Mildly Dipped

Lately when I look up lore stuff, I'm trying to separate what came from which part of the franchise, because the wikis mash everything together. Does Fallout 1 ever make any mention of China in the 'Great War'? A lot of the footnotes on the wiki page seem to be referencing Fallout 3, and the most definite thing I see from before that is about San Francisco in Fallout 2. Even then, that doesn't seem to say anything explicit about the war.
Mostly trying to filter this stuff because I see a lot of references to Fallout that now describe it as the aftermath of a war with China, but I don't ever remember that being an explicit part of the original games? But my memory is imperfect, and I'm curious about what the original intention was.
Mostly trying to filter this stuff because I see a lot of references to Fallout that now describe it as the aftermath of a war with China, but I don't ever remember that being an explicit part of the original games? But my memory is imperfect, and I'm curious about what the original intention was.