Rejoice! Dead (unbaptised) babies go to Heaven!

Many reasons could exist. Money is one example... make it a job to kill the lil' tykes (provided by the government w/ benefits and such).
Okay... why would a government be interested in paying sinners to help children go to Heaven by murdering them?
Gaskammer said:
Obviously you haven't, Sander, because you're plugging in words that do not exist. Not once did I say this was a "good" action, although it definitely would have a positive, manifest function (people going to heaven).
Then what the hell is your point? You are arguing that there is no reason to not kill all the babies, since they'll go to heaven then, which is the positive thing. I say that this isn't positive within your frame of reference since this means directly going against god.
Gaskammer said:
Okay, perhaps I wasn't clear enough... this would further emphasize the sacrifice. The goal is heaven, but sinners have already blown their chances; therefore, they help others attain that which is unachievable for themselves.
You're not getting it. According to Christian religion, *no* sinner is beyond salvation.
Fuck, man, it's the basis of the religion.
Gaskammer said:
Besides, what about the holy wars? Didn't they go against the ten commandments? the only way to deem such an action okay, would be to do it in the *name* of religion?
Oh goodie, *more* straw men.

I'll humour this one, though, since this shows perfectly what you're about: you're looking to point out all kinds of mistakes and problems in religion and are purposely construing convoluted hypotheses to try to show their wrong. You seem to have a vendetta against Christianity, which is not something new and in reality quite silly (and something I have grown to detest due to its tendency to be preachy and hypocritical).

Yes, there are a lot of things that went wrong in the past and a lot of hypocricies. This is obvious to anyone who looks at the church. But pointing out these things isn't going to get you anywhere because religion is not in any way about *logic*, it is about *faith*.
Gaskammer said:
But the fact, which consequently stares us all in the face, is that people do not live their lives according to god. This results in VERY few people going to heaven.
So? Any Christian is supposed to work to change that, but they can't force people and killing people is *not* something they can do.

Gaskammer said:
Kinda' like your reference at the top, which is in a different thread? You see, that's partly why I spaced it from the other, relevant information and italicized it. (but hey... if you want to attack me, then expect a response)
Yes, exactly like my bit at the top.
I say that this isn't positive within your frame of reference since this means directly going against god.
And who is going against god? The sinners, that's who... (hence the aforementioned sacrifice) because when you're all said and done, the vast majority will be in heaven while the rest are sipping cocktails in hell.
Oh goodie, *more* straw men.
A good example though. Do you disagree?
Yes, there are a lot of things that went wrong in the past and a lot of hypocrisies. This is obvious to anyone who looks at the church. But pointing out these things isn't going to get you anywhere because religion is not in any way about *logic*, it is about *faith*.
There's always a little bit of wiggle room to argue this claim; however, religion is about faith (as you stated), and the holy wars DID go against their faith.
So? Any Christian is supposed to work to change that, but they can't force people and killing people is *not* something they can do.
(this gave me a GOOD laugh) "can't force people" ...oh boy, it's all too clear now. You never grew up in a bible belt region, did ya'? And of course they can't promote their own faithful to kill the babies, they would have those who are not faithful (atheists, pagans, and other "bad joojoo men") doing it for them, and such people would be considered, from their point of view, as sinners.
Gaskammer said:
Teaching our children how to get to heaven… hasn’t this failed?

Did you survey the damned to get this information, or are you just pulling more shit out of your ass? Because it really stinks.

Gaskammer said:
I mean, nowadays the number of people actually qualified to go to heaven are about parallel to those who win the lottery.

I don't believe you have the authority to judge who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell.

I doubt it will be viewed as "sacrifice" when all you're really doing is murdering an innocent child. What's next, a crusade into the Holy Land to regain it from the Saracens?
Gaskammer said:
And who is going against god? The sinners, that's who... (hence the aforementioned sacrifice) because when you're all said and done, the vast majority will be in heaven while the rest are sipping cocktails in hell.
What, did you decide to completely ignore the sentence where I explained how no sinner is beyond salvation and hence sending them purposely to hell is, again, *not according to religion*.
Gaskammer said:
A good example though. Do you disagree?
A good example of the church as a political insitution, but completely and utterly irrelevant to the issue at hand.
Gaskammer said:
There's always a little bit of wiggle room to argue this claim; however, religion is about faith (as you stated), and the holy wars DID go against their faith.
Cut out the straw men, it's getting tiresome.
Gaskammer said:
(this gave me a GOOD laugh) "can't force people" ...oh boy, it's all too clear now. You never grew up in a bible belt region, did ya'?
Whoosh, *more* straw men.

Gaskammer said:
And of course they can't promote their own faithful to kill the babies, they would have those who are not faithful (atheists, pagans, and other "bad joojoo men") doing it for them, and such people would be considered, from their point of view, as sinners.
Yet they are *supporting* that and are hence also sinners.
Y'know, there's something about this thread that reminds me King's first days on NMA.
Wooz said:
Y'know, there's something about this thread that reminds me King's first days on NMA.

Why stop there? Why not be reminded of Germany's first days as Nazis? But thank you for sharing, Wooz.
Jarno Mikkola said:
SuAside said:
Rejoice! Dead (unbaptised) babies go to Heaven!
So I should strap a bomb in my waist, and go to a hospital to the newborn wing and let the dead mans switch go of, so I can fly on top of the new born wings to heaven. :twisted:

Sander said:
That said, believing there is no god is just as much a belief as believing there is a god.
Slaanesh said:
There is NO God.
What if Sander I think there was a god, but it isn't anymore: The God was an entity that made the world, but not as it is now, but as it was far more than trillions of years ago. It created the world that has it's own laws like gravity...etc. "For why, you ask, to great a computer that would determine the meaning of life", but there was a slight miscalculation in the masses; the trern(a mouse kind of creature) had the mass of 3.2 instead of pi or π with is close to 3,14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 5... with this in the equation the whole world stood in silence until the universe stopped to revolve around itself and collapsed. Which in turn would be called the Big Bang. :twisted:
Funny thoughts! 8)

What I know is that MY god is the truth and *I* try to reach it at every moment of my life, even though I will never reach the entire whole truth, for it is, obviously, impossible for a human being to know everything. Still, my life is spent seeking what is truth and i life for that... :) So, MY god is truth, what's yours? :)

(It's important to remember that, in many religions, such as christianism, God is referenced many times as being the truth, or in other words, everything, and being everywhere, and knowing everything and stuff... I think people are stupid, that's what, but my god is all that... ;) )
Morbus said:
Funny thoughts!
That's exactly what I thought.

Morbus said:
What I know is that MY god is the truth and *I* try to reach it at every moment of my life, even though I will never reach the entire whole truth, for it is, obviously, impossible for a human being to know everything. Still, my life is spent seeking what is truth and i live my life(?) for that...
So you want to be better, but you don't want to be different(the reference to humans reveals this), the obvious fact: you just want to fail anyway. :twisted:

Morbus said:
So, MY god is truth, what's yours? :)
The three dimensional being that created this world, that's obviously dead, or more accurately gone, cause non of the dimensions were time. :lol: No, not really.