"Reasons Fallout 4 is the best Fallout game." A facepalm-worthy video.

Oh my, the voice acting. I'd rather play it with the Japanese voice acting, and imagine an alternate Fallout future (alternate-alternate history?) where the Glorious Army of the Greater Japanese Empire and the Navy of the Greater Japanese Empire guided by the Admiral Yamamoto (who obviously didn't died at Bougainville), completely defeated the US Navy, invaded the USA, and forced unconditional surrender on Roosevelt, making it in a puppet state of the Glorious Nippon Empire.
Settlements overall is a good feature but why does the game just rely on it. It really is a peice of shit compeared tp ehat other games do with a system. I would of prefered a system more similar to the divsions where by you don't mirco manage but just buy upgrades overal. This would been like a house to get more income ect you don't have to spent 10,00000 years building a settlement. I would of also would of lied to build at bigger better areas, Some settlement are just so shit for like 5 people it really not much more you can do with it in a lore freindly way. I was exploring the map expecting to see more settlments but there was't and I feel like this was. Overal it a good system when its works but these ot really intresting places to grow really big settlements. Also as the was the main part of the game (Beilieve it or not) it was quite limited you would expect to more I feel from it. Like to get more pre excisting town but over all this was a mess. I'd rather just have one town that you get to in depth manage rather lots of shitty little getting attacked all the time towns

milliam you're bang on it about the story. It felt like the game world was disjointed and too mach incostiances. You could lead a power group of settlements but people would still treat you like a bitch witch makes no sense. Even when you had all this power it really dind't mean that much and story had to still be taken in a linear route even if it made no sence.(You could't skip to keloge you had to do all the nick vailtine bollocks).

However i have to disagree with you about mods. Bring mods to console is a very good thing even if PS4 version is not avbaile yet when they said they would get it working however. I doubt its actually to much there fault as PS generally have more secruity ect harder to achive it for some reasson
The game relies on it for filler. 95% of Fallout 4 is literally filler.
Lotta people here went through a lot of effort just for an obvious clickbait spammer. Look at the other videos, there's a "5 reasons why Fallout is _____" for everything.
By the way, do you know how ridiculous Fallout fanbase is right now? I mean those people speak that change is good and Fallout 3 and 4 are great games on their own.

Or how they praise shooting in this game, or find second part of Farcryout 4 intruiging. Just a mere idea that they are wrong makes then into go into frenzy.

No wonder bethesda can shit out Fallout 5 and they will praise it just as Farcryout 4.
I actually don't see that much a difference between NV and FO4's combat. Fo4's recoil animations are better but that isn't really an improvement to the combat itself. If anything fallout 4's combat is worse than 3 & NV's because there's far less weapon variety, everything's a bullet sponge at high levels, and it gets tedious real quick because that's all you do in fo4.
And at some point you are completely ignored by the defending party, even able to stand directly in front of people while they don't bat an eyelash.
Ah... so it's the Battle of Bunker Hill all over again! Where no one attacks the Sole Survivor because FO4 does not have a competent faction system which causes all the factions to be friends with the SS.

Why don't I feel any satisfaction about predicting this?

Yup. Having recently replayed New Vegas I was amazed how even the most minor characters have a lot to talk about and are more developed than the major characters of Fallout 4. But the real shocker was just how much better the quests and writing overall is in New Vegas.
Anyone here remember the quest, Someone to Watch Over Me, in New Vegas? That quest really got interesting mid-way through when a seemingly simple peace-keeping job for a settlement winds up exploring failing familial ties, dangerous peer pressure, manipulation and ends with a hostage situation (with multiple ways of resolving even without the speech check).

New Vegas really is leagues above FO4 with New Vegas quests like that in mind.