Mirin Lurker
It Wandered In From the Wastes

One of my favorite redditors posts a pretty good review of FO3. Thought you guys might get a kick out of it.
I'm tempted to post more of this person's unhinged ramblings on here, but I feel like that might involve....controversy. I genuinely don't want this person to feel harassed or anything but some of the stuff they post is like they were made by one of the old timers here as a parody of Bethesda stans.
One of my favorite redditors posts a pretty good review of FO3. Thought you guys might get a kick out of it. View attachment 26122
I love it when people use the "you hate change" argument, as if change is inherently good. I've also noticed that fans of the originals and New Vegas tend to back their arguments up with multple examples and the like, while Bethesda Fallout fans tend to default to "Bethesda hater" or cherry pick single examples of Bethesda's design not being bad.Don't you know? You have all the right in the world to shit all over the first two Fallouts for their "archaic" graphics and "dated" isometric gameplay, but you can't criticize the Bethesda Fallouts for their putrid graphics and genuinely bad FPS gameplay. When you do any of the latter you are just a Bethesda hater who hates change.
This is what stuck out to me, especially considering it's up to how you build and write your character that determines what factions you pick and why. It also seems like she herself doesn't care about the factions.The issue comes from the second act, which is where you get involved in a political climate that's currently present in the Mojave. The concern is this: you don't care. The Courier has no reason to care. The war doesn't affect the Courier, they don't live in the Mojave, they aren't from the Mojave.
Yo friend I'm trying to hide this person's name for a reason. This person seems relatively easy to troll and this place has a bad rep for brigading. Plz don't make me regret posting this person.This is what stuck out to me, especially considering it's up to how you build and write your character that determines what factions you pick and why. It also seems like she herself doesn't care about the factions.
Also I found the user and read their bio and it's the most Reddit shit I've read. "Non-binary genderfluid, she/her. If you don't want to call me , just call me . Autistic, aegosexual, Fallout fangirl, The Elder Scrolls fangirl, burger enthusiast" Of course she's an Elder Scrolls fan, it would explain why she said in a comment under her post about New Vegas that she likes 3, 4, and 76.
My bad, I'll edit out the name.Yo friend I'm trying to hide this person's name for a reason. This person seems relatively easy to troll and this place has a bad rep for brigading. Plz don't make me regret posting this person.