[REL] Advanced Power Armor

Nice work Lexx, it works like a charm with Enclave commander. One thing tough, seems FOOK is not working with it. but id say its their problem.
Very nice job. A few comments, if I may. The proportions might look better if the chest plate was raised a little, so that the bottom of the pectoral line is above the elbow line. And, I think trimming the thickness of the thighs may balance it with the arm size.

I know F3 model structure makes it harder to have 'hero proportions', so I think these changes can make it look even better (original fallouts had really wide shoulders on character models). Just a few suggestions :)

Again, nice work Lexx!
GreyViper said:
Nice work Lexx, it works like a charm with Enclave commander. One thing tough, seems FOOK is not working with it. but id say its their problem.
Go into the GECK and edit the FOOK.esp file. Find the Advanced Mark 2 Power armor helmet and body armor. Edit the pathways so that instead of base vanilla nif/sprite, it is the advanced power armor one. It works like a charm.
I really like your mod, but there is one thing that quite pokes in my eye: The square-like reactor thing on the armors back looks kinda displaced. I think it would fit much better into the armors design if the reactor was round and a little sphere-like.

I agree with your suggestion. The round edges better suit the curves of the suit's outline than the sharp corners of a square would.
If someone wants to do this, go for it. At the moment I am not sure if I will ever touche Fallout 3 modding. I am really not motivated to do something again for this game.
Hey all, I've been fiddling with my own vision for how the Enclave PA should look in 3d, according to Fallout 2:

Came here to ask for opinions from the original game's fans, mostly.

Also, I'm not intending this as a replacement to Lexx's version of it, but rather a compliment. In fact, if Lexx would be so kind to share his mesh, in obj or 3ds format, I'd gladly sculpt detail for normal mapping when I'm done with the one I'm working with :)

(let me know if you'd prefer this in another topic)
I already saw you model. It looks pretty cool and high detailed. I would never could come up with stuff like that, heh.

But imo, this looks more like Gears of War than Fallout to me. :D Maybe it is just me and because we never could see any detailed body shoots of this armor, but imo, it looks too modern and new. Maybe a bit too round?

The shoulder thingy looks pretty cool and like in the talking heads. I really like it and prefer it more than the shoulders in my version, I think. But the backpack seems to be wrong, because it looks very different from the APA you can see in the game.

I can send you the mesh in 3ds format, but I can not do this at the moment because I am not at home. :) I think I will be back at home on sunday evening.

Also you can use this thread, I don't mind. Maybe it becomes more "live up" then. Heh.
Well since I have your permission to post here, here's the progress so far so peeps don't have to go to Nexus:





Lexx: Yeah I may be doing it a bit too new. It's really though to come up with elements to "fill the blank spaces" in the armour because like you said, we have no info.
I'm trying to inspire myself in Art Deco and Streamline stuff (Fallout art inspirations) to do stuff.
I'm gonna see what I can do about the backpack. In the original it was the thing that looked strange, because I haven't found the sense of having that yellow square when the rest of the armor is so round and organic.
Let's see what I can come up with :)

About your mesh, when you can (no rush, its gonna take a while to get this one done, so :P ), if you could send it to this adress, would be great:

Thanks :)
That yellow square is the covering of the micro fusion reactor. It's actually not square, it has very rounded edges.
Mikael Grizzly said:
That yellow square is the covering of the micro fusion reactor. It's actually not square, it has very rounded edges.

Yep. In the mesh of my APA it is a bit.. well... yes, a square. I thought about changing it later, but then the model was already rigged and chaning the mesh again would need some more time again and then adjusting the uv map, etc....

Also I have to say that I only worked on the armor, because nobody other wanted to do this. :P
Here's an update. I gotta agree with you guys that it's lacking that 50's\fallout feel, so I'm gonna finish this one up and after that restart on a new version more true with the original.
I've cleaned up some of the high tech detail though.



Oh any references anyone may have on the original APA would be more than welcome (I already have the ones from here, so don't bother with those)
Looks pretty good. Way, way petter than the one Bethesda gave us.

This here was the last released image of a APA. There are no other images available. So if you have this here, you have all.
I also love the armor in combination with a minigun. Could spit bullets on everything the whole day.

and????..... is the Armor Finished

or How long will it Takes? :crazy:

I MUST have this Armor or I gona Kill some Wastelanders
DMorgado said:
Hey all, I've been fiddling with my own vision for how the Enclave PA should look in 3d, according to Fallout 2:
Outstanding work !!! 8-)

I started my own one of these a while back, but had problems with integrating the Pipboy. You asked about tweaking the skeleton to suit the model... I'm still learning about that, but I can say that you really want to get it to work with the one that they have, because everything else works with it. This is not so important with non-human creatures, but for people everyone needs to be able to use the animations to equip the armor, use the weapons, and act out melee attacks. I found it easier to make the mesh suit the skeleton than the reverse.
Do you really need more DT than 46? Most enemy guns wont even hurt except the big ones I mean damn and then you can get more via AID products ... 30DT on Hard difficulty was fine in any case people should be making different versions of plasma and laser weapons as most of them are weaksauce ...