DForge said:
Are those mods compatible with DLC?
CFW and WMK are compatible with everything.
Zombie Cemetery, an add-on of sorts to MMM and utterly fucking great, is compatible with everything.
MMM is sort-of compatible with everything. The Pitt isn't supported yet (but works fine), and one of the very last optional dialogue choices in the MQ is borked, making it possible (but not inevitable) to break Broken Steel.
Fallout Wanderer's Edition (FWE) is incompatible with Broken Steel, patch 1.5 and does not support (but doesn't break) Operation Anchorage and The Pitt.
FWE includes a total skill, SPECIAL and combat overhaul, new repair, injury, radiation, food and sleep systems, and its own custom versions of pretty much every decent 'realism' mod so far made (including the ones mentioned in this thread).
As you may have gathered, it is my humble opinion you're severely screwing yourself if you're not using FWE. The only things it doesn't make MOAR BETTER are detection and sneak modifiers, and that's a bug you can fix with 2 console commands, or by loading the relevant bits of XFO after FWE.
I'd suggest using Fasttravel Encounters too, but I can't make it work. YMMV.