Re: Realistic Arroyo, Fallout 2 setting improvement project
Uhm... Why so? That's what they are, easter eggs, not actual part of the setting. Although you could get rid of that pesky MechWarrior reference in New Reno.Human Shield said:Limit Easter Eggs.
I disagree. Hublogists are a valuable addition to a PA world, I think, such cataclysms can expected to spawn bizzare cults. You could strip them of their tech, but otherwise, they could stay.Human Shield said:Remove Hublogists.
Again, I think New Reno fits into the world, bar the extremities: grand casinos and yakuza.Human Shield said:Fix New Reno to trading center with rival groups, not prohibition-gangster/"OMG drugz and whorez" town.
Why so? At this point, it's a matter of choice. I don't remember the game being vastly unbalanced when I was playing the first time. But perhaps more stealth/speech ought to be needed to get into Navarro w/o bloodshed.Human Shield said:Take out easy loot from Navarro base, try to improve balance.
Do what?Human Shield said:Do something with Redding.
I'd love caps too, but I doubt that hub influence would stretch as far as Vault City...Human Shield said:Would like to find a way to replace gold coins with caps (have HUB influence).
Agree, but mind the balance between it and NCRHuman Shield said:Maybe change Vault City, and make it the only advanced place
Agree.Human Shield said:Reduce talking Death Claws to primitive group with only one leader, few able to parrot words and point to things.