Looks like the Germans are doing a bit of history. What do you think? Should Adolf continue to be demonized or should he be seen as an emotional human with some goofy ideas.
Is it wise for the Germans to get back into this, or might this kind of media lead to glorification of things past?
Personally, I think this is healthy and I doubt the Germans will go all Nazi and start running around with black SS outfits.
That said, hot German chicks goose stepping in black highboots is kind of kinky.
Springtime for Hitler and Germany.
Deutschland is happy again....
Hitler- I liebe ya, I liebe ya, now won't you liebe me alone!
Is it wise for the Germans to get back into this, or might this kind of media lead to glorification of things past?
Personally, I think this is healthy and I doubt the Germans will go all Nazi and start running around with black SS outfits.
That said, hot German chicks goose stepping in black highboots is kind of kinky.
Springtime for Hitler and Germany.
Deutschland is happy again....
Hitler- I liebe ya, I liebe ya, now won't you liebe me alone!
German history
Taboo downfall
Sep 9th 2004 | BERLIN
From The Economist print edition
A new Hitler movie reopens questions about the past
Disturbed and disturbing
PORTRAYING Hitler on screen has always been a taboo. If the Führer were shown at all, it was for seconds, from behind or far away. Making him the object of a film seemed impossible. No longer. Next week, Germans will have their first close-up movie encounter with Hitler when “The Downfall”, a portrayal of the last days in the bunker, opens. In months to come, they will get a closer look at other Nazi leaders. A documentary, “The Goebbels Experiment”, will profile Hitler's propagandist; other “perpetrator” movies are in the making.
Such films have produced a heated debate. Should one humanise Hitler, showing him crying, kissing Eva Braun or being nice to his dog and secretary? Does it help to know that Goebbels was a very unpopular boy? Might such films suggest that the Germans are starting to forgive Hitler and his gang?
There is no conspiracy among film-makers to shed a softer light on Germany's past. The wave of movies has more to do with a clutch of Nazi-related anniversaries, not least the 60th anniversary of the war's end next May. Such dates naturally mean greater interest in those who started it.
Yet the films, like recent books about Allied bombing or German refugees from east Prussia, do signal a shift in how Germans see the past. As long as memories were fresh and many involved were still alive, it was easier to concentrate on the Nazis' victims. Now, with the events receding and most eye-witnesses dead, the culture of commemoration has come. This means that both the sufferings of ordinary Germans and the stories of the perpetrators attract more interest.
Nor does trying to understand imply any desire to forgive. “The Downfall” and “The Goebbels Experiment” are strictly factual. “The Downfall” is based on the work of Joachim Fest, a historian, and the memoirs of Hitler's last secretary. The Goebbels film uses his own words, taken from his diaries. In both films, the result gives the impression of a disturbed personality. Goebbels shifts between depression and euphoria; he hates everybody, except anyone who shows affection for him. “The Downfall” reveals Hitler's loss of touch with reality. Its only weakness, indeed, is that it does not really explain what made him so attractive to Germans of the time.