Reddit's thoughts on Fallout 3

Mirin Lurker

It Wandered In From the Wastes
One of my favorite redditors posts a pretty good review of FO3. Thought you guys might get a kick out of it.
As someone who stands for the first games and NV. it blows my mind that people really like fallout 3 and 4. and to just blow New Vegas like it's whatever good job. this is truly a gem from reddit. :monocle:
I'm tempted to post more of this person's unhinged ramblings on here, but I feel like that might involve....controversy. I genuinely don't want this person to feel harassed or anything but some of the stuff they post is like they were made by one of the old timers here as a parody of Bethesda stans.
I'm tempted to post more of this person's unhinged ramblings on here, but I feel like that might involve....controversy. I genuinely don't want this person to feel harassed or anything but some of the stuff they post is like they were made by one of the old timers here as a parody of Bethesda stans.

In terms of respect i can understand why you wouldn't. But they have posted worst then this jesus, i would hate what more they have to say. I have noticed that there are a lot of accounts on here that seem to just exist to say fallout 3 is better or whatever, for the lolls am i right ??
I mean that is something my young brother might think but he is not even out of high school yet and does not own a computer.
Yeah I'm gonna have to go with this Redditor being very young and having got into Fallout for the shooting and looting, not the Roleplaying.
I like that the post has negative votes. Even Fallout Reddit knows how crap that post is and it makes me respect it a tiny a bit (just a tiny bit).
They get into lore arguments constantly and always reverts to, Bethesda good Fallout 2 bad for some reason.
Don't you know? You have all the right in the world to shit all over the first two Fallouts for their "archaic" graphics and "dated" isometric gameplay, but you can't criticize the Bethesda Fallouts for their putrid graphics and genuinely bad FPS gameplay. When you do any of the latter you are just a Bethesda hater who hates change.
I remember somebody in the future asked was ' Return of the Jedi' a cowboy film and what order should she/him, herself watch them.
The poor thing was so fucked up, it insisted Fallout 3 (water water everywhere, but not a drop to drink) was the 1950s game released on Betamax.
Don't you know? You have all the right in the world to shit all over the first two Fallouts for their "archaic" graphics and "dated" isometric gameplay, but you can't criticize the Bethesda Fallouts for their putrid graphics and genuinely bad FPS gameplay. When you do any of the latter you are just a Bethesda hater who hates change.
I love it when people use the "you hate change" argument, as if change is inherently good. I've also noticed that fans of the originals and New Vegas tend to back their arguments up with multple examples and the like, while Bethesda Fallout fans tend to default to "Bethesda hater" or cherry pick single examples of Bethesda's design not being bad.
That is always the case with people who defend Bethesda fallout's that there good and never giving reasons on why to backup there arguments. The fact they shit all over fallout 2 just goes to show two things there a bait account or there really young. But no we always have to defend and show why fallout 1 & 2 along with new vegas.
Here's their review of FNV titled: Fallout New Vegas is a Bad Game and a Terrible Fallout Game.

"Fallout: New Vegas is seemingly a beloved game in the RPG genre, and is often considered to be the "best Fallout game". I beg to differ.

Fallout: New Vegas, to me, is a bad game mechanically and in its writing and is a terrible Fallout game in its lore, world, and more.

Starting off, the game mechanics. Mechanically, Fallout: New Vegas is just awful, somehow breaking things that worked in Fallout 3 such as music cues. A whole list can be found on the internet. It also lacks consequences which I personally find ironic. When you clear the ants of Ivanpah Lake next to the Mojave Outpost, nothing changes. And in fact, the ants respawn. The point of clearing out the ants was to open up the road again for traders, but nothing happens. This isn't just an exception, as clearing Nelson doesn't change anything, helping Jas get a deathclaw egg also doesn't change anything. She stays in her small shack despite saying she would head to New Vegas. The monorail breaking doesn't change NCR troop count on the Strip and NCR don't go through Freeside instead due to no working monorail. The list goes on and on. And people praise New Vegas for having iron sights when you aim, but the iron sights are just a placebo effect.

