style MMORPG with aliens!)