Realistic Arroyo Mod

Make the bottlecaps coins by recoloring the money frame and giving the bottlecaps pro the description, name and frame of the money and giving the money pro the description, name and frame of the bottlecaps. Of course you need to fix the descriptions and names as well by editing the pro_items.msg.

Then change the dialog so you find some metal coins which were used as currency in ancient times.
If you want to be kinky, use the soda can rings from FOT instead of coins and the easter egg is funny again.
I think its a wonderfull idea.

Any major change is more than welcome.

That doesnt mean Fallout 2 was bad it just means after playing 2 so many times that a change is a good thing.

For me Klamath was a little lame. I know its an early game easy town, but their just wasnt much to do there.

I would like to see another shop (possibly gun oriented) and more quests, or enemies.

As for New Reno I agree some change is in order

I would also love to see a new town or location added. Possibly another map for the den?
Role-Player said:
The ten thousand bottlecaps in Broken Hills were a single item, ie, they were an item labelled as a bag with caps, not actually caps.

I get this hazy impression that it varied with patches: 10000 caps w/o the patch, 1 bag of caps with it. I clearly remember getting the 10000 in my early game, and the bag in my last, which cartainly was with the patch (1.05)
I think so.
I remember having had 10000 bottlecaps in my inventory as well.
Ok, problem.

I just finished beating the game on my clean install that I installed the mod over.

When I got back to Arroyo, I just found the shaman dying and got his talking head.

Leaving the town square, and returning, I just go to the defualt broken bridge map.
You installed it on a completed save-game? Changing the data files with a saved game would probably mess up scripted events.
The shaman death scene was played twice (after GECK and after killing Enclave)? How did you get to the town center if the bridge was down?
I meant I left the arroyo square on the worldmap, then went back.

I didnt get past the broken bridge map, since the bridge was broken.