Next, the writing. The story itself fails at writing 101 when it comes to reasoning. The first act is fine enough, it could be slightly better, but overall the first act is fine. Find the man who attacked you and robbed you. The issue comes from the second act, which is where you get involved in a political climate that's currently present in the Mojave. The concern is this: you don't care. The Courier has no reason to care. The war doesn't affect the Courier, they don't live in the Mojave, they aren't from the Mojave. They can literally just leave (and do many times in the DLCs). So the main quest forces you to get involved in the political climate just because, no reason at all. And you can't even decline (going the independent route is still involving yourself in the war). The worst thing about this, is that the premise for the actual meat of the story is only said later on (about three hours in) and by that time, if you're anything like me, you've made your character. Well, my character wants to avoid conflicts. But that's not part of the main quest, so I now have to rewrite my character to make up a reason for them to do the main quest (or I can just make them go out of character). People complain about Fallout 3 or Fallout 4 "forcing a background on you", but at least I don't have to rewrite my character or go out of character for the main quest (not to mention Fallout 1 and 2 also gives you a background...and so does New Vegas).

There's a lot more I can go into with the writing, such as the factions being incompetent or dumb (or both) beyond belief or the preposterous amount of inconsistencies, but there is a character limit for posts.

Onto the reasons why Fallout: New Vegas is a terrible Fallout game, I'll explain. The world isn't Fallout. You can take away the robots and (maybe the Brotherhood of Steel) and it is a different game. The world doesn't look like Fallout, it's a bland, empty desert. Nothing was seemingly built in the 132 years from the main date of the divergence (1945) to 2077, the year the bombs fell. It doesn't even have much of a retrofuturism tone that even Fallout 1 had. It's a western aesthetic that just doesn't fit Fallout, or at the very least, doesn't have a Fallout spin on things.

Then the lore, I don't even get this. People seem to have this notion that because the people at Obsidian at the time made Fallout 1 and 2, they know the lore or respect it. Well, no. In my opinion, the people who made Fallout 2 didn't have respect for their own creation, and we can see that in the other games: Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, Fallout Extreme, and Van Buren. I don't believe the original creators have respect for their own creation except for three people. I also don't believe that simply being the original creator makes you better than someone else. Let's get into this.

In Fallout: New Vegas, we're told/shown these things: Mr. Handies are Robco owned and made, the Great War occurred in the evening, the PIP-Boy 3000a being easily removed, and more. These are all false, except for one, jet. Mr. Handies were owned and created by General Atomics International, they have never been created or owned by Robco. The Great War fell in the morning, at 9:47 AM to be specific, on the west coast, it would've been 6:47 AM. That's the morning. The PIP-Boy 3000a is stated in Fallout 3 to be biometrically sealed, yet Mick and Ralph can easily replace it with the "PIMP-Boy 3 Billion". There are, again, a lot more inconsistencies. But these are the ones that are fresh in my head at the time of writing. This isn't the sign of the original creators "knowing the lore", in fact I personally see this as them simply not caring.

Overall, I find Fallout: New Vegas to be the worst canonical Fallout game. Somehow surpassing Fallout 2. I think Obsidian didn't have respect for the Fallout franchise, I think the original creators have no respect for their own creation (except three people). I also don't get the praise for it. This post isn't even touching the DLCs, but they're bad as well."
I always found fucking stupid the "your character shouldn't care about the Mojave conflict" forgetting the fact that the Courier got shot in the face because they were carrying the most important thing in the Wasteland at the time, something instrument to the conflict in the Hoover Dam. The two go together.
The issue comes from the second act, which is where you get involved in a political climate that's currently present in the Mojave. The concern is this: you don't care. The Courier has no reason to care. The war doesn't affect the Courier, they don't live in the Mojave, they aren't from the Mojave.
This is what stuck out to me, especially considering it's up to how you build and write your character that determines what factions you pick and why. It also seems like she herself doesn't care about the factions.

Also I found the user and read their bio and it's the most Reddit shit I've read. "Non-binary genderfluid, she/her. If you don't want to call me --------, just call me -----. Autistic, aegosexual, Fallout fangirl, The Elder Scrolls fangirl, burger enthusiast" Of course she's an Elder Scrolls fan, it would explain why she said in a comment under her post about New Vegas that she likes 3, 4, and 76.
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This is what stuck out to me, especially considering it's up to how you build and write your character that determines what factions you pick and why. It also seems like she herself doesn't care about the factions.

Also I found the user and read their bio and it's the most Reddit shit I've read. "Non-binary genderfluid, she/her. If you don't want to call me , just call me . Autistic, aegosexual, Fallout fangirl, The Elder Scrolls fangirl, burger enthusiast" Of course she's an Elder Scrolls fan, it would explain why she said in a comment under her post about New Vegas that she likes 3, 4, and 76.
Yo friend I'm trying to hide this person's name for a reason. This person seems relatively easy to troll and this place has a bad rep for brigading. Plz don't make me regret posting this person.
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