Jun 5, 2004 #1 O Opunaesala First time out of the vault Anyone know the release date for Metalheart? I can't seem to find info on the game.
Jun 5, 2004 #2 K kumquatq3 Where'd That 6th Toe Come From? http://www.akella.com/pub-metalheart-en.shtml Last I heard they don't have a publisher, as the site says. At one point they (Akella) were talking to Iply about publishing something or other iirc, not metalheart, but I forget what it was.
http://www.akella.com/pub-metalheart-en.shtml Last I heard they don't have a publisher, as the site says. At one point they (Akella) were talking to Iply about publishing something or other iirc, not metalheart, but I forget what it was.
Jun 5, 2004 #3 M Mogzig It Wandered In From the Wastes That game looks pretty sweet. I haven't seen or heard of it before.
Jun 5, 2004 #4 A alec White heterosexual male Orderite They don't have a publisher yet? Jeez. Hope that gets solved really quick. It looks so much like Fallout, n'est-ce pas?
They don't have a publisher yet? Jeez. Hope that gets solved really quick. It looks so much like Fallout, n'est-ce pas?
Jun 5, 2004 #5 K King of Creation Vault Fossil Well, their website says Q2 2004, which means like around now i think. I don't see that happenin though.
Well, their website says Q2 2004, which means like around now i think. I don't see that happenin though